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CH 38 MIV-1

Ch 38 digestive: Disorders affecting digestion 2

Dumping syndrome: when are you at risk operations of stomach/gastrectomy/bypass/rapid feeding
Dumping syndrome: stage 1 abdominal distention/fullness/nausea w/in 10-20 mins. Feels faint & flushed, heart rate races, sweats
Dumping syndrome: Stage 2 20-60 mins = bloating, flatulence/gas,cramps, diarrhea
Dumping syndrome: Stage 3 think hypoglcemia 1-3 hours = sweat, weakness, anxious, shaky, hungry
Dumping syndrome: what type of diets should be? Low carbohydrates, low sugar, moderate fat, moderate to high proteins
early signs and symptoms of stomach cancer none
later signs and symptoms of stomach cancer: liver enlargment, ascites, vomiting, abdominal mass
cause of stomach cancer unknown
stomach cancer risk factors: H. pylori infection, pernicious anemia, chronic atrophic gastritis,lack of HCl, family Hx
diagnosis of stomach cancer gastroscopy, UGI,CAT scan, MRI,PET Scan, endoscopic ultrasound
diet considerations for stomach cancer eat well = high fiber, vitamins, minerals whole-grain, 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables; maintain weight and activity
how many servings of fruits and vegetables is suggested 5 to 9
exercise should be how many minutes, how many times days 30 minutes for five or more days each week
normal weight is how many kg/m2 18.5 to 24.9
overweight 25 to 29.9
obese 30 to 39.9
severely obese 40 or more
formula for calculating obesity weight in kilograms/height in meters squared
the basic cause of obesity is caloric intake exceeds metabolic demands
Obesity story energy converted to fat cells, fats expand, divide to form new fat cells. Do not decrease in number when a person loses weight. Only decrease in size
primary treatment for obesity weight reduction and exercise
calorie allowance may be as low as 800 calories a day
two types of bariatric surgery restrictive, malabsorptive
a surgery that reduces the size of the stomach restrictive
surgery that bypasses the stomach malabsorptive
RNYGBP decreases stomach size by creating a ____ connected to ____ pouch, jejunum
VBG ____ stomach leave a small pouch into what part of the stomach staples; lower part
what is a risk for RNYGBP dumping syndrome cuz food passes to fast in jejunum
Bypass surgery complication metabolic and nutritional complications
VBG complication vomiting if solids are consumed fast, distention of pouch, rupture of staples
position a patient that is obese to auscultate heart sounds left side lying
name three interventions to prevent cardiopulmonary complications leg exercises, TC&DB, position changes
reason for early ambulation for obese patients after surgery risk for DVT and pulmonary embolism
What other treatment is given to obese pts. after surgery to prevent DVT/emboli/thrombi LMWH
what powder should you avoid cornstarch, talcum powder
obese pt who underwent surgery can be fed only after what is done? image studies to see no leaks
how many liquids can the pouch hold initially 15-30 ml
What is a common problem of bariatric surgery dumping syndrome
type of malabsorption w/ severe changes in intestinal mucosa and inability to absorb most nutrients ciliac
malabsorption caused by ___ agent and unable to absorb what 3 things? tropical sprue: infections; vitamin B 12, folic acid, fats
common and sign of malabsorption steotorrhea
steotorrhea excessive fat in stool
Rx for Celiac sprue avoid gluten: rye, oat, barley, wheat; corticosteriods
Rx for tropical sprue B12 injections, oral folate, antibiotics
people who frequently ignore the urge to defecate may become: chronically constipated
frequent use of laxatives and enemas are good treatments for constipation: T or F False, it causes chronic constipation
chronic constipation contributes to the development of what other conditions? Hemorrhoids, fecal impaction
an enema or suppository takes many hours to work? Laxatives? w/in an hour; 8-10 hrs
a condition in which the large intestines loses the ability to contract and propel fecal mass Megacolon treated by enemas
the retention of large stool in the rectum fecal impaction
what symptom is seen in fecal impaction? What misunderstanding is made? leaking stool; dx as diarrhea
suspect impaction if patient has not had a bowel movement for several days and has repeated episodes of mild diarrhea
to remove fecal impaction what may be administered to soften stool: name 2 mineral oil followed by soapsuds enema
S/Sx of intestinal structure projectile vomit is possible; abdominal pain, constipation
Intestinal obstruction: give the order of what if vomited gastric contents first, bile is next, fecal matters last
untreated obstruction of intestines can result in: death, shock, gangrene, perforation
Dx of intestinal obstruction: confirmed by radiograph
initial treatment of intestinal obstuction GI decomp
if nasoenteral suction is ordered; what is the main nursing intervention? monitor output to ensure free drainage at all times
initial symptom of appendicitis is usually pain in the___region or the___. Then shifts to the___lower quadrant epigastrium; umbilicus; right
the classic symptom of appendicitis is pain at? McBurneys point = midway between umbilicus and iliac
appendicitis: because of pain the patient may assume what kind of position flexion
S/Sx of peritonitis absent bowel sounds, severe distention, increased pulse, rebound tenderness
Dx of appendicitis is classic sign of WBC being what counts 10,000 to 15,000
laxatives and heat applications are good nursing interventions for undaignosed abdominal pain: T or F false
Heat and laxatives can cause appendix to___ if inflamed: rupture
Dx for non ruptured appendicitis is suspected cold packs, NPO
Dx for ruptured appendicitis delay surgery 6-8 hrs, IV, antibiotics
Surgery of appendix is done ___ when it is confirmed immediately
appendicitis pre-op: what position is best semi fowler, sideliying w/ hips flexxed
appendicitis pre-op: are analgesics given right away not until physician determines dx
why do you w/d pain meds when diagnosing appendicitis? pain pattern is need to dx; explain this to pt.
