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Paramedic: Medication Doses

What is the Adult dose of Acetaminophen for treating pain and/or fever? 325-1000mg PO
What is the Pediatric dose of Acetaminophen for treating pain and/or fever? 15mg/kg PO/PR
How often can Acetaminophen be administered to an Adult/Pedi patient? Every 4-6hrs
What is the Adult dose of Activated Charcoal PO for treating poison ingested within the last hour? 1g/kg PO
What is the Pediatric dose of Activated Charcoal PO for treating poison ingested within the last hour? 1-2g/kg PO
What is the Adult Initial Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 6mg RIVP followed by 20mL of NS
What is the Adult Follow-Up Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 12mg RIVP followed by 20mL of NS
What is the Pediatric Initial Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 0.1mg/kg RIVP followed by 10mL of NS
What is the Pediatric Follow-Up Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 0.2mg/kg RIVP followed by 10mL of NS
What is the Pediatric Max Initial Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 6mg
What is the Pediatric Max Follow-Up Dose of Adenosine for treating SVT, PSVT, Regular and Monomorphic Wide-Complex Tachycardia? 12mg
What is the Adult dose of Albuterol for treating asthma, bronchospasm, allergies, anaphylaxis, and/or hyperkalemia via SVN? 2.5mg in 3mL NS
What is the Pediatric dose of Albuterol for treating asthma, bronchospasm, allergies, anaphylaxis, and/or hyperkalemia via SVN? 1.25-2.5mg in 3mL NS
How often can Albuterol be administered to an Adult/Pedi patient? Every 15-20mins
What is the Initial Dose of Amiodarone for treating an Adult in Cardiac Arrest due to VF/pVT Unresponsive to CPR, Shock, and Vasopressors? 300mg IV/IO
What is the Follow-Up Dose of Amiodarone for treating an Adult in Cardiac Arrest due to VF/pVT Unresponsive to CPR, Shock, and Vasopressors? 150mg IV/IO
What is the Adult dose of Amiodarone for treating Life-Threatening Tachyarrhythmias via Rapid Infusion? 150mg IV over 10mins
How often can a Rapid Infusion of Amiodarone be administered? Every 10mins PRN
What is the Adult dose of Amiodarone for treating Life-Threatening Tachyarrhythmias via Slow Infusion? 360mg IV over 6hrs (1mg/min)
What is the Adult dose of Amiodarone for treating Life-Threatening Tachyarrhythmias via Maintenance Infusion? 540mg IV over 18hrs
What is the Dose of Amiodarone for treating a Pediatric in Cardiac Arrest due to VF/pVT Unresponsive to CPR, Shock, and Vasopressors? 5mg/kg IV/IO bolus
What is the Max Cumulative Dose of Amiodarone that can be administered to a Pediatric patient? 15mg/kg/24hrs
What is the Max Cumulative Dose of Amiodarone that can be administered to an Adolescent patient? 2.2g/24hrs
What is the Pediatric Loading Dose of Amiodarone for treating Life-Threatening Tachyarrhythmias? 5mg/kg IV/IO over 20-60mins
What is the Pediatric Max Single Dose of Amiodarone allowed to be administered for treating Life-Threatening Tachyarrhythmias? 300mg
What is the Adult dose of Aspirin for ACS, Ischemic Angina, Pain, and/or fever? 80-325mg PO
What is the Adult dose of Atropine for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia (with or without ACS)? 0.5mg IV
How often can the Adult dose of Atropine be administered when treating Symptomatic Bradycardia (with or without ACS)? Every 3-5mins PRN
In severe clinical conditions shorter dosing intervals of Atropine should be given every ___. 3mins
What is the Adult Max Total Dose of Atropine allowed to be administered for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia (with or without ACS)? 0.04mg/kg (total 3mg)
What is the Adult dose of Atropine for treating Organophosphate Poisoning? 2-4mg (or higher PRN) IVP
When treating Symptomatic Bradycardia with this 1st-line medication, what is the Pediatric dose of Atropine? 0.02mg/kg IV/IO
