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Science 9th


Scientific Method The process used to solve a scientific question; steps you use to solve the scientific method
Controlled Experiment An experiment that has one variable that changes
Hypothesis Educated guess
Variable Factors in an experiment
Controlled Variable The many factors in an experiment that stay the same
Independent Variable The one factor in an experiment that I change
Dependent Variable The factor in the experiment that you measure
Experimental Group The group in the experiment that you expect to change
Control group The group in the experiment that you do not expect to change
Conclusion A judgment or decision reached by reasoning
Theory Something that you think is correct but not 100% sure
Law To follow a certain rule
Reliable/Valid Been accepted or tested multiple times
Nonliving Don’t have cells, growth, and they don’t reproduce
Living Change overtime, have cells, reproduce, and soon die
Organelle A special part of a cell that does different jobs to keep a cell alive
Cell The smallest unit of an organism
Tissue Cells that help each other to do a specific function
Organs Dissimilar or different tissues that help each other to do a specific function
System Parts that help each other to do a specific function
Organism A type of living group
Unicellular Has one cell
Multicellular Has many cells
Genetic code/DNA The main part of chromosomes, carries genetic information
Reproduction A creature that makes its own type again and again
Asexual Reproduction Offspring comes from a single cell
Sexual Reproduction Sperm and egg produce from two parents
Stimulus Anything that can start a change
Synthesis To combined, to fuse
Digestion When the body changes food into a simpler form
Excretion When the body removes waste
Nutrition A diet of an animal's growth and development
Transport To move something from one place to another
Circulation The flow or movement of something in the body
Absorption Taken something in, soaking in
Locomotion Moving something from one area to the next
Photosynthesis When plants use the sun to give them food
Cellular Respiration Use oxygen to make smaller parts of food that make energy
Metabolism All the processes that keep you alive like breath
Regulation To change the way you do something
Growth The development of an organism
Homeostasis Balance in your body
Differentiation/Specialization Each cell has their own purpose
Autotroph/Producer Organisms that make food on their own
Heterotroph/Consumer Organisms that eat other organisms
Organic Molecules Are atoms of chains (Open Chain)
Inorganic Molecules Molecules that don’t have atoms (Closed Chain)
HONC Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon
Evolve To make something better overtime
Steps Of The Scientific Method (Order them) Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Collect Data and Analyze, Conclusion
Stain remover/What is the CV for this? Answers may vary/it will work
Stain remover/What is the IV for this? Answers may vary/how much chemical fluid is in the bottle
Stain remover/What is the DV for this? Answers may vary/2 cm of spray can cover half of the shirt
Stain remover/What is the Control Group for this? Answers may vary/spray nothing
Stain remover/What is the Experimental Group for this? Answers may vary/clean
What makes an experiment more accurate? Test it multiple times
Graph are used to Make the observed data more accurate
What happens if an organism fails to maintain homeostatis? If an organism fails homeostasis they can die
Why do scientists publish their own experiments? This is so others can test to see if the results are true
Hierarchy Of Life The traits that communities and populations have. Organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere
Unicellular and Multicellular Use one cell to function while the other uses many to function
Study Of Living Things Biology
Created by: jschwartzman
Popular Science sets




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