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Weather Vocab Study

Vocab study guide

Weather The state of the earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place.
Climate The characteristic weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.
Meteorologist A scientist who studies the weather.
Atmosphere The mixture of gases that surrounds the solid earth.
Troposphere The layer of the atmosphere nearest the earth's surface.
Precipitation Any type of liquid or solid water that falls to the earth's surface (hail, rain, snow, sleet, etc.)
Rain Shadow An area on the downward side of a mountain that gets less precipitation than the side that faces the wind.
Microclimates A climate of a smaller area within a subclimate.
Ozone A gas molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms.
Radiation Energy that travels across distances as a certain type of waves.
Conduction The transfer of heat energy from one substance to another through direct contact.
Convection The transfer of energy from place to place by the motion of heated gas or liquids.
Condensation The process by which gas changes into a liquid.
Greenhouse effect The process by which certain gases in a planets atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation, resulting in an increase in surface temperature.
Greenhouse Gases gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that absorb and give off infrared radiation as part of the greenhouse effect.
Smog the combination of smoke and fog; a type of air pollution that occurs when sunlight causes unburned flames, feums, other gases to react chemically, often seen as a brownish haze.
fossil fuels fuels formed from the remains of prehistoric organisms that are burned for energy.
particulate tiny particles or droplets, such as dust, dirt, and pollen that are mixed with air
air pressure the force of air molecules pushing on an area
altitude the distance above sea level
barometer an instrument that measures air pressure in the atmosphere
wind the horizontal movement of air caused by differences in the air pressure
coriolis effect the influence of earth's rotation on objects that move over earth
el nino a disturbance of wind patterns and ocean currents in the Pacific ocean that causes temporary climate changes in many parts of the world
isobar a line on the weather, ap connecting places that have the same air pressure
global winds winds that travel long distances in steady patterns over several weeks
low pressure system a large and often stormy weather that occurs when air moves around and into a low-pressure center, then moves up to a higher altitude
high pressure system a generally calm and clear weather system that occurs when air sinks down in a high-pressure center spreads out towards areas of lower pressure at is nears the ground.
monsoons a wind that changes with the direction
sleet small pellets of ice that forms when rain passes through the layer of cold air and freezes before hitting the ground.
storm surge a rapid rise in water level in a coastal area that occurs when a hurricane pushes a huge mass of ocean water, often leading to flooding and widespread destruction.
jet streams a wind that flows in the upper troposphere from west to east over vast distances at great speeds.
dew points the temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach saturation
humidity the amount of water vapor in the air
relative humidity the comparison of the amount of water vapor in air with the maximum amount of water vapor that can be present in air at that temperature
cirrus means "curl of hair" cirrus clouds appear feathery or wispy
cumulus means "heap" or "pile" cumulus-type clouds can grow to be very tall.
stratus means "spread out". stratus-type clouds form in flat layers.
air mass a large volume of air that has nearly the same temperature and humidity at different locations at the same altitude
cold front forms when a cold air mass pushes a warm air mass and forces the warm air to rise . As the warm air rises, its moisture condenses and forms tall clouds
warm front forms when a warm air mass pushes a cold air mass. The warm air rises slowly over the cold air and its moisture condenses into flat clouds.
stationary front occurs when two air masses push against each other without moving. A stationary front becomes a warm or cold front when one air mass advances.
tropical storm a low-pressure system that starts in the tropics with winds of at least 65 kilometers per hour (40 mi/h) but less than 120 kilometers per hour (74 mi/h)
hurricane a tropical low-pressure system with sustained winds of 120 kilometers per hour (74 mi/h) or more
tornado a violently rotating column of air stretching from a cloud to the ground.
Created by: lydiadyson7
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