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science vocab

prepare for post vocab test

Adjacent Having a common endpoint or border;next to
approach to move or become near or nearer to something or someone
assert to state something in a strong and define way
chapter one of the main sections of book
complicated complex,intricate
comprehend to grasp or understand the nature, significance,or meaning of something
consist to be composed or made up
consult to talk about something with someone in order to make a decision
contribute to give something, such as money, goods, or time to help a person, group, cause, or organizathion
Criterion/criteria Something that is used as a reason for making judgement or decision.
Define To explain the meaning of a word, phrasse, ect
derive to have something as a source; to come from something
devote to commit by a solemn act
distort to change the natural, normal, or original shape,appearance, or sound of something in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing
empirical originating in or based on observation or experience
environment conditions that surround someone or something that influence or affect the growth, health, progress, etc, of someone or something
establish to cause someone or something to be widely known and accecpted
expend to increase in size, range, or amount; to become bigger
feasible possible to do
formulate to put into a systematized statement or expression
guarantee to make a promise that whatever you are selling, doing, etc., is what you say it is
ignore to refuse to show that you hear or see something or someone
implicit understood even though its not clearly stated
individual of, relating to, or existing as just one member of part of a larger group
intense having or showing a characteristic in extreme degree
involve to have or include someone or something as a part of something
magnitude the size , extent, or importance of something
mathematics the science and relationships between numbers, quantities, and shapes
modify to change some parts of something while not changing other parts
obtain to gain attain usually by planned action or effort
passive acted upon by an external agency; receptive
pertinent relating to the thing that is being thought about or discussed
portion a part something that is shared with other people
Created by: Abraham:)
Popular Science sets




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