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A&P Chap 1,2,5,8,9

Anatomy and physiolo

Hypothesis idea or principle to be tested
Experiment series of tests of a hypothesis
Theory a hypothesis that has been proved by experiments
Law a theory that has an unusually high level of confidence
Anatomy branch of biology : science of the structure of an organism and the relationship of its parts
Physiology branch of biology: science of the functions of organisms
Gross Anatomy anatomy that can be seen with the naked eye
Microscopic Anatomy need a microscope to see
Cytology study of cells
Histology study of tissues
Anatomical Position reference position, erect, hands at sides, palms forward, head and feet forward
Bilateral Symmetry same on both sides, allows balanced proportions
Ipsilateral same side of body
Contralateral opposite side of body
Cranial Cavity skull: brain
Spinal Cavity spine : spinal cord
Thoracic Cavity r/l pleural cavities, mediastinum
Pleural Cavities lungs
Mediastinum heart, trachea, esophagus, r/l bronchi
Diaphragm muscle that separates thoracic and abdominal cavity
Abdominal Cavity liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, ureters, pancreas, stomach, intestines
Abdominopelvic Cavity abdominal and pelvic cavities
Pelvic Cavity urinary bladder, certain reproductive organs, part of the large intestine
Dorsal Body Cavity cranial and spinal cavity
Ventral Body Cavity thoracic and abdominal pelvic
Axial Subdivision head, neck, torso and trunk
Appendicular Subdivision upper and lower extremities
Right Hypochondriac Region top right: liver, gallbladder
Epigastric Region top middle: esophagus, stomach, liver
Left Hypochondriac Region left top: stomach, top of the left lobe of the liver, left kidney, spleen, tail of the pancreas
Right Lumbar Region right middle row: gallbladder, right kidney
Umbilical Region middle middle row: stomach, pancreas, small intestine
Left Lumbar Region left middle row: portion of small intestine, part of the descending colon, tip of the left kidney
Right Iliac Region right bottom row: appendix, cecum, ascending colon, right ovary, and right fallopian in females
Hypogastric Region middle bottom row: rectum, urinary bladder, uterus, r/l ovaries and the fallopian tubes, vas deferens, seminal vesicle and prostate
Left Iliac Region left bottom: descending colon, sigmoid colon, left ovary and left fallopian tube
Right Upper Quadrant right lobe of liver, gallbladder, head of pancreas, right kidney
Left Upper Quadrant left lobe of liver, spleen, stomach, left kidney
Right Lower Quadrant majority of ilium, cecum, right ureter
Left Lower Quadrant distal descending colon, sigmoid colon, left ureter
Superior towards head, upper, above
Inferior towards the feet, lower, below
Anterior ventral, toward the belly, front
Posterior dorsal, toward the back, back
Distal away from the body, farthest from the trunk or point of origin
Superficial nearer the surface
Deep farther from the body surface
Saggital divides body into right and left sides
Frontal/ Coronal divides body into anterior and posterior
Transverse divides body upper and lower
Longitudinal cut long axis of an organ
Oblique diagonal cut
Lumen hollow area of organs: stomach, blood vessels, intestines, lungs, urinary organs
Central brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nerves of the muscles, skin, and other organs
Medullary / Medulla core of the organ
Cortical / Cortex outer region of the organ
Basal / Base base or widest part
Apical / Apex narrow tip of organ
Homeostasis relatively constant states maintained by the body: temp regulation, carbon dioxide in blood, blood glucose
Feedback Control Loops devices for maintain and restoring homeostasis
Components of Control Mechanisms sensor, integrating or control center, effector mechanism, feedback
Stimulus change in variable that elicits a reaction in a feedback loop
Response reaction
Negative Feedback Control Systems inhibitory, opposite, more common, maintains homeostasis: temp, blood sugar, blood pressure, production of red blood cells
Positive Feedback Control Systems stimulatory, amplify, disrupts homeostasis: birth, sneeze, blood clotting
Life Cycle: Life Span homeostatic mechanisms: not efficient at infancy, more efficient as adult, decline as elderly: temp reg example
Cell base of life
Typical / Composite Cell varies in size, microscopic, vary in function, location, structure
Plasma Membrane separates cell from environment
Nucleus large membranous structure near center
Cytoplasm thick gel like substance, essential material of human life: includes organelles: watery fluid cytosol : two major groups membranous and non
Plasma Membrane outer boundary of a cell
Membranous Organelles sacs and canals made of the same material as the plasma membrane
Non-membranous Organelles no membrane
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ribosomes are here: ribosomes synthesize proteins
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum removes and stores calcium ions
Structure of nucleus enclosed by nuclear envelope with holes called nuclear pores. contains dna
Mitochondria powerhouse of cell, has dna molecule
Cytoskeleton provides support for shape, move cell or parts, detects changes
