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science vocab
prepare for post vocab test
Question | Answer |
Adjacent | having a common endpoint or border; next to |
Approach | to move or become near or nearer to something or someone |
Assert | to state something in a strong and definite way |
Assume | to think that something is true or probably true without knowing for sure that it is true |
Chapter | one of the main sections of a book |
Complicated | complex,intricate |
Comprehend | to grasp or understand the nature, significance,or meaning of something |
Concept | an idea of what something is and how it works |
Consist | to be composed or made up of |
Consult | to talk about something with someone in order to make a decision |
Contribute | to give something, such as money,goods, or time to help a person, group, cause or organization. |
Criteria | something that is used as a reason for making a judgment or decision |
Define | to explain the meaning of a word, phrase, etc |
Derive | to have something as a source; to come from something |
Devote | to commit by a solemn act |
Distort | to change the natural, normal ,or original shape, appearance, or sound of something in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing |
Empirical | originating in or based on observation or experience |
Environment | conditions that surround someone or something that influence or affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something |
Establish | to cause someone or something to be widely known and accepted |
Expand | to increase in size, range, or amount; to become bigger |