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영어 총신 기출 a~c


abandon 그만두다
abrupt 뜻밖의
absorb 흡수하다
abstract* 추상적인
accept* 받아들이다, 인정하다
acclamation 갈채, 환호
accomplish* 성취하다
acrimonious* 신랄한, 독살스러운
acrimony 신랄함, 독설
adamant 확고한, 양보 않는
admonitory 권고하는, 경고하는
aftermath* 여파, 영향, 직후
agrarian* 농업의
aloof* (형)냉담한; (부)떨어져서
alter* 바꾸다, 달라지다
ambivalence* 반대 감정 병존, 동요, 주저
anachronic(al)* 시대착오의
analogy* 유사, 유추법
anomalous* 변칙적인, 예외적인
anthropomorphism* 의인화,신인동형론
apology* 변증, 변명, 사과
appall 깜짝 놀라게 하다
apparatus 기계, 기관
apparent 명백한, 외관상의
appraisal* [어프레이절]󰃃평가, 감정(=assessment, estimate, evaluation, judgment)
appreciate* 어프리쉬에이트]󰂿인정(인식)-, 감상-, 감사-, 평가하다(=esteem, value, acknowledge)
archaeologist* [알키알러쥐스트]󰃃고고학자
aristocrat* [애리스터크래트]󰃃귀족(=blue blood, noble, patrician, silk-stocking)
articulate* [알티큐레이트]󰂿 enunciate, pronounce, express clearly and effectively 또렷하게 발음하다, 명료하게 표현하다
assault* [어솔트]󰃃aggression, attack, assailing, violence, invasion, offensive 공격; 󰂿 assail, attack, molest 공격하다
assurance [어슈어런스] 󰃃 guarantee, confidence 단언, 장담, 확신
attack* [어택]󰃃공격; 󰂿공격하다(=assail, assault, censure, criticize)
attenuate [어테뉴에잍] 󰂿 lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce, dilute, weaken 약화시키다
audacious* [오데이셔스]󰃰bold, fearless, daring, intrepid 대담한
authentic* [어쎈틱]󰃰trustworthy, reliable, genuine, real 믿을 만한
autonomous* [오타너머스]󰃰자율의, 자발적인(=independent, self-reliant, sovereign)
aver [어벌] 󰂿 affirm, attest, claim, maintain, insist, verify 단언하다, 증언하다
avid* [어비드] 󰃰 greedy, eager for 욕심 많은, 열렬한
badger* 집적대다, 못살게 굴다(=bother, harass, pester, torment)
bereft* 완전히 빼앗긴(=deprived, completely without)
betray* 배반하다(=deceive, delude, double-cross)
beverage* 마실 것, 음료(=a liquid for drinking)
bitter causing a sharply unpleasant, painful 쓴, 비통한
blame** 비난하다(=accuse, condemn, censure, impute, attribute, ascribe)
blunder error 실수
bombardment assault, barrage, hail 포격, 폭격
bombastic** pompous, wordy, turgid 허풍떠는
brittle* breakable, fragile, friable 부서지기 쉬운
campaign* 전쟁(=battle, crusade, war, contest); 유세
candid* honest, frank, open, outspoken 솔직한
capricious* changeable, fickle, mercurial, impulsive, whimsical 변덕스러운
carnage* 대학살(=bloodshed, killing, slaughter, massacre, holocaust)
castration to remove all or part of sex organs 거세, 삭제
cautious alert, careful, prudent 주의하는, 신중한
certainty* 확실성, 확신(=actuality, reality, assurance, certitude, confidence, conviction)
charity* 사랑, 자비, 자선 행위(=altruism, benevolence, compassion, Christian love)
chide* scold 꾸짖다
chip* 조각(=flake, fragment, flaw)
circularity shape like or nearly like a circle 원형, 고리모양
circumspect* prudent, cautious 신중한, 주의 깊은
circumvent ensnare, entrap, 함정에 빠뜨리다; avoid, bypass, evade, 우회하다, 회피하다
coalition affiliation, association, union, combination, confederation, federation 연합, 제휴
coarse* rough, harsh 거친; crude, unrefined, vulgar 저속한
coexistent existing together 공존하는
cohesive sticky, connected, inseparable, solid 결합력 있는, 밀착하는
cohesiveness** 결합력, 접착력, 응집력(=stickiness, viscousness, connectedness, solidarity)
collapse* 붕괴(하다)(=break down, disintegrate, fall, fail, destruct, ruin)
complain* 불평하다(=criticize, murmur)
complement* 보충(하다)(=make something complete or perfect, round out); 󰃃보어
comprehensive* 포괄적인, 이해력 있는(=extensive, inclusive, thorough) ↔ superficial
concern* ~에 관계하다, 관심을 갖다(=relate to, pertain to) ; 󰃃관계, 관심사(=interest)
confine* 제한하다, 가두다(=limit, restrict, restrain)
confirm* 확실하게 하다(=make firm, establish firmly), 확증하다(fortify), 비준하다(=ratify)
confiscate appropriate, expropriate, impound, seize 몰수/압수/징발하다
confound 혼동하다(confuse), 당황케 하다(perplex), 좌절시키다(baffle)
conjugal* pertaining to marriage, marital, wedded 결혼의
conjure* 요술을 부리다, 마음속에 그리다, 기원하다(=call up, recall, invoke)
consequent* 결과적인(=ensuing, resulting, sequential, following)
console* comfort, solace, soothe 위로하다
consolidate combine, incorporate, merge, unite, concentrate 합병하다
contemporary* 그 당시의, 현대의(=current, modern, up-to-date, fashionable, vogue)
contingency* 우연성(=chance), 우발 사건(=accident)
contingent* dependent, subject to 의존적인; accidental 우연한
contradict deny, oppose, challenge 반박하다, 모순되다
contradictory conflicting, discrepant, inconsistent, contrary 모순된, 반박하는
controversial* 논쟁의, 쟁점이 되는, 논쟁을 좋아하는(=debatable, arguable, disputable)
conversion change, transformation, rebirth 전환, 개종, 회심
conviction** 유죄 판결, 신념, 죄의 자각(=firm belief, creed, tenet, certainty, judgment)
cope contend (+with) 대항하다, 대처하다
corporate* forming a single body 법인(조직)의, 단체의, 통합된
correspond* 일치하다, 상응하다, 교신하다 (=communicate, agree, coincide, concur, conform, match, parallel, fit)
corroborate* confirm, make more certain 확증하다
coterie* 동아리 친구, 한패
counterfeit* forgery, copy 위조품; 󰃰pretended, simulate 가짜의; 󰂿위조하다
counterpart* 󰃃짝진 것의 한쪽, 대조물, 사본(=complement, parallel, analogue, twin)
countless* 무수한(=innumerable)
courteous* 예의바른(=cultivate, mannerly, polite, refined)
creativity* 창조성, 독창성(=ingenuity, inventiveness, originality)
criterion* standard used in judging, measure 판단기준
cumulative* 누적되는(=additive, collective, total, aggregate)
curative therapeutic, healing, recuperative, restorative 치유력이 있는, 치료의
cursory* casual, hastily done 임시의, 급하게 이루어진
cynic doubter, scoffer, skeptic 비꼬는 사람, 견유학파
Created by: Endolphin
Popular English Verbs sets




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