How often can the Pediatric dose of Atropine be administered when treating Symptomatic Bradycardia? Every 3-5mins PRN
What is the Minimum Pediatric dose of Atropine for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia? 0.1mg
What is the Max Total Dose of Atropine that can be administered to a Child for Symptomatic Bradycardia? 1mg
What is the Max Total Dose of Atropine that can be administered to an Adolescent for Symptomatic Bradycardia? 3mg
What is the Pediatric Max Single dose of Atropine for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia? 0.5mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Atropine for treating Organophosphate Poisoning? 0.02-0.05mg/kg (or higher PRN) IVP
What is the Pediatric dose of Atropine when used as an adjunct to prevent possible bradycardia after RSI/DSI? 0.01-0.02mg/kg
What is the Pediatric Max dose of Atropine when used as an adjunct to prevent possible bradycardia after RSI/DSI? 0.5mg
What is the Adult dose of Calcium Chloride for treating Hyperkalemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypermagnesemia, and/or Calcium Channel Blocker OD? 0.5-1.0g Slow IVP over 3-5mins
What is the Pediatric dose of Calcium Chloride for treating Hyperkalemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypermagnesemia, and/or Calcium Channel Blocker OD? 20mg/kg (0.2mL/kg) Slow IVP
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Calcium Chloride for treating Hyperkalemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypermagnesemia, and/or Calcium Channel Blocker OD? 1g
What is the Adult dose of Calcium Chloride for treating Hypotension Post-Diltiazem Administration? 500mg
What is the Adult dose of Dexamethasone for treating Bronchial Asthma, COPD, and/or Anaphylaxis? 4-24mg IV/IO/PO
What is the Pediatric dose of Dexamethasone for treating Croup? 0.6mg/kg PO/IM/IV/IO x 1 dose
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Dexamethasone for treating Croup? 16mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Dexamethasone for treating Asthma? 0.6mg/kg PO/IM/IV/IO every 24hrs
How often can the Pediatric dose of Dexamethasone be administered for treating Asthma? Every 24hrs
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Dexamethasone for treating Asthma? 16mg
What is the Adult dose of Dextrose 10% for treating Hypoglycemia, AMS of Unknown Origin, Coma of Unknown Origin, and Seizures of Unknown Origin? 25g IV/IO
Dextrose 10% can be administered in ______ IV/IO bolus increments until desired effect. 50mL (5g)
What is the Adult Max Cumulative Dose of Dextrose 10% when given in 50mL (5g) IV/IO bolus increments? 250mL
What is the Pediatric dose of Dextrose 10% for treating Hypoglycemia, AMS of Unknown Origin, Coma of Unknown Origin, and Seizures of Unknown Origin for a child between the ages of Birth to 2 Months? 5-10mL/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Dextrose 25% for treating Hypoglycemia, AMS of Unknown Origin, Coma of Unknown Origin, and Seizures of Unknown Origin for a child between the ages of 2 Months to 2 Years? 2-4mL/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Dextrose 50% for treating Hypoglycemia, AMS of Unknown Origin, Coma of Unknown Origin, and Seizures of Unknown Origin for a child > 2 Years? 1-2mL/kg
What is the Adult dose of Diazepam (Valium) for treating Sustained Seizures, Anxiety, Acute Alcohol Withdrawal, and/or Inducing Sedation? 2.5-10mg IV/IO/IM
Diazepam (Valium) can be administered in ____ increments Slow IV/IO/IM until desired effect. 2.5mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Diazepam (Valium) IV/IO/IM for treating Sustained Seizures, Anxiety, and/or inducing Sedation? 0.1mg/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Diazepam (Valium) REC for treating Sustained Seizures, Anxiety, and/or inducing Sedation? 0.2mg/kg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Diazepam (Valium) IV/IO/IM for treating Sustained Seizures, Anxiety, and/or inducing Sedation? 5mg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Diazepam (Valium) REC for treating Sustained Seizures, Anxiety, and/or inducing Sedation? 10mg
