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FF One 001 Intro UI

First Form One 001 - Intro Unit I - Pronunciation

Pronounce the five vowels as long vowels in Latin. The long vowels sound like a = ah [father], e = ay [late], i = ee [seen], o = oh [open], and u = oo [food]
Give a two-word example that has all the long vowels. Glória Jesu.
Pronounce the five vowels as short vowels in Latin. The short vowels sound like a = uh [again], e = eh [Ed], i = ih [it], o = ah [on], and u = uh [foot]
Two letters that make one sound are a digraph. What are the two major digraphs in Latin? What sounds do they make? The two major digraphs in Latin are ae and oe. Both sound like Latin long e /ay/. Saepe.
A diphthong is two vowels that are blended together to make one continuous sound. What is the main diphthong in Latin? What sound does it make? Give an example. The main diphthong in Latin is au. It has the /ou/ sound in out. Laudo.
When are C, G and SC hard (k like cat, g like go and sk like scout) in Latin? Give examples. C, G, and SC are hard in Latin before a, o, u and consonants. Culpa or clamo. Fuga or gloria. Scutum.
When are C, G and SC soft (ch like charity, j like gem and sh like shout) in Latin? Give examples. C, G and SC are soft in Latin before e, i ae, and oe. Caelum. Regina. Scio.
What sound does GN make? Give an example. GN sounds like the /ny/ in canyon or onion or lasagna. Pugno.
What sound does CH make? Give an example. CH sounds like /k/, as in chemistry. Choro.
What sound does J make? Give an example. J sounds like /y/ as in yes. Jesus.
What sound does S make? Give an example. What sound does it NOT make? S sounds like /s/ in sing, not like /z/ in nose. Mensa.
What sound does T plus I plus another vowel make? Give an example. T plus I plus another vowel sounds like /tsee/. Gratia.
What are the names of the last three syllables in a Latin word? Which is which? Ultima ( from ultimus, the last) is last. Penult (from penultima) is next-to-last. Antepenult (from ante [before] the penult) is 2nd-from-last.
Which syllables can be accented in a Latin word? Which ones can not be accented? Either the penult or the antepenult can be accented, never the last.
If there is no indicator, which syllable gets the accent? If there is no indicator, the penult gets the accent.
How does this text show that the antepenult gets the accent? There will be an accent mark on the antepenult if that syllable is the accented one.
Created by: SandeePete
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