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Intro To Earth Sc


Longitude lines measure east and west of the prime meridian
Earths tilt affects what? the seasons
Hygrometer tool used to measure humidity
Thermometer tool used to measure temperature
Barometer tool used to measure air pressure
What is mass measured in? grams milligrams kilograms
What is the same everywhere in the universe and is not affected by gravity Mass
Triple Beam Balance tool used to measure Mass
What is liquid volume measured in liters milililiters kiloliters
What is the volume of solids measured in cubic cenimeters cm³
how do we calculate the volume of a solid multiply length width and height
Graduated cylinder a tool used to measure liquid volume
density is the measure of how tightly packed and how heavy the molecules are in an object amount of matter within a volume
how do i find density mass/volume (heart)
how do i find mass density * volume
how do i find volume m/d
what is the density of water 1
What is wind? The movement of air from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure
What is wind influenced by? rock/land and ocean areas uneven heating changing pressures
What is the coriolis effect? something that makes wind patterns bend as they move across earth
Equatorial Drum is where? along the equator
What is a equatorial drum low pressure warm air with little to no wind
what is the latitude of trade winds? 0-30
what is a trade wind? strong and steady wind that blows North East to South West
what wind did explores use to get from Europe to the Americas and THAT PLANES USE TODAY Trade winds
what is the latitude of prevailing westerlies? 30-60
what is the prevailing westerlies? air that moves TOWARD POLAR REGIONS that vary in speed and direction but blows SOUTH WEST TO NORTH EAST
what wind brings stormy weather across us? prevailing winds
what is the latitude of polar easterlies? 60-90
what is the polar easterlies? cold weak winds that blow NORTH EAST TO SOUTH WEST
What are jet streams? narrow belts of strong wind that blows NEAR THE TOP OF THE TROPOSPHERE
where do jet streams form? at the boundary of cold, polar air and warm moist air
when is sea breeze created? during the DAY
convention currents over areas where land meets sea cause land
when is land breeze created? during the NIGHT
what effects climate and major weather patterns for the entire planet? global winds
what is affected by smaller wind systems? local weather
local weather is affected by what? land/sea breezes and low/high pressure systems
where does longitude lines measure? east to west prime median
where does latitude lines measure? north to south equator
what is north of the equator and is a major tropic ? tropic of cancer
what is south of the equator and is a major tropic ? tropic of Capricorn
what is 66 degress north? arctic circle
what is 66 degress south ? antarctic circle
what is the hottest zone of earth? tropic zone
why is the tropic zone the hottest ? it has the equator
what is the coldest zone on earth? polar zone
is the polar zone on the north and south? YES because of the poles on the north and south
what is the earths atmosphere? a think blanket of air that surrounds the earth
how many properties does air have? Air has 3 properties (WiSP)
What is the 3 properties of air? ìt has weight it takes up space it exerts pressure
Warm air is _______than cold air less dense
Cold air is __________ than warm air denser
does warm air rise or sink? rise
does cold air rise or sink? sink
what air can hold more humidity? warm air
warm air produces what? low pressure areas
cold air produces what? high pressure areas
why does air press down because the force of gravity is pulling it downward from this air pressure can be measured
what is air pressure the force exerted into air on a given area at a given time
Changes in air pressure? air pressure changes as you go higher
what are the 4 factors that contribute to changes in air pressure ? temperature, humidity, altitude,density
how does temperature change air pressure? when air is warmed the particles spread out and this decreases air pressure and when air is cooled particles compact causing air pressure to increase
how does humidity change air pressure? when humidity INCREASES it causes air pressure to DECREASE
how does altitude change air pressure? air pressure DECREASES as you go higher
how does density change air pressure? air pressure increases the more you squeeze it into a tight space
what are the 4 types of air masses over north america? continental polar, continental tropical, maritime polar,maritime tropical
Continental Polar very cold and dry (overland)
Continental Tropical hot and dry (overland)
Maritime Polar cold and humid (over ocean)
Maritime Tropical warm and humid (over ocean)
Virginia is sub tropical with some from maritime and continental
what happens when 2 air masses meet they dont mix and form a front
what are the areas where most weather happens fronts
what is a stationary front a front that dosent move very much or stays in the same place and can stay in the same spot for several days
Anemometer this tool measures wind speed
rain gauge this tool measures precipitation
wind vane measures wind direction
how do you see warm fronts on a weather map? shown with red half circles
how do you see cold fronts on a weather map? shown with blue triangles
what do the circles and triangles do? point in the direction the fronts are moving in
cold front warm air moves up quickly to the top creating lots over heavily precipitated clouds
warm front goes to the side along the cold dosent make lots of clouds like cold front
high pressure system cold and dry air
what does high pressure systems bring brings dry, clear, fair weather
low pressure system warm and humid air
what does low pressure systems bring brings warm and stormy weather
what causes severe storms intense low pressure systems
when does thunderstorms occur when moist warm air rises quickly
what clouds mean thunderstorms cumulonimbus
what creates thunder sudden heating and expansion of air from lightening causing air to collapse back on itself
mid latitude cyclones moves from west to east in us aka nor Easters jet stream determines exact path
what creates mid latitude cyclones storms are created by warm air rising and creating low pressures underneath
where do hurricanes from over tropical oceans
when don hurricanes lose strength when passing over cooler water or land
how is a tornadoes strength measured with the fujita scale
how is hurricane intensity measured with the saffir simpson scale
what causes tornado alley from dry cold air moving south from Canada and warm moist air moving north from gulf
Created by: zariniles
Popular Earth Science sets




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