What is the Adult Initial Dose of Diltiazem (Cardizem) when attempting to achieve Acute Rate Control during Afib/Aflutter with RVR, MAT, and/or Paroxysmal SVT Refractory to Adenosine? 0.25mg/kg IV/IO over 2mins
What is the Adult Max Initial Dose of Diltiazem (Cardizem) when attempting to achieve Acute Rate Control during Afib/Aflutter with RVR, MAT, and/or Paroxysmal SVT Refractory to Adenosine? 20mg
What is the Adult Follow-Up Dose of Diltiazem (Cardizem) when attempting to achieve Acute Rate Control during Afib/Aflutter with RVR, MAT, and/or Paroxysmal SVT Refractory to Adenosine? 0.35mg/kg IV/IO over 2mins
What is the Adult Max Follow-Up Dose of Diltiazem (Cardizem) when attempting to achieve Acute Rate Control during Afib/Aflutter with RVR, MAT, and/or Paroxysmal SVT Refractory to Adenosine? 25mg
What is the Adult Maintenance Infusion dose of Diltiazem (Cardizem) when attempting to achieve Acute Rate Control during Afib/Aflutter with RVR, MAT, and/or Paroxysmal SVT Refractory to Adenosine? 5-15mg/hr (titrate to HR)
What is the Adult dose of Diphenhydramine HCL (Benadryl) for treating Allergic Reactions, Anaphylaxis, Extrapyramidal Reactions, and/or inducing Sedation? 25-50mg Slow IV/IO/IM
What is the Pediatric dose of Diphenhydramine HCL (Benadryl) for treating Allergic Reactions, Anaphylaxis, Extrapyramidal Reactions, and/or inducing Sedation? 1mg/kg Slow IV/IO/IM
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Diphenhydramine HCL (Benadryl) for treating Allergic Reactions, Anaphylaxis, Extrapyramidal Reactions, and/or inducing Sedation? 50mg
What is the Adult dose of Dopamine for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia (2nd-line after Atropine), Hypotension with s/s of Shock, and/or CHF? 2-20mcg/kg/min IV/IO Infusion
What is the Pediatric dose of Dopamine for treating Symptomatic Bradycardia (2nd-line after Atropine), Hypotension with s/s of Shock, and/or CHF? 2-20mcg/kg/min IV/IO Infusion
What is the Adult dose of Epinephrine 1:1,000 for treating Severe Bronchospasm and/or Anaphylaxis? 0.01mg/kg IM
What is the Adult Max Single dose of Epinephrine 1:1,000 for treating Severe Bronchospasm and/or Anaphylaxis? 0.3mg
What is the Pediatric Max Single dose of Epinephrine 1:1,000 for treating Severe Bronchospasm and/or Anaphylaxis? 0.3mg
What is the Adult dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used during Cardiac Arrest? 1mg IV/IO
How often can the Adult dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 be administered during Cardiac Arrest? Every 3-5mins
What is the Pediatric dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used during Cardiac Arrest? 0.01mg/kg IV/IO
How often can the Pediatric dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 be administered during Cardiac Arrest? Every 3-5mins
What is the Adult dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used to treat Bradycardia via Infusion? 2-10mcg/min IV/IO
What is the Pediatric dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used to treat Bradycardia via Infusion? 0.01mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Adult dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used to treat Normovolemic Hypotension and/or Severe Anaphylaxis? 0.1-0.5mcg/kg/min (Mix in 1L NS)
What is the Pediatric dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used to treat Normovolemic Hypotension and/or Severe Anaphylaxis? 0.1-1.0mcg/kg/min (Mix in 1L NS)
Epinephrine 1:1,000 is ALWAYS given __/__. IM/SQ
Epinephrine 1:10,000 is ALWAYS given __/__. IV/IO
