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Anatomy innerv

Ethmoid bulla Mixed branch from pterygopalatine ganglion- lateral wall branch
Hiatus semilunaris Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Posterior ethmoid sinus and opening into superior meatus Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Sphenoid sinus and opening into sphenoethmoid recess Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Hard Palate Mucosa innervated by mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Soft palate Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Superior, middle and inferior turbinate and meatus Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Nasal Septum Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Frontal Sinus Mixed branch from pterygopalatine ganglion
Anterior ethmoid sinus Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Nasopharynx Mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Pharyngeal recess Same as nasopharynx- mixed branch of pterygopalatine ganglion
Pterygopalatine ganglion Branches: 1. paranasal sinus 2. nasal cavity 3. palatine 4. nasopharynx
Valleculae Supraglottic space- internal laryngeal branch of superiorlaryngeal nerve branch of CN X, vagus nerve
Epiglottis Supraglottic space- internal laryngeal branch of superiorlaryngeal nerve branch of CN X, vagus nerve
Aryepiglotic folds Supraglottic space- internal laryngeal branch of superiorlaryngeal nerve branch of CN X, vagus nerve
Vestibular folds Supraglottic space- internal laryngeal branch of superiorlaryngeal nerve branch of CN X, vagus nerve
Vocal folds Recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, CN X.
External carotid artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Superficial temporal artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Maxillary artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Infratemporal part of maxillary artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Pterygopalatine part All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Thyroid cartilage Cartilages not innervated, only the mucosa lining it and the muscles attached to it.
Cricoid cartilage and articulations Cartilages not innervated, only the mucosa lining it and the muscles attached to it.
Arytenoid cartilages Cartilages not innervated, only the mucosa lining it and the muscles attached to it.
Corniculate cartilages Cartilages not innervated, only the mucosa lining it and the muscles attached to it.
Epiglottis Cartilages not innervated, only the mucosa lining it and the muscles attached to it.
Cricothyroid ligament Ligaments not innervated, only the mucosa lining it
Cricotracheal ligament Ligaments not innervated, only the mucosa lining it
Vocal cords Infraglottic space- recurrent laryngeal nerve branch of vagus nerve, CN X.
Thyroarytenoid muscles Infraglottic space- recerrunt laryngeal nerve branch of vagus nerve, CN X.
Cricothyroid muscles Somatic motor neurons of external laryngeal nerve, a branch of the superior laryngeal nerve from vagus nerve, CN X.
Lateral cricoarytenoid muscles Intrinsic muscles- recurrent laryngeal nerve branch of vagus nerve, CN X.
Transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles Intrinsic muscles- recurrent laryngeal nerve branch of vagus nerve, CN X.
Posterior cricoarytenoid Intrinsic muscles- recurrent laryngeal nerve branch of vagus nerve, CN X.
Internal carotid artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
External carotid artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Superior thyroid artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Superior laryngeal artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Trachea Right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves
Brachiocephalic Atrery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Left Common Carotid artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Left subclavian artery All vascular smooth muscle innervated by sympathetics
Trachea Right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves
Great vessels All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
Pericardial sac See pericardium below
Parietal pericardium Somatic sensory fibers from phrenic nerve (mostly nociceptors)
Visceral pericardium Visceral sensory innervation from nerves of the cardiac plexus. Pain is felt as diffuse, referred pain.
Right Atrium Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Right appendage Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Crista terminalis Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Pectinate muscle Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Interatrial septum with fossa ovalis Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
SA node and AV node Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Right ventricle Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Trabeculae carnae Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Interventricular septum Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Papillary Muscles Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Left atrium Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Left appendage Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Pectinate muscle Symp postgang and parasymp pregang fibers from cardiac plexus
Left Ventricle Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Trabeculae carnae Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Papillary muscles Symp postgang fibers from cardiac plexus
Right coronary artery All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
Left coronary artery All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
Thoracic aorta All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
External intercostal muscles Somatic motor fibers from intercostal nerves. See intercostal spaces below for more details
Internal intercostal muscles Somatic motor fibers from intercostal nerves. See intercostal spaces below for more details
Costal pleura and endothoracic fascia Somatic sensory fibers from intercostal nerve. See intercostal spaces below for more details
Scalene muscles Somatic motor fibers- more in Block 4
Sternocleidomastoid muscles Somatic motor fibers- more in Block 4
Pectoralis major muscle Somatic motor fibers- more in Block 4
Pectoralis minor muscle Somatic motor fibers- more in Block 4
Serratus anterior muscles Somatic motor fibers- more in Block 4
Diaphragm Somatic motor fibers of phrenic nerve (from C3,4,5). Also, somatic motor fibers of intercostal nerves at costal attachment of diaphragm (T11-12).
Diaphragmatic pleura Somatic sensory fibers of phrenic nerve (from C3,4,5). Also, somatic sensory fibers of intercostal nerves at costal attachment of diaphragm (T11-12).
Costodiaphragmatic recess See diaphragmatic and costal pleura above
Internal thoracic artery All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
Posterior intercostal arteries All vascular smooth muscle (arteries) is innervated by sympathetics.
Right lung From the pulmonary plexus that extends from the cardio- pulmonary plexus: Sympathetic postganglionic fibers for vascular smooth muscle, Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers (from vagus nerve) for respiratory smooth muscle and glands
Visceral pleura Same as lung. No visceral sensory fibers
Mediastinal pleura Somatic sensory fibers from the phrenic nerves
Intercostal spaces Intercostal nerve (ventral ramus) from spinal nerve of the rib’s vertebra. Contains somatic motor (innervates intercostal skeletal muscle), somatic sensory (innervates skin and pleura creating dermatome map) and sympathetic postgang.(vascular smooth muscl
Created by: THerzogA
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