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Science Vocabulary
Study science vocabulary packet.
Term | Definition |
adjacent | having a common endpoint or border; next to |
approach | to move or become near or nearer to something or someone |
assert | to state something in a strong and definite way |
assume | to think that something is true or probably true without knowing for sure that it's true |
chapter | one of the main sections of a book |
complicated | complex, intricate |
comprehend | to grasp or understand the nature, significance, or meaning of something |
concept | an idea of what something is or how it works |
consist | to be composed or made up of |
consult | to talk about something with someone in order to make a decision |
contribute | to give something such as money, goods, or time to help a person, group, cause, or organization |
criterion/criteria | something that is used as a reason for making a judgement or decision |
define | to explain the meaning of a word, phrase, etc |
derive | to have something as a source; to come from something |
devote | to commit by a solemn act |
distort | to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of something in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing |
empirical | originating in or based on observation or experience |
environment | conditions that surround someone or something that influence or affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something |
establish | to cause someone or something to be widely known and accepted |
expand | to increase in size, range, or amount; to become bigger |
feasible | possible to do |
formulate | to put in a systematized statement or expression |
guarantee | to promise that whatever you are selling, doing, etc., is what you say it is |
ignore | to refuse to show that you hear or see something or someone |
implicit | understood even though it's not clearly stated |
individual | of, relating to, or existing as just one member or part of a larger group |
intense | having or showing a characteristic in extreme degree |
involve | to have or include someone or something as a part of something |
magnitude | the size, extent, or importance of something |
mathematics | the science and relationships between numbers quantities, and shapes |
modify | to change some parts of something while not changing other parts |
obtain | to gain or attain usually by planned action or effort |
passive | acted upon by external agency; receptive to outside impressions or influences |
pertinent | relating to the thing being that is being thought about or discussed |
portion | a part of something that is shared with other people |
precede | to be, go, or come ahead or in front of |
prime | the earliest stage; the chief or best individual or part |
publish | to produce or release for distribution |
range | a series of numbers including the highest and lowest possible amounts |
respective | belonging or relating to each one of the people or things that have been mentioned |
role | a part that someone or something has in a particular activity or situation |
select | chosen from a group to include the best people or things |
shift | to move or to cause something or someone to move to a different place, position, etc. |
simultaneous | happening, existing or occurring at the same time; exact coincidence |
specify | to name or state explicitly in detail |
status | the position or rank of someone or something when compared to others in a society, organization, group, etc. |