To create a Push Dose Pressor with Epinephrine 1:10,000 1mL (0.1mg) of Epi 1:10 is mixed with 9mL of NS. The new concentration is now _____. 10mcg/mL
How much Push Dose Pressor Epinephrine 1:10,000 should be given every 3-5mins PRN? 2mL
What is the Adult dose of Etomidate (Amidate) for RSI/DSI, Premedication for Electrotherapy, and/or inducing Sedation? 0.2-0.4mg/kg over 30-60secs
What is the Pediatric dose of Etomidate (Amidate) for RSI/DSI, Premedication for Electrotherapy, and/or inducing Sedation? 0.2-0.4mg/kg over 30-60secs
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Etomidate (Amidate) for RSI/DSI, Premedication for Electrotherapy, and/or inducing Sedation? 20mg
What is the Adult Max Dose of Etomidate (Amidate) for RSI/DSI, Premedication for Electrotherapy, and/or inducing Sedation? Limit to 1 dose
What is the Adult dose of Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Pain Management? 1mcg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN every 5-10mins
What is the Adult Max Dose of Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Pain Management? 100mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Pain Management? 1mcg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN every 5-10mins
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Fentanyl (Sublimaze) for Pain Management? 100mg
When giving Fentanyl (Sublimaze) via IN, a Max of ___ per nare is recommended. 1mL
What is the Adult dose of Flumazenil for treating Benzodiazepine OD? 0.2mg IV/IO every 15secs
What is the Pediatric dose of Flumazenil for treating Benzodiazepine OD? 0.01mg/kg IV/IO every 15secs
What is the Adult Max Total Dose of Flumazenil for treating Benzodiazepine OD? 3mg
What is the Pediatric Max Total Dose of Flumazenil for treating Benzodiazepine OD? 0.05mg/kg
What is the Adult Initial Dose of Furosemide (Lasix) for treating Hypertensive Emergencies and/or Acute Pulmonary Edema (CHF) with a SBP > 90-100 mmHg? 0.5-1.0mg/kg Slow IVP over 1-2mins
What is the Adult Follow-Up Dose of Furosemide (Lasix) for treating Hypertensive Emergencies and/or Acute Pulmonary Edema (CHF) with a SBP > 90-100 mmHg if your Initial dose has no effect? 2mg/kg (double 1st dose) Slow IVP over 1-2mins
What is the Pediatric dose of Furosemide (Lasix)? 1mg/kg/dose Slow IVP over 1-2mins
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Furosemide (Lasix)? 6mg/kg
What is the Adult dose of Furosemide (Lasix) for treating New Onset Pulmonary Edema with Suspected Hypovolemia? < 0.5mg/kg Slow IVP
What is the Adult dose of Furosemide (Lasix) for treating Hyperkalemia? 40-80mg IV
What is the Adult dose of Glucagon for treating Hypoglycemia when IV/IO Access is Unobtainable? 1mg IM/IN
What is the Pediatric dose of Glucagon for treating Hypoglycemia is a child that weighs < 20kg when IV/IO Access is Unobtainable? 0.5mg IM/IN
What is the Pediatric dose of Glucagon for treating Hypoglycemia is a child that weighs > 20kg when IV/IO Access is Unobtainable? 1mg IM/IN
What is the Adult dose of Glucagon for treating Bradycardia due to a Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker OD? 3-10mg Slow IV/IO over 3-5mins
A Follow-Up Infusion of Glucagon at _____ should be administered to an Adult that is Bradycardic due to a Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker OD. 3-5mg/hr
What is the Pediatric dose of Glucagon for treating Bradycardia due to a Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker OD? 0.05-0.15mg/kg IV/IO
A Follow-Up Infusion of Glucagon at _____ should be administered to a Pediatric that is Bradycardic due to a Beta Blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker OD. 0.05-0.1mg/kg/hr
What is the Adult dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in an Adult < 69yo? 5mg IM
What is the Adult Max Dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in an Adult < 69yo? 20mg/day
