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Week 3 Chapter 5

This organelle has both a cis and a trans face Golgi apparatus
Which of the following statements about integral proteins in the plasma membrane is false? They are more abundant by volume than the membrane phospholipids
Cisternae of this organelle are continuous with the nuclear envelope. rough endoplasmic reticulum
The inside of the cell is composed largely of a gel-like substance called cytoplasm
Often referred to as the “power plant” of the cell, which organelle is the site of ATP production? mitochondrion
In the matrix of the plasma membrane, a variety of proteins are embedded. Some of these proteins serve as passageway for Na+ ions or glucose. These proteins are called transport proteins
A major function of the cell membrane is to control what enters and leaves the cell
This membranous organelle is the site of protein synthesis for proteins that are secreted by the cell. rough endoplasmic reticulum
This organelle is characterized by folded membranes called cristae. mitochondria
This organelle is primarily a sac of powerful digestive enzymes called acid hydrolases. lysosome
Ribosomes may be either free within the cytoplasm or bound to a membrane system known as the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the following cytoskeleton elements are the largest in diameter? microtubules
Of the following, the only organelle that has a double membrane structure is the mitochondrion
The outer boundary of a human cell is called the plasma membrane
The plasma membrane is composed of all of the following except tubulin protein
Which of the following is a type of cell extension that lines the intestines and other areas of the body? microvilli
Ribosomes are organelles that Ribosomes are organelles that
This membranous organelle contains oxidase and catalase enzymes. peroxisome
Which type of junction is formed when membrane channels of adjacent plasma membranes adhere to each other? gap junction
This organelle primarily modifies products from the rough ER, and it resembles a stack of hollow saucers, one cupped inside the next. Golgi apparatus
A spherical membrane-bound structure that contains the genetic material of the cell and is often referred to as the “command center” of the cell is the nucleus
Which area of the cytoplasm near the nucleus coordinates the building and breaking of microtubules in the cell? centrosome
Which of the following is not a cytoskeleton element? centriole
Phospholipids of the plasma membrane are arranged as a bilayer with their nonpolar tails sandwiched between the polar heads.
This organelle is numerous in liver and kidney cells peroxisome
In the cell membrane, the hydrophilic part of the phospholipid molecule: faces the exterior of the cell/ faces the interior of the cell
Which are the organelles that allow for the recycling of amino acids in the cell? Proteasomes
The membranous structure containing substances that protect the cell from harm are: ribosomes/peroxisomes
The cell extension that contains microfilaments is called: microvilli
Which of the following organelles is considered a nonmembranous organelle? Ribosome
Granules or threads within the nucleus are called: chromatin
Which cell fiber serves as part of our “cellular muscles?” Microfilament
The largest human cell, measuring about 150 μm, is a: female sex cell or ovum.
A specialized cell structure that propels the sperm is the: flagellum
Rafts are stiff groupings of membrane molecules. What is their function? Help organize the various components of the plasma membrane, Play an important role in the pinching of a parent cell into two daughter cells , Sometimes allow the cell to form depressions that form a means of carrying substances into the cell
The barrier function of the plasma membrane is accomplished by the: phospholipid bilayer.
The presence of which substance in the cell membrane keeps it from breaking too easily? Cholesterol
The fundamental organizational unit of life is the: cell
Projections from the cell that move materials and mucus are called: cilia
Which of the following is not a function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Provides a site for ribosome attachment
Which organelles consist of vesicles that have pinched off from the Golgi apparatus? Lysosomes
Tiny indentations of the plasma membrane that resemble caves are called: caveolae
The cell extension that assists epithelial cells in absorption is called: microvilli
The structure in cells that is associated with the enzymatic breakdown (digestion) of foreign material is the: lysosome.
DNA is a major constituent of which cell organelle? Nucleus
The inner membrane of what double-membrane structure is contorted into folds called cristae? Mitochondrion
The ____ is often called the microtubule organizing center. centrosome
The enzyme catalase is an important chemical in the functioning of the: peroxisomes
ATP production occurs within which organelle? Mitochondrion
Which organelle processes and packages material to be secreted? Golgi apparatus
Main cell structures include all of the following except: interstitial fluid
Damage to the centrosome and centrioles in a cell would have the greatest impact on which cell function? Cell division
The structure that separates the contents of a cell from the surrounding tissue is known as: plasma membrane
The nucleolus is composed chiefly of: rRNA
Skin cells (epithelial) are held tightly together by: desmosomes
Which of the following is not true about ribosomes? Surrounded by a membrane structure
The identification function of the cell membrane is carried out by the: glycoprotein molecules.
Which of the following does not describe a structure or function of the proteasome? Breaking down abnormal and misfolded proteins released from the ER , Looks like a hollow cylindrical drum made of protein subunits , Requires the small protein called ubiquitin to pull proteins in
Which of the following is not true of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? It makes lipids and carbohydrates.
Which of the following is not a function of the integral membrane proteins? Acting as receptors , Signal transduction , Identification of “self”
Created by: ashleysummers
Popular Science sets




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