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UWORLD Round 1 2021 Part 2

Decreased T4 and increased TSH. Dx? Primary hypothyroidism
How is T3 is mainly made? Produced by conversion from T4 in peripheral tissues
How are the serum thyroid hormone levels in patients with Primary hypothyroidism? Serum levels widely fluctuate due to its short half-life and can often be within the normal range
What does NAGMA stands for? Non-anion gap Metabolic Acidosis
What is the pathogenesis of Nonanion gap Metabolic acidosis? Results from the loss of bicarbonate (HCO3-), leading to a relative increase in H+
What are the most common causes of Nonanion gap Metabolic Acidosis? 1. Severe diarrhea 2. RTA 3. Excessive saline infusion
What is the pathogenesis of Anion gap Metabolic acidosis? Accumulation of unmeasured acidic compounds
What are some important causes of Anion gap Metabolic acidosis? 1. Lactic acidosis 2. DKA 3. Renal Failure (uremia) 4. Methanol, ethylene glycol 5. Salicylate toxicity
How is NAGMA often referred as? Hyperchloremic acidosis
Hyperchloremic acidosis is also known as: Non-Anion gap Metabolic Acidosis
A person with severe and recurrent diarrhea is most likely to develop anion or nonanion gap metabolic acidosis? Non-Anion gap Metabolic Acidosis
Why is nonanion gap metabolic acidosis referred as hyperchloremic acidosis? Due to the decrease in serum bicarbonate is compensated by an increase in serum chloride to maintain electronegative balance
How is the electronegative balance maintained in cases of diarrhea, which causes the loss or decrease of large amounts of serum bicarbonate? Increase of serum chloride
What is the main cause of Primary Nocturnal enuresis? Brain maturational delay in the development of bladder control
What is the result of a brain maturation delay in bladder control? Primary Nocturnal enuresis
What are some causes of Primary Nocturnal enuresis? 1. Brain maturational delay in bladder control development (MCC) 2. Increase nocturnal urine output 3. Decreased bladder capacity
What is the major stimulator of "respiration"? PaCO2
What happens even with a slight or minor decrease in PaCO2? Stimulates the central chemoreceptors and triggers increased respiration
Which is the major respiratory stimulant, PaCO2 or PaO2? PaCO2
What is possible explanation to the increased respiratory drive seen in COPD patients? PaCO2 response is blunted, which causes hypoxemia to be the main respiratory stimulant
Which chemoreceptors are responsible to sense PaCO2, central or peripheral? Central chemoreceptors
Which chemoreceptors sense preferible changes in PaO2, central or peripheral? Peripheral chemoreceptors
How are peripheral chemoreceptors suppressed? Oxygen administration
Where are peripheral chemoreceptors found? Carotid and Aortic bodies
Which part (node or muscle) has the slowest cardiac action potential conduction speed? AV node
Which fibers have the fastest conduction speed? Purkinje fibers system
Increasing order of cardiac action potential conduction speed AV node < Ventricular muscle < Atrial muscle < Purkinje system
What deficiencies are seen with a Vegan diet? Calcium and vitamin D
What is prevented with Calcium and vitamin D supplementation in a Vegan diet? Osteoporosis and bone fractures
What water soluble vitamin is seen to be deficiency with a strict vegan diet? Cobalamin
Where in the lung are ventilation and perfusion the highest? Base
Where in the lung are ventilation and perfusion the lowest? Apex
How does V/Q ratio increase along the lung? Apex is largest and as it goes to the base it decreased
Where in the lung V/Q is the highest? Apex
What causes Atrial Flutter? Large reentrant circuit that traverses the cavotricuspid isthmus of the right atrium
How is atrial flutter treated? Radiofrequency ablation targeted to the cavotricuspid isthmus of the right atrium
From where does AFIB originate? Pulmonary vein ostia and/or catheter ablation of pulmonary vein trigger sites
What is the role of ATP in skeletal muscle contraction? ATP binding to myosin causes release of the myosin head from its binding site on the actin filament
What is the result of the binding of ATP to myosin in skeletal muscle contraction? Release of the myosin head from its binding site on the actin filament
What causes unilateral Renal Artery Stenosis? Hypoperfusion and activation of the RAAS
What are actions or causes of Angiotensin II? Arteriolar vasoconstriction and increases aldosterone and ADH synthesis
What common action creates a high demand for ATP? Intense exercise
What is the primary source of ATP at the beginning of intense exercise? Phosphocreatine shuttle
What is the function of Phosphocreatine shuttle? It is the main source of ATP at the beginning of intense exercise
How long does the Phosphocreatine shuttle serves as the main source of ATP in exercise? Around the first 10 seconds
Once the Phosphokinase shuttle activity is finished, what processes take charge in creation of ATP during exercise? Anaerobic glycolysis, followed by Oxidative phosphorylation
How is blood flow associated with vessel radius? Blood flow is directly proportional to the vessel radius raised to the 4th power
Resistance to blood flow is --> Inversely proportional to the vessel radius raised to the 4th power
Is resistance or blood flow is directly proportional to vessel radius to the 4th power? Blood flow
If flow is reduced by a factor of 16, it means the radius has been: Reduced radius by 50%
How are most particles lodged in the Bronchial tree cleared or removed? Via proximal transport by Ciliated Epithelial cells
What part of the respiratory anatomy removes particle via mucociliary clearance? Bronchial tree
How far along the bronchial tree do Mucus-secreting cells? All the way down to the larger bronchioles
The smaller bronchioles uses what cells are the ones that replace the Mucus-secreting cells in the larger bronchioles? Club cells