What is the Adult dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in an Adult > 69yo? 2.5mg IM
What is the Adult Max Dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in an Adult > 69yo? 10mg/day
What is the Pediatric dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in a child between 6-12yo? 0.05mg/kg IM
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in a child between 6-12yo? 2.5mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Haloperidol (Haldol) for treating Acute Psychosis (Chemical Restraint for Violent, Agitated, and Aggressive Patients Who Present a Danger to Themselves or Others) in a child between 13-18yo? 2.5-5mg IM
What is the Adult dose of Hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) when treating known or suspected Cyanide Poisoning? 5g IV/IO over 15mins
What is the Adult Max Cumulative Dose of Hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) when treating known or suspected Cyanide Poisoning? 10g
What is the Pediatric dose of Hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) when treating known or suspected Cyanide Poisoning? 70mg/kg IV/IO over 15mins
What is the Pediatric Max Cumulative Dose of Hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) when treating known or suspected Cyanide Poisoning? 5g
What is the Adult dose of Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent) for treating Bronchospasm associated with Obstructive Lung Diseases (Asthma, COPD, etc.)via NEB? 500mcg in 2.5mL NS
What is the Pediatric dose of Ipratropium Bromide (Atrovent) for treating Bronchospasm associated with Obstructive Lung Diseases (Asthma, COPD, etc.)via NEB? 250-500mcg in 1.25-2.5mL NS
What is the Adult dose of Ketamine (Ketalar) for Pain Management, Inducing Sedation, and/or during RSI/DSI? 1-2mg/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Ketamine (Ketalar) for Pain Management, Inducing Sedation, and/or during RSI/DSI? 1-2mg/kg
What is the Adult dose of Labetalol for treating SVT (2nd-line after Adenosine), Afib or Aflutter with RVR, HTN, and/or to reduce Myocardial Ischemia in AMI patients with elevated HR’s? 10mg IV/IO over 1-2mins
How often can the Adult dose of Labetalol be repeated when treating SVT (2nd-line after Adenosine), Afib or Aflutter with RVR, HTN, and/or to reduce Myocardial Ischemia in AMI patients with elevated HR’s? Every 10mins PRN
What is the Adult Max Cumulative Dose of Labetalol for treating SVT (2nd-line after Adenosine), Afib or Aflutter with RVR, HTN, and/or to reduce Myocardial Ischemia in AMI patients with elevated HR’s? 150mg
What is the Adult dose of Lidocaine (Xylocaine) when used as an alternative to Amiodarone during Cardiac Arrest from VF, pVT, and/or Stable Monomorphic VT with preserved LVF? 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
When using Lidocaine (Xylocaine) to treat Refractory VF in an Adult, an additional _____ may be administered. 0.5-0.75mg/kg IV/IO over 5-10mins
When using Lidocaine (Xylocaine) to treat Refractory VF in an Adult, a Max of _____ may be administered. 3mg/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Lidocaine (Xylocaine) when used as an alternative to Amiodarone during Cardiac Arrest from VF, pVT, and/or Stable Monomorphic VT with preserved LVF? 1mg/kg IV/IO
When using Lidocaine (Xylocaine) to treat Refractory VF in a Pediatric patient, an additional _____ may be administered. 0.5-0.75mg/kg IV/IO over 5-10mins
When using Lidocaine (Xylocaine) to treat Refractory VF in a Pediatric patient, a Max of _____ may be administered. 3mg/kg
What is the Adult Maintenance Infusion dose of Lidocaine (Xylocaine) when used as an alternative to Amiodarone during Cardiac Arrest from VF, pVT, and/or Stable Monomorphic VT with preserved LVF? 1-4mg/min (30-50mcg/kg/min)
What is the Pediatric Maintenance Infusion dose of Lidocaine (Xylocaine) when used as an alternative to Amiodarone during Cardiac Arrest from VF, pVT, and/or Stable Monomorphic VT with preserved LVF? 20-50mcg/kg/min
