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Fundamentals Ch. 14

Cultural & Spiritual Aspects of Patient Care

stereotype set opinions/beliefs about the group that is applied to the individual
spirituality concerns the spiritual/soul & is an element of religion
ethnocentrism tendency of human beings to think that their ways of thinking, believing & doing things are the only way or only right way
egalitarian household that shares equality between man & human
agnostic person who doubts the existance of God because it can't be proven or disproven
bias positive/negative attitude/opinion that is unsupported by evidence
What's another word for bias? prejudice
cultural awareness involves knowledge of a people's history & ancestry & an appreciation for their artistic expressions, foods, & celebrations
cultural competence knowing your self, examining your own values, attitudes, beliefs & prejudices
cultural sensitivity refraining from using offensive language, respecting accepted patterns of communication & refraining from speaking in ways that are disrespectful of a person's cultural beliefs
generalization identifies common trends, patterns & beliefs of a group
matriarchal household that is female dominated
ethnic groups found within a race usually differentiated by geographic, religious, social, or language differences
patriarchal household that is male dominated
atheist person who does not believe in the existance of God
baptized religious sacrament marked by symbolic use of water resulting in admission of the recipient into the community of christians
chi'i univeral life force/energy
circumcision surgical removal of all or part of the foreskin
communion Christian sacament in which the bread of the Eucharist is distributed & consumed
curandero folk healer
dialects regional variations of the language with different pronunciation, grammer, or word meanings
faith a belief that can not be proven or for which no material evidence exists
holistic attention to mental, social, & physical aspects
kosher food prepared acording to Jewish dietary laws during slaughter, processing & packaging
personal space space acceptable between two people when conversing
prejudice bias
race biologic way of categorizing people, basedon physical characteristics such as skin color & texture, facial characteristics, & body proportion
rituals ceremonial acts
shaman medicine man
spiritual distress feelings of guilt & unworthiness if the patient views illness as punishment for wrongdoing or sin
subcultures smaller groups within the culture whose members have similar views & goals in addition to or in place of those of the main culture
What are some subcultures? socioeconomic status, education, occupation, political beliefs, sexual orientation, rural versus suburban area
worldview the way in which the groups people explain life events & view life's mysteries
yang positive, light, warm, masculine
yin negative, dark, cold, feminine
transcultural nursing care that recognizes cultural diversity & is sensitive to the cultural needs of the patient & family
culture values, beliefs, & practices shared by the majority within a group of people
values ideas & perceptions seen as good & useful
beliefs convictions/opinions that one considers to be true
religion formalized system of belief & worship
Created by: drtediaper
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