Cell Fibers support the er, mitochondria
Microfilaments cellular muscle, slide past each other cause shortening
Intermediate Filaments twitsted protein strands form much of the framework of many types of cell
Microtubules move things around inside of cell thickest of cell fibers
Microvilli found in intestines increase surface area for absorption
Cilia cilia shorter than flagella , all cilia have sensory functions
Flagella sperm cells tail like mvmts propel
Tissue group of similar cells that perform a common function, thought of as fabric of body
Matrix nonliving intercellular material
Types of Tissue epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Primary Germ Layers endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) nonliving fluid material between cells in a tissue: water, proteins, collagen and elastin, glycoproteins : holds tissue in single mass or groups
Collagen strong flexible protein fiber
Elastin elastic fibers
Glycoproteins few carb attachments
Proteoglycans hybrid molecules in ecm mostly carbs attached to a protein backbone: ex: Chondrotin sulfate and heparin
Phagocytic Cells remove dead cells or injured cells for wound healing
Keloid thick scar from lower layer of skin
Body Membranes cover, protect line, anchor lubricate surfaces and organs , 2 types : epithelial and connective
Cutaneous Membrane / Skin organ of integumentary system
Epithelial Tissue Membrane contains sweat & oil glands
Serous Membrane 2 tissue layers: epithelial & connective
Pleura surrounds lungs
Peritoneum covers abdominal viscera and lines abd. cavity
Pericardium surrounds heart
Mucous Membranes epithelial membranes line surfaces that open to exterior: mucous traps contaminates
Neoplasm abnormal cell growth can be malignant or benign
Epithelial Tissue (tumors are carcinomas0: two types membranous and glandular : funct. : protection, sensory, secretion, absorption, excretion: avascular
Classifications of Epithelial Tissue: cell shape Squamous-flat, cuboidal- cube, columnar-column, pseudostratified columnar- one layer odd shaped
Connective Tissue (tumors are sarcomas): connects, supports, transports, and protects, ecm predominates
Four Types of Connective Tissue loose fibrous(areolar), adipose (fat), reticular, dense(irregular & regular - collangenous and elastic_
Fibrous Connective Tissue loose fibrous(areolar) function: stretch, flexible connection
Adipose Tissue mostly fat, food energy reserve, support protection, insulation white fat, heat generation brown fat, produces hormone leptin
Reticular Tissue framework for spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow. func: defense against microrgs and other substances that can cause injury
Dense Fibrous Tissue matrix consists of densely packed fibers. irregular fibers intertwine irreg. to form thick mat. regular bundles arranged in parallel rows
Bone ( Osseous) Tissue hard and strong connective tissue 65% of total bone tissue
Osteocytes mature cells of bone which are imbedded in a calcified matrix
Functions of Bone Tissue support, protection, point of attachment for muscles, reservoir for minerals, support blood forming tissue
Osteon compact bone tissue: osteon haversian system structural unity of bone, mature inactive bone cells
Osteoblasts active bone forming cells
Osteoclasts bone destroying cells
Compact Bone Tissue 3 types: osteon, osteoblasts, osteoclasts
Cancellous (Spongy) Bone Tissue found in ends of long bones, pelvis, ribs, vertebrae, and skull, highly vascular, produces red blood cells, supports bone marrow
Trabeculae in cancellous bone : thin beams, supports red bone marrow
Cartilage Tissue chondrocytes are only cell type present, avascular
Chondrocytes produce fibers and ground substance of cartilage
Avascular without blood vessels
Perchondrium membrane that surrounds cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage Tissue shiny, translucent at ends of articulating bones
Fibrocartilage strongest, most durable. shock absorbing in bones at knee menisci, found also in intervertebral disks
Elastic Cartilage Tissue external ear, voice box (larynx)
Blood Tissue liquid tissue
Plasma liquid of blood is the matrix, 55% of total blood volume
Erythrocytes red blood cells
Leukocytes white blood cells
Thrombocytes platelets
Functions of Blood transportation of gases, nutrients, waste products. regulation of body temp... regulation of ph.. white cells destroy bacteria.
Types of Muscle Tissue 3 types : skeletal, smooth, cardiac
Skeletal Muscle Tissue striated, voluntary, attached to bones by tendons
Smooth Muscle Tissue nonstriated, involuntary, or visceral walls of hollow organs
Cardiac Muscle Tissue striated involuntary, heart
Nervous Tissue excitability, conductivity, organs, brain, spinal cord, nerves
Neuron conducting unit, cell body or soma, axon: single process transmits nerve impulse away from cell body. dendrite one or more: transmits nerve impulse toward the body and axon
Neurolglia connecting , supporting, and coordinating cells that surround neurons
Chromatin threads or granules in non-dividing cells in nucleus
Chromosones early stages of cell division in nucleus
Created by: MSRoute6
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