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AP Psychology Unit 2

Motor Cortex coordinates body movements
Somatosensory Cortex coordinates sensory data
Reticular Formation stimuli/arousal
Pons coordinate movement and sleep
Thalamus Info-hub/ sensory control
Cerebellum emotions/judge time/voluntary movement/non-verbal learning
what sense does the thalamus not control smell
Amygdala controls emotion/fear
Hippocampus new memories
Hypothalamus body maintenance
Frontal Lobe judgement, planning, speaking
Parietal lobe sensory input
Occipital Lobe receive visual information
temporal lobe auditory
Broca's Area difficulty forming words/can understand
Werenicke's Area can form words/ difficulty understanding
Axon pass messages from the cell body to other neurons
Corpus Callosum structure between the two hemispheres
Right Motor functions left hemisphere
Left motor functions right hemisphere
Quick literal interpretations of language left hemisphere
Language left hemisphere
Speech left hemisphere
Math left hemisphere
Inferences right hemisphere
Moduate Speech right hemisphere
Self awareness right hemisphere
perceptual tasks right hemisphere
Dendrite receive messages from other cells
Terminal Branch form junctions with other cells
Synaptic Gap space between axon and dendrite of two neurons
Myelin Sheath covers the axon, helps speed neural impulses
glial cells support the neuron/ provide nutrients and myelin
agonist increases a neurotransmitters action
antagonist blocks a neurotransmitters action
neurotransmitters chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gap between neurons
pituitary "Master gland"/controlled by hypothalamus/ growth hormone/ oxytocin(bonding)
adrenal glands epinepherine/norepinepherine (fight or flight)
thyroid thyroxine metabolism-
hormones endocrine system/chemical messengers
afferent sensory neurons- carry messages to the CNS
efferent motor neurons- carry messages from the CNS
PET scan glucose- to see what parts of the brain use the chemical
CAT scan fancy x-ray- useful for finding tumors
MRI uses magnetic fields to knock electrons off of axes
fMRI combines PET and MRI, uses blood flow
EEG recording of the waves of electrical activity in the brain
TMS sends electric currents to certain regions of the brain, used to treat neuropathic pain and major depressive disorder
What happens if the myelin degenerates multiple sclerosis
Parallel Processing same time
Sequential Processing one after another
Dual Track Mind concious/unconcious- processing on two tracks at the same time
Nature vs Nurture heredity vs enviornment
Heritability property of the population not the individual
Epigenetics how environment influences gene expression
Mutations random error in gene replication
Why is the evolutionary approach sometimes criticized sexist- not really reflected in reality
evolutionary approach-sleep protection
recuperation-sleep rid of toxic waste, immune, brain tissue
build memories-sleep consolidates memories, strengthens neural connections
creative thinking-sleep sleeping on a problem=more creative problem solving
growth-sleep Pituitary gland relases growth hormone athletic ability (muscle memory, faster reaction times, more energy, more endurance)
Action Potential Sodium and potassium
all or nothing response you cannot part-fire a neuron
more sensation=? more neurons firing more often
Reuptake unused neurotransmitters reabsorbed into the sending neurotransmitter
Central Nervous System Brain and Spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System connects CNS to limbs and organs, allowing communication
Sympathetic nervous system fight or flight
somatic nervous system skeletal muscle
autonomic nervous system controls glands and muscles
parasympathetic nervous system calms after fight or flight/rest and digest
insulin and digestive enzymes pancreas
Estrogen, testosterone sex hormones/ovaries and testes
Thymus immune response
Pineal gland regulates sleep patterns/melatonin
oxytocin bonding
Lesions removal or destruction of some part of the brain
Plasticity brains ability to change
neurogenesis formation of new neurons
hemispherectomy removing one hemisphere of the brain
Conciousness subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment
Blindsight respond to visual stimulus without conciously experiencing it
alpha waves drop, heart rate slows, hypnagogic hallucinations, 10 min.(sleep) NREM1
sleep spindles (bursts a rapid brain activity, easy to wake up from, 20 min. (sleep) NREM2
Delta waves, hard to awaken, slow wave sleep, 30 min. (sleep) NREM3
rapid brain waves, heart rate increases, hallucinatory dreams, motor cortex blocked, paradoxical sleep, genital arousal (Sleep) REM
sleep debt cumulative lack of sleep
Insomnia inability to fall asleep and stay asleep
Narcolepsy falling asleep at random times
Sleep Apnea stop breathing while you sleep
Night Terrors NREM3, nightmares you can't wake up from
Can you be addicted to a behavior No
Created by: sophiesoup13
Popular Psychology sets




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