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Charlie Choc Fact 1


jostle push, elbow or bump against
nightcap a cap worn in bed
bulging swelling outward, protruding, hump
flashing blinking light, (on and off)
cabbage a vegetable with thick purple or green leaves (not lettuce)
mink a semi aquatic mammal that belongs to the same family as weasels and ferrets
batty crazy, insane
dashed moved quickly
interview when a reporter asks someone questions in order to write a story or report news
narrow small amount of space in between, thin, slender
dazzled brightness that confuses someone's vision temporarily
bewildered confused
blade the flat cutting edge of a knife, tool or weapon
leaping jumping or springing a long way, to great height or great force
chorus a group of singers/ a part of a song that is repeated every so often
gleaming reflecting light, typically because it is very clean or polished
marketing the action or business of promoting and selling products or services
spellbound to be under control of or fascinated by something
craggy steep and rugged
whizzing moving quickly through the air with a whistling or whooshing sound
loony a crazy or silly person
sped (past tense of speed) moved quickly
excitedly in a very enthusiastic and eager manner
sake for the purpose of, in the interest of, in order to achieve or preserve
bath a washing or soaking of all or part of the body
drawer a box-shaped storage compartment without a lid made to slide horizontally n and out of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture
queer strange/ odd
bling (s) to dress or adorn in a flashy way
buzzing making a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound (like a bee or fly)
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