What is the level of phosphate in CKD patients? Develop hyperphosphatemia due to decreased filtration of phosphate
Is CKD characterized with hyperphosphatemia and hypophosphatemia? Hyperphosphatemia
How is hyperphosphatemia regulated in CKD patients? Secretion of Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) which lowers plasma phosphate by reducing intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption of phosphate
What condition is associated with secretion of FGF23? Hyperphosphatemia in CKD
How does FGF23 work? Secreted by hyperphosphatemia, which causes: 1. Reduced intestinal absorption 2. Renal reabsorption of phosphate
What is an useful early marker of abnormal phosphate metabolism in patients with CKD? FGF23 levels
What is the effect of GFR during pregnancy? Increased GFR
What is the end result of all the renal adaptations during pregnancy? Trace urinary protein excretion (<300 mg/24 hours) is a normal finding in pregnancy
What are the renal adaptations of pregnancy? 1. Increased GFR 2. Greater basement membrane permeability 3. Decreasing tubuar resorption of filtered protein
What are the hemodynamic results of a PDA? 1. Increased LV preload and, 2. Decreased systemic vascular resistance
What causes the increased preload in PDA? Increased pulmonary venous return to the left atrium
What causes the decreased SVR in PDA? Continuous L-to-R shunt
What is the hemodynamic result of the continuous L-to-R shunt in PDA? Decrease in SVR
The lower SVR in PDA translates into a decreased ____________. Afterload
What does a combination of increased Preload and decreased Afterload result in? Increase in Left-ventricular Cardiac Output
What are the causes of Pleural effusion? 1. Increased rate of fluid inflow from nearby vasculature, or, 2. Decreased rate of fluid outflow through the parietal fluid lymphatics
What is the cause of Ascites in patients with hepatic cirrhosis? Develop due to hemodynamic changes related to Portal hypertension
What causes the activation of RAAS by Splanchnic vasodilation? Splanchnic vasodilation decreased Splanchnic vascular resistance and lowers effective arterial blood volume, which activates RAAS and promotes sodium and water retention
Hypoalbuminemia causes: Low oncotic pressure
What is a common cause of Hypoalbuminemia? Liver disease
A low oncotic pressure leads to: Reduction of fluid reabsorption from the interstitium
What are two causes of Pleural effusions? Transudative and Exudative
What are two causes of Transudative pleural effusions? 1. Increased hydrostatic pressure gradient 2. Decreased oncotic pressure gradient
What is the simple definition of Hydrostatic pressure ? Fluid going out of vessel into pleural space
What condition is associated with increased hydrostatic pressure gradient causing Transudative pleural effusions? Heart failure
What is an example of a condition that leads to a decrease in oncotic pressure? Nephrotic syndrome
What does it mean to have a decreased oncotic pressure gradient? Decrease in plasma proteins
What are the main causes of Exudative pleural effusions? 1. Increased vascular permeability 2. Lymphatic obstruction
What causes an increase in vascular permeability leading to exudative pleural effusion? Walls of the vessels destroy or damaged
What condition can lead to exudative pleural effusion due to increased vascular permeability? Infection
A person with a pleural malignancy will most likely form what kind of pleural effusion? Exudative pleural effusion
Which is the only type of pleural effusion due to a decrease in outflow? Exudative pleural effusion due to lymphatic obstruction
What is a common cause of High Output heart failure? Markedly decreased systemic vascular resistance that leads to increased venous return and increased cardiac output
Why does decompensated HF failure is a resultant of increased cardiac output? The left ventricle is unable to keep up with the increased venous return in prolonged or chronic state, leading to a decompensated HF
What are some adverse effects of excessive anabolic steroids? Acne, gynecomastia, azoospermia, decreased testicular size, and increased aggression
How are testosterone levels with use of anabolic steroids? Normal or slightly elevated serum levels
What is the effect of endogenous testosterone production and spermatogenesis with excessive anabolic steroid ingestion? Decreased
What is the MCC of secondary Hyperthyroidism? TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma
TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma is the MCC of: Secondary Hyperthyroidism
In addition to regular primary hyperthyroid symptoms, what other features are seen in Secondary hyperthyroidism? Elevated TSH causes generalized hypertrophy of the thyroid gland (diffuse goiter)
How are the levels of all three, TSH, T3, and T4, in secondary hyperthyroidism? All three are elevated
What procedure increases the risk of developing a Hypogonadal state? Bilateral orchiectomy
Why does a bilateral orchiectomy causes a hypogonadal state? Extragonadal andronges sources are inadequate to replace the loss of testosterone
What are the physical effects of loss of testosterone? Decreased lean body weight, increased subcutaneous fat, and decreased bone density
What is the effect of low testosterone in the prostate? Low testosterone lead to a significant decrease in prostate volume
What two compounds have the lowest Tubular fluid concentration as they travel along the proximal tubule length? Glucose and amino acids
Which electrolytes have an approximate Tubular fluid concentration of 1.0 along the length of the Proximal tubule? Sodium and Potassium
Which has a higher tubular fluid concentration as it travels the length of the Proximal tubule, Creatinine or Urea? Creatine
Created by: rakomi
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