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What two cell types can a cell commit to? Myeloid and Lympoid
Where is the site of haemopoiesis at 0-2 months? Yolk Sac
What is it called when haeompoiesis occurs outside the bone marrow in certain disease states? Extramedullary haemopoiesis
What is the name given to WBC production? Myelopoiesis
What growth factors is red cell production controlled by in erthyropoiesis? IL-3, GM-CSF and EPO
Where is erythropoietin produced mainly? Kidneys
What stimulates megakatyocytic maturation and platelet release in thrombopoiesis? Thrombopoietin (TPO)
What part of the body removes RBCs? Spleen
What is the anaerobic glycolysis RBCs undergo called? Emdem Meyrhoff Pathway
What is glucose converted to in the anaerobic glycolysis pathway? Lactate
In the anaerobic glycolysis pathway NADH is used by what enzyme to reduced oxidised Hb? Methaemoglobin Reductase
What pathway operates parallel to glycolysis? Pentose phosphate shunt/ hexose menophosphate shunt pathway
What are the 3 membrane layers of RBCs? Glycocalyx, Phospholipid bilayer and membrane skeleton
What two chains make up Hb structure? Alpha and Beta Globin
Give an example of a disease which increased EPO occurs? Anaemia / Cardiac Problems / Pulmonary Problems
Give an examle of a RBC disorder Heriditary Spherocytosis/G6PD deficiency/Iron deficiency/ Sickle Cell
What is the range for microcytosis? <85
What is it called if RBCs are larger and MCV is higher? Macrocytosis
What is a common cause of microcytosis? Iron deficiency aneamia/chronic blood loss/thalassaemia
Give an example of a disease in which codocytes/target cells are seen Post splenectomy/thalassaemia/liver disease
Created by: rachelmcghee
Popular Biology sets




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