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Lesson 23

GHS Chinese 3/4

Chinese PinyinEnglish
暑假 shǔjià summer vacation
探亲 探親 tàn qīn go home to visit one's family
前一天 qián yī tiān the day before
收拾 shòushi to pack; to tidy up
行李 xíngli baggage
出门 出門 chūmén to go on a journey
提醒 tíxǐng to remind
停车场 停車場 tíng chē chǎng parking lot
停车 停車 tíng chē to park a car
差不多 chà buduō almost, nearly
差一点儿 差一點兒 chà yī diǎn'er nearly; barely
找不到 zhǎo bu dào unable to find
来到 來到 láidào to arrive; to come
服务台 服務台 fùwùtái service counter
tái stand, table, platform
皮箱 píxiāng leather suitcase
随身 隨身 súishēn (to carry) on one's person
súi to follow
称 稱 chēng to weigh
超重 chāozhòng to be overweight (of baggage)
chāo to exceed, to surpass
登机证 登機証 dēngjīzhèng boarding pass
起飞 起飛 qǐfēi to take off
(快)要…了 (kuài) yào ...le to be about to ...
anxious, impatient, urgent
to cry; to weep
长途 長途 chángtú long distance
保重 bǎozhòng take care (of oneself)
小心 xiǎoxīn be careful
一路顺风 一路順風 yīlù shùn fēng bon voyage
表弟 biǎodì younger male cousin (not paternal lineage)
首都机场 首都幾場 shǒudū jīchǎng Capital Airport (Beijing)
de (used after an adjective to form an adverb)
表哥 biǎogē older male cousin (not paternal lineage)
路上 lùshàng on the way
辛苦 xīnkǔ hard; toilsome
to carry (with the arm down)
不动 不動 búdòng (resultative complement) not have the physical ability to do something
动 動 dòng to move; to budge
cái (of quantity or length of time) only; merely
王母 wángmǔ 王朋的母親
shoù thin
惯 慣 guàn to be accustomed to (can be used as RC)
累坏 累壞 lèi huài to become exhausted
lèi tired
座位 座位 zuòwèi seat
王父 wángfù 王朋的父亲
爷爷 爺爺 yéye paternal grandfather
奶奶 nǎinai paternal grandmother
孙子 孫子 sūnzi grandson
门口 門口 ménkǒu doorway
jiào to hire; to hail (a taxi)
公斤 gōngjìn kilogram
托运 托運 tuōyùn to check through (baggage)
Created by: Ouyanglise
Popular Chinese sets




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