What is the Adult dose of Lorazepam (Ativan) for treating Sustained Seizures, Inducing Sedation, Anxiety, and/or as a form of Chemical Restraint? 4mg IV/IO at a rate of 2mg/min
What is the Pediatric dose of Lorazepam (Ativan) for treating Sustained Seizures, Inducing Sedation, Anxiety, and/or as a form of Chemical Restraint? 0.05-0.1mg/kg IV/IO over 2-5mins
What is the Adult Max Dose of Lorazepam (Ativan) that can be administered when treating Sustained Seizures, Inducing Sedation, Anxiety, and/or as a form of Chemical Restraint? 8mg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Lorazepam (Ativan) that can be administered when treating Sustained Seizures, Inducing Sedation, Anxiety, and/or as a form of Chemical Restraint? 4mg
What is the Adult dose of Magnesium Sulfate for inducing Bronchodilation? 1-2g IV/IO over 10-20mins (infusion)
What is the Adult dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes with a Pulse? 1-2g IV/IO over 5-60mins (infusion)
What is the Adult dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes without a Pulse (Cardiac Arrest)? 1-2g IV/IO
What is the Adult dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Eclamptic Seizures? 4g IV/IO over 4mins
What is the Adult Maintenance Infusion dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Eclamptic Seizures? 1-2g IV/IO per hr
What is the Pediatric dose of Magnesium Sulfate for inducing Bronchodilation? 25-50mg/kg IV/IO over 15-30mins (infusion)
What is the Pediatric dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes with a Pulse? 25-50mg/kg IV/IO over 10-20mins (infusion)
What is the Pediatric dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes without a Pulse (Cardiac Arrest)? 25-50mg/kg IV/IO bolus
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes with a Pulse? 2g
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Magnesium Sulfate for treating Torsades des Pointes without a Pulse (Cardiac Arrest)? 2g
What is the Adult dose of Methylene Blue for treating Methemoglobinemia and/or Nitrate OD? 1mg/kg IV/IO over 5-30mins
What is the Pediatric dose of Methylene Blue for treating Methemoglobinemia and/or Nitrate OD? 1mg/kg IV/IO over 5-30mins
What is the Adult dose of Midazolam (Versed) IV/IO for treating Active Seizures? 0.1mg/kg
When treating Active Seizures in an Adult patient you should administer Midazolam (Versed) in ___ increments. 2mg
What is the Adult Max Dose of Midazolam (Versed) IV/IO for treating Active Seizures? 5mg
What is the Adult dose of Midazolam (Versed) IM/IN for treating Active Seizures? 5mg
What is the Adult dose of Midazolam (Versed) when used as an Induction Agent for RSI/DSI? 0.1-0.3mg/kg
What is the Adult Max Dose of Midazolam (Versed) when used as an Induction Agent for RSI/DSI? 10mg
What is the Adult dose of Midazolam (Versed) for treating ET Tube Bucking? 0.05mg/kg Slow IV/IO over 1-2mins
What is the Pediatric dose of Midazolam (Versed) IV/IO for treating Active Seizures? 0.1mg/kg
What is the Pediatric dose of Midazolam (Versed) IM/IN for treating Active Seizures? 0.2mg/kg
When treating Active Seizures in a Pediatric patient you should administer Midazolam (Versed) in ___ increments. 2mg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Midazolam (Versed) IV/IO for treating Active Seizures? 5mg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Midazolam (Versed) IM/IN for treating Active Seizures? 5mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Midazolam (Versed) when used as an Induction Agent for RSI/DSI? 0.1-0.3mg/kg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Midazolam (Versed) when used as an Induction Agent for RSI/DSI? 10mg
What is the Pediatric dose of Midazolam (Versed) for treating ET Tube Bucking? 0.05mg/kg Slow IV/IO over 1-2mins
