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Mod 1 Weather Mrs.B

Weather and Climate

Describe weather hazards of a BLIZZARD Heavy snowfall - Strong winds - Cold temperatures
Effects of hazards from blizzards Damage to property, trees, and power lines by snow and wind. People and animals at risk of getting very cold. Dangerous driving conditions.
Name solutions to reduce impact of hazards from BLIZZARDS Snowplows push snow off the roads so cars can drive on them. People keep emergency supplies, such as flashlights, water, and first aid kits, in case they get snowed in. Cranes remove snow from roofs so the roofs don’t cave in.
Describe weather hazards from a tornado Very strong, twisting winds - Hail
Effects of hazards from a tornado Damage to property, trees, and power lines from wind and hail. People and animals at risk from flying objects.
Name solutions to reduce impact of hazards from a TORNADO Underground cellars are places people can go to stay safe from tornado winds. Warning sirens alert people that a tornado is nearby. Tornado shelter signs let people know where to go to stay safe.
Describe weather hazards from a drought Unusually little or no precipitation over a long time.
Effects of hazards from a drought Less water for plants, animals, and people - Bodies of water can dry up.
Solutions to reduce impact of hazards from a DROUGHT Barrels gather any rain that does fall during a drought. Plants that don’t need a lot of water survive better in a drought. Saving water during a drought helps make sure people have enough water to drink.
Describe Weather Hazards of a severe thunderstorm Heavy rainfall - Strong winds - Lightning - Hail
Effects of hazards from a thunderstorm Damage to property, trees, and power lines from wind, hail, and lightning. Houses and cars can get flooded. People and animals at risk of drowning.
Solutions to reduce impact of hazards from a THUNDERSTORM Sandbags stop floodwater from getting into buildings. Lightning rods keep buildings from being struck by lightning. Nets protect crops from hail.
Describe Weather Hazards: Hurricane Heavy rainfall - Very strong winds - Powerful waves - Storm surge -
Effects of hazards from a hurricane Damage to property, trees, and power lines from wind and waves. People and animals at risk of drowning. People and animals at risk from flying objects.
Solutions to reduce impact of hazards from a HURRICANE Signs let people know where to go to get away from a hurricane. Water sensors tell people when the water level is rising. Seawalls help protect cities from storm surge. Houses on stilts are higher off the ground and don’t flood as easily.
Weather Conditions are: Weather is a description of the conditions in a certain place at a given time. Weather conditions include temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, and amount of precipitation.
Seasons are periods of a year defined by similar _____ _____? Seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall) are periods of a year defined by similar WEATHER CONDITIONS
Climate is ______ Climate is a description of the pattern of typical weather conditions in a location over time. Climate remains mostly stable, or the same, year after year.
What can knowing a location's climate help people do? Knowing a location’s climate can help people predict the types of weather conditions that may occur in that location during different times of year.
Can you describe what a weather hazard is? Different types of severe weather are made up of different weather hazards (e.g., strong winds, heavy rain) that pose a threat to life and property.
Severe weather cannot be prevented. What can people do to reduce the impact of weather hazards? While severe weather cannot be prevented, people can design and implement solutions to reduce the impact of the related weather hazards.
Why do scientists record patterns of the weather across different times and areas? Scientists record patterns of the weather across different times and areas so that they can make predictions about what kind of weather might happen next.
What is forecasting? Forecasting refers to predicting future weather.
What is a hurricane? a hurricane is a type of storm that forms over the ocean
What are weather conditions? Weather conditions: These conditions are components, or parts, of weather that can be measured or described, and these conditions can change hour to hour or day to day.
What are the four categories used to describe weather? Temperature- Wind speed and direction- Cloud cover- Amount of rain or snow-
What is precipitation? Water can fall from clouds not only as rain and snow but also as sleet and hail and that these are collectively referred to as precipitation.
What is a meteorologist? Scientists who become experts at measuring, understanding, and predicting weather conditions are called meteorologists
What are three ways to describe wind? weak, moderate and strong
Look for evidence on a graph and identify and describe weather conditions based on data shown in the graphs, and combine data from each month of a particular season to describe seasonal trends How can we describe the trends in weather on the graph? Weather conditions in seasons can have temperatures which are increasing, stable or decreasing. For example: In fall the temperature got cooler each month.
When describing seasonal trends in precipitation we look for the ___ and ___ amounts of precipitation of a certain month or in a season. MAXIMUM and minimum amount of precipitation For example: Spring had the most precipitation. Summer and fall had about the same amount of precipitation.
Is the climate the same everywhere? We know that climate is not the same everywhere because we investigated the climate of other locations and found out that different locations have different weather conditions at different times of year.
What might happen when the weather becomes severe? Hurricanes can destroy entire cities Severe weather can knock down trees and buildings. Some kinds of severe weather, like tornadoes and hurricanes, have lots of wind and can knock down trees and buildings.
How might severe strong wind cause problems for people? The wind could damage houses and make the power go out. Property can be damaged.
What components make up a hurricane? (How would you describe a hurricane? ) Heavy rainfall, strong winds, and powerful waves are the components of a hurricane.
What is a storm surge? Storm surge is a large wall of water that is pushed above the normal sea level by the wind and that storm surge is often the cause of severe flooding during hurricanes.
What is the difference/similarity of these two scales? Type of Severe Weather: Tornado Name of Scale: Enhanced Fujita tornado scale Type of Severe Weather: Hurricane Name of Scale: Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale Both scales measure how much damage there is from wind. The highest number is the worst for both hurricanes and tornadoes. -EF0-5 Tornadoes and Category 1-5 Hurricanes. The hurricane scale includes information about storm surge, but tornadoes don’t.
Climate zones are: Different regions of the world have different climate zones that are determined by patterns in average monthly temperature and annual precipitation.
Use the descriptions and the graph of a city’s climate data to determine the climate zone. What should you look for? Find out the highest and lowest temperature during the year. Determine which climate zone matches those temperature ranges. Use your graph knowledge. For example: Climate Zone Descriptions
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