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James&Giant Peach1


jiffy a very short period of time
vast very large, immense, wide in range
queer strange or odd
ramshackle a state of disrepair/ ready to collapse
rim upper/outer edge of a circular item
mischief playful misbehavior
desolate a lonely, solitary place, without people being there
wistfully dreamily, pensively, sadly
forbidden not allowed, prohibited
fizzy having a lot of bubbles
flabby (person) having soft, loose flesh
boiled to generate bubbles of vapor when heated/ to cook in boiled water
lean containing little or no fat
spectacles another word for eyeglasses
screeching a high shrill piercing cry usually expressing pain or terror
narrow not wide/ a relatively small amount of space between one surface and another
flex to bend without breaking
ghastly causing great horror or fear
hag an ugly, old woman or witch
hideous ugly or disgusting to look at
blunt having an edge or point that is not sharp
briskly in an active, quick, or energetic way
hobbled walked in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury
musty having a stale, moldy or damp smell
stale (of food) no longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty or dry
mildewed having a black, green or whitish area caused by a fungus that grows on things
luminous bright or shining, especially in the dark
faint unclear, indefinite, hard to see
clutching to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry or pain
swerved changed or caused to change direction abruptly
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