What is the Adult dose of Morphine used for Moderate to Severe Pain? 2-10mg Slow IV/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric dose of Morphine used for Moderate to Severe Pain? 0.1mg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Morphine that can be used for Moderate to Severe Pain? 10mg
What is the Adult dose of Naloxone (Narcan) for treating Known or Suspected Opioid OD with Respiratory Depression? 0.4-2.0mg IV/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric dose of Naloxone (Narcan) for treating Known or Suspected Opioid OD with Respiratory Depression? 0.1mg/kg IV/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Naloxone (Narcan) that can be used when treating Known or Suspected Opioid OD with Respiratory Depression? 2mg
What is the Adult dose of Nitroglycerin for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? 0.4mg SL
What is the Adult Max Dose of Nitroglycerin that can be used for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? 1.2mg
How often can Nitroglycerin be administered to an Adult patient experiencing s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? Every 5mins PRN
What is the Adult dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? 10mcg/min (titrate to effect)
When administering an IV Infusion of Nitroglycerin to an Adult you should increase the dose by ____ every 3-5mins until the desired effect has been achieved. 10mcg/min
What is the Adult Max Dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? 200mcg/min
What is the Pediatric dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF in children (< 13yo)? 0.25-0.5mcg/kg/min (titrate to effect)
When administering an IV Infusion of Nitroglycerin to a Pediatric patient you should increase the dose by ____ every 15mins (as tolerated) until the desired effect has been achieved. 1mcg/kg/min
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF? 10mcg/kg/min
What is the Pediatric dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF in Adolescents (13-18yo)? 5-10mcg/min
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Nitroglycerin via IV Infusion for treating s/s suggestive of Myocardial Ischemia and/or CHF in Adolescents (13-18yo)? 200mcg/min
What is the Adult dose of Ondansetron (Zofran) for treating Nausea and Vomiting? 4-8mg IV(Slow)/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric dose of Ondansetron (Zofran) for treating Nausea and Vomiting? 0.1mg/kg IV(Slow)/IO/IM/IN
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Ondansetron (Zofran) that can be administered when treating Nausea and Vomiting? 8mg
What is the Adult dose of Norepinephrine (Levophed) for treating Normovolemic Hypotension, Septic Shock, and/or Cardiogenic Shock? 0.1-0.5mcg/kg/min IV/IO infusion
What is the Pediatric dose of Norepinephrine (Levophed) for treating Normovolemic Hypotension, Septic Shock, and/or Cardiogenic Shock? 0.1-2.0mcg/kg/min IV/IO infusion
What is the Adult dose of Oxytocin (Pitocin) for treating Post-Partum Hemorrhage? 10-40 units diluted in 1L NS (titrate to effect)
What is the Adult dose of Procainamide for treating Recurrent VF and/or VT with a Pulse? 20mg/min
What is the Adult Max Total Dose of Procainamide that can be administered when treating Recurrent VF and/or VT with a Pulse? 17mg/kg
What is the Adult dose of Procainamide used during Urgent Situations of Pre-Excitation Rhythms and/or Recurrent VF/VT with a Pulse? Up to 50mg/min
What is the Adult Total Dose of Procainamide that can be administered during Urgent Situations of Pre-Excitation Rhythms and/or Recurrent VF/VT with a Pulse? 17mg/kg
What is the Adult dose of Procainamide via Maintenance Infusion when treating Recurrent VF/VT with a Pulse and/or Pre-Excitation Rhythms? 1-4mg/min
What is the Pediatric dose of Procainamide for treating Recurrent VF/VT with a Pulse, Pre-Excitation Rhythms, SVT, and/or Aflutter? 15mg/kg IV/IO over 30mins
