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LT Unit 2 Vocab

Antibiotic resistance Refers to bacteria that have evolved to survive current antibiotics we have to treat infections
Artificial selection Breeding organisms with specific traits in order to produce offspring with identical traits.
Biodiversity The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem
Blinking Automatic response to protect eyes from objects
Chemical defense Compounds released by prey to defend themselves from predators
Circadian rhythms Regular change in biology or behavior that occurs in a 24-hour cycle
Communication Any way in which animals share information; includes sight
Competition The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources
Conditioning Process of learning through reward or punishment
Cooperation Working together with others to obtain protection or food and other resources
Courtship Behaviors that help attract a mate
Crypsis Camouflage that makes prey difficult to see
Cyclic Behavior occurring in repeating patterns
Defense mechanisms Behaviors or body features that help an organism survive in its habitat
Disruptive coloration A color pattern that helps break the outline of an organism
Diurnal Animals that are active during the day
Entomology The scientific study of insects
Estivation A period of reduced activity that some animals experience in the summer
Ethology The scientific study of how animals behave
Evolution Change in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
Fitness Ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
Flash coloration Hidden markings that are quickly exposed to startle or divert the attention of a predator
Grasping A reflex in monkeys to take hold of something firmly with a hand or foot
Hibernation State in which an animal's body processes are slower than usual
Higher biodiversity Organisms would have a much better chance of surviving and adapting to changes in an ecosystem
Imprinting The process by which certain animals form attachments to the first moving object they see and hear
Innate behavior Any behavior that occurs naturally in all animals of a given species from the time of birth; could be an instinct or reflex
Insight Learning from past experiences and reasoning' problem-solving
Instinct Ability of an animal to perform a behavior the first time it is exposed to stimuli
Learned behavior Behavior that occurs only after experience or practice; not born with it
Lower biodiversity Organisms would have a much harder time of surviving or adapting to changes in an ecosystem
Migration Regular movement of animals each year
Mimesis Occurs when an insect looks like an object in its environment to blend in
Mimicry Ability of an animal to look like another more harmful animal
Mutation A change in a gene or chromosome.
Natural selection A natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment.
Nature vs. Nurture The debate about whether genes or environmental factors contribute more to a person's behavior
Nocturnal Animals that are active during the night
Peppered moth Example of natural selection caused by pollution
Reflex Any behavior that occurs without conscious thought as a response to stimuli
Startle Features used to scare away predators
Waggle dance Way a honeybee moves to tell other bees in the hive where to find food
Warning colors Bright colors meant to advertise to predators that an organism is toxic or noxious
Zoology Tthe scientific study of animals
Created by: ttomm
Popular Biology sets




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