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Chapters 54, 41, & 5

Nervous System Terms

Peripheral Nervous System cranial nerves, spinal nerves & autonomic nervous system
paraplegia paralysis of lower extremities
affect outward expression of mood
agnosia inability to recognize by sight/sound familiar objects
anosognosia lack of awareness of own neurological deficits
aphasia inability to communicate
areflexia absence of reflexes
ataxia inabliity to coordinate voluntary muscle action
aura peculiar sensation preceding a seizure or migrane
automatism mechanical, repetitive motor behavior--performed unconsciously
Autonomic Nervous System controls unconscious activity, sympathetic and parasympathetic
bradykinesia slowness of voluntary movement and speech
cephalalgia headache
chorea abnormal, involuntary movements of all musculature of body
dysarthia difficulty and defective speech- due to dysfunction of muscles
dysphagia impairment of speech--from damage to speech center of brain
emotional lability loss of emotional control
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
fasciculations involuntary twitching of muscle fibers
functional area specialized area of brain
graphesthesia ability to identify letters, numbers or shapes drawn on skin
hemiparesis weakness of one side of body
hemoplegia paralysis of one side of body
homonymous hemianopia loss of vision in half of the visual field on same side of both eyes
Kernig's sign test for inflammation in the nerve roots
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
mentation ability to concentrate, remember or think abstractly
neuralgia paroxysmal pain that extends along course of 1 or more nerve
neurogenic shock hypotensive situation from loss of sympathetic control of vital function of brain
neurotransmitters chemical substance produced by body--facilitates nerve impulse transmission
nuchal rigidity pain and rigidity in the neck
nystagmus constant, involuntary movement of the eye in various directions
orientation person awareness of self in relation to person, place and time
quadriplegia dysfunction or paralysis of both arms, legs, bowel and bladder
responsiveness ability to percieve stimuli & body reactions and then respond with thought and action
sclerotic hardened tissue
somatic nervous system nerves connect CNS to skin and skeletal muscles...conscious activity
spinal shock cessation of motor, sensory, autonomic and reflex impulses below level of injury
status epilepticus acute, prolonged seizure activity that lasts at least 30 min.
stereognosis ability to recognize an object by feel
unilateral neglect failure to recognize or care for one side of body
vertigo dizziness
myotome portion of an embryonic somite that gives rise to striated muscles
blook-brain barrier physiologic barrier between blook capillaries and brain tissue
dermatome band of skin supplied by single sensory nerve
meninges 3 layers of protective membranes that surround brain and spinal cord
neuron primary functional unit of nervous system
oligodendrocytes cells that produce myelin sheath of nerve fibers
astrocytes neuroglial cell that supports neurons & contributes to the blood-brain barrier
ependymal cells line the brain ventricles and aid in secretion of cerebrospinal fluid
micrglia macrophage type--are rare in normal CNS tissure
resting membrane potential difference in electric charge across cell membrane
nodes of Ranvier space between adjacent Schwann cells along a nerve fiber
saltatory conduction transmission of nerve impulse along mylinated nerve fiber...occurs only at nodes of Ranvier
pyramidal tract term for descending tracts...corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts
cerebrum compossed of the right and left hemispheres
brainstem includes midbrain, pons and medulla
arachnoid villi tiny projections into subarachoid space
aneurysm congenital or acquired weakness and ballooning of vessel
embolic stroke embolus lodges and occludes cerebral artery
ischemic stroke not enough blood flow to brain from partial or complete occlusion of artery
thrombolic stroke narrowing of blood vessel or thrombosis
lacunar stroke occlusion of small penetration artery with developement of a cavity in the place of the infarcted brain tissue
hemorrhagic stroke bleeding into brain tissue itself, subarachnoid space or ventricles
intracerebral hemorrhage bleeding within the brain caused by rupture of vessel
subarachnoid hemorrahage bleeding into the cerebrospinal fluid
transient ischemic attack temporary focal loss of neurologic function
Created by: crystalih
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