What is the Adult dose of Promethazine (Phenergan) for treating Nausea and Vomiting, Motion Sickness, Allergic Reactions, Potentiation of Analgesic Effects, and/or as a Pre or Post-Op Obstetrical Sedative? 12.5-25mg (dilute in 10mL NS) IV over 10-15mins
Deep IM doses of Promethazine (Phenergan) can be administered ____. Undiluted
What is the Adult dose of Racemic Epinephrine for treating Croup (Laryngotracheobronchitis)? 0.25-0.75mL of a 2.25% Solution Diluted in 3mL NS
What is the Pediatric dose of Racemic Epinephrine for treating Croup (Laryngotracheobronchitis)? 0.25-0.75mL of a 2.25% Solution Diluted in 3mL NS
What is the Adult dose of Rocuronium when used during RSI/DSI? 0.6-1.2mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Pediatric dose of Rocuronium when used during RSI/DSI? 0.6-1.2mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Adult dose of Sodium Bicarbonate for treating Tricyclic Antidepressant OD, Metabolic Acidosis, Prolonged Cardiac Arrest Down Time, Know Preexisting Hyperkalemia, DKA, Alkalinization Treatment for Specific Intoxications and/or Rhabdomyolysis? 1 mEq/kg IV
What is the Pediatric dose of Sodium Bicarb for treating Tricyclic Antidepressant OD, Metabolic Acidosis, Prolonged Cardiac Arrest Down Time, Know Preexisting Hyperkalemia, DKA, Alkalinization Treatment for Specific Intoxications and/or Rhabdomyolysis? 1 mEq/kg IV
What is the Adult dose of Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) for treating Bronchial Asthma, COPD, and/or Anaphylaxis? 125-250mg IV/IO
What is the Pediatric dose of Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) for treating Bronchial Asthma, COPD, and/or Anaphylaxis? 2mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) for treating Bronchial Asthma, COPD, and/or Anaphylaxis? 60mg
What is the Adult dose of Succinylcholine when used during RSI/DSI? 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Pediatric dose of Succinylcholine when used during RSI/DSI? 1-1.5mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Adult dose of Terbutaline (Brethine) for treating Bronchial Asthma, Preterm Labor, and/or Reversible Airway Obstruction Associated with Bronchitis or Emphysema? 0.25mg IM
What is the Pediatric dose of Terbutaline (Brethine) for treating Bronchial Asthma, Preterm Labor, and/or Reversible Airway Obstruction Associated with Bronchitis or Emphysema? 0.25mg IM
What is the Adult dose of Thiamine for treating a Coma of Unknown Origin, Wernicke’s Encephalopathy, and/or Delirium Tremens? 100mg IV/IO/IM
What is the Adult dose of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) for treating Hemorrhage following Surgery, Dental Procedures, Trauma, or Excessive Menstrual Bleeding? 1g (dilute in 100mL NS) IV/IO over 10mins
What is the Adult dose of Vecuronium when used during RSI/DSI? 0.1-0.2mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Pediatric dose of Vecuronium when used during RSI/DSI? 0.1-0.3mg/kg IV/IO
What is the Adult Initial Dose of Verapamil that is used to treat Afib/Aflutter with RVR (2nd-line) and/or Narrow Complex Tachycardias with preserved LVF? 2.5-5mg IV/IO over 2-3mins
What is the Adult Follow-Up Dose of Verapamil that is used to treat Afib/Aflutter with RVR (2nd-line) and/or Narrow Complex Tachycardias with preserved LVF? 5-10mg IV/IO over 2-3mins
What is the Adult Max Total Dose of Verapamil that can be administered when treating Afib/Aflutter with RVR (2nd-line) and/or Narrow Complex Tachycardias with preserved LVF? 20mg
What is the Pediatric Max Dose of Epinephrine 1:10,000 used during Cardiac Arrest? 1mg
In comparison, Fentanyl is significantly more potent than Morphine. 100mcg of Fentanyl is equivalent to ___ of Morphine. 10mg
Created by: sarah.thomas32
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