appendicitis pre-op: If rupture occurs Elevate HOB to localize infection
appendicitis post-op: what is given? IV fluids, antibiotics, GI decomp
appendicitis post: Ambulation? early ambulation is ordered
appendicitis post: normal activities can be done when? when are you discharged? 2-3wks; few days
peritonitis: what is done to obtain specimen for culture paracentisis
Rx of peritonitis: antibiotics, IV, NG decomp, analgesics
buldging in portion of intestines hernia
Herniorrhaphy repair of hernia by suturing
Hernioplasty enforces sutures
If surgery of hernia is contraindicated, what is given? truss
abdominal hernia: what S/sx suggest stragulation nausea,pain, distention, fever, tachycardia
what are two common side effects after hernia surgery urinary retention and scrotal swelling
inflammatory bowel disease refers to what two types of conditions colitis and Crohns
ulcerative colitis inflammation begins where to where? and Crohns begins where? rectum to cecum; anywhere but usual site is terminal ileum
Ulcerative colitis S/Sx: if in the rectum constipation
Ulcerative colitis S/Sx: overall diarrhea, BLOODY STOOL; severe case is fever and weight loss
Crohn's S/Sx: stomach and duodenum epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting
Crohn's S/Sx: small intestines pain, abd tenderness, cramping
Crohn's S/Sx: colon abd pain, cramping, RECTAL BLEEDING, diarrhea
Crohn's S/Sx: systemic signs fever, malaise, night sweats, joint pain
Dx confirmation of IBD barium enema/colonoscopy w/ biospy, video capsule
antidiarrheals are not given for? severe ulcerative colitis
which condition is unaffected by antibiotics: Crohn's or colitis colitis
Ulcerative colitis is maintained by what med aminosalicylats
Crohn's is treated w/ azathioprine or 6-MP
surgery for Ulcerative? colectomy w/ an ileostomy
surgery for Crohn's recurrence is often so surgery is not always done. But they can remove affected area
Postop wise, Crohn's reappears where? site of anastomosis
IBD foods not allowed caffiene, alcohol, pepper, raw fruits and vegs
what antibiotic is often prescribed w/ colitis (i know it's a contradiction) sulfasalazine: treat acute attacks and prevent future attacks: dosage reduced after acute
cause of IBD unknown
why should pts on sulfasalazine need adequate fluids causes crystals that damage kidneys
normal urine output 1500 mL/day
pts. on steroids are monitored for? why? s/sx of infection. Brings inflammation down but suppresses immune system too
small sac like pouches in the intestinal wall diverticulitis
diverticulitis is usually found where? Week areas, mostly sigmoid colon
S/Sx of diverticulitis none to changes in bowels, periodic constipation and diarrhea, rectal bleeding, Pain in lower left abdomen
Main complications of diverticulitis severe bleeding, abnormal opening/fistula between colon and bladder or vagina
Dx of diverticulitis occult blood, barium enema
if thre is an acute inflammation of diverticulitis? delay Dx testing because they are invasive
diverticulitis: what type of diet high residue no spicy
diverticulitis:why can't you give morphine causes constipation
diverticulitis: decrease spasms in colon anticholinergics
diverticulitis:constipation stool softners and bulk-forming laxatives
diverticulitis:during period of acute inflammation bed rest/NPO, IV fluids, GI decompress
diverticulitis: if surgery is needed affected colon is removed, temp colostomy to rest colon while incision heals
diverticulitis: post alert for? perforation
cancer of the large intestines colorectal cancer
colorectal cancer: 3rd most common cancer in women
colorectal cancer: early sign right side cramping, unexplained anemia, weakness
colorectal cancer: left side S/Sx blood in stool, narrow pencil like stool
colorectal cancer: why is there pencil like stool on the left side pressure on bowel from growing tumor in rectum
colorectal cancer surgery: above rectum remove diseased portion and then anastomosed
colorectal cancer surgery: rectal involves two incisions perineum and abdominal
colorectal cancer surgery: rectal removal of rectum and put colostomy (perm)
colorectal cancer: early stage is treated w/ radiation and surgery
colorectal cancer surgery: how many incisions of rectal surgery? describe what is used for Perineum close, partly close, open 3; closed = jackson pratt, partial = penrose, open = packed
colorectal cancer surgery: what is best postion right after surgery side lying
complications of polyps obstruction, hemorrhage
dilated veins in the rectum hemorrhoids
hemorrhoids above the sphincter muscles of the anus internal hemorrhoids
hemorrhoids below sphincter anus muscle external hemorrhoids
hemorrhoids containing clotted blood are said to be thrombosed
key risk factor of hemorrhoids increased pressure in the rectal blood vessels
pressures increased by constipation, pregnancy, prolonged sitting and standing
hemorrhoids: what soothes anus after BM witch hazel compress
Treatment for thrombosed hemorrhoids ice packs follow by warm packs
Out pt procedure for hemorrhoids litigation, sclerotherapy, thermocoagulation and electrocoagulation, laser surgery
tying offered rubber bands litigation
injection if an agent into the tissue around the hemorrhoids sclerotherapy
use of different types of devices to remove hemorrhoids thermo and electro
effective but more expensive and risky hemorrhoid surgery laser surgery
hemorrhoid surgery that may have temporary results sclerotherapy
hemorrhoidectomy removal of hemorrhoids (excision)
hemorrhoidectomy: wounds are kept open or closed? both
hemorrhoidectomy: is important to assess and record what? what can be ordered stools; stool softner; pain meds before BM
hemorrhoids: if you have fever or bleeding notify physician
Created by: Jgar2007
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