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成语故事Idiom story-一诺千金A promise is worth a lot of gold

一诺千金 A promise is worth a lot of gold
意思 meaning
许诺 promise
价值 value
故事 story
发生 happen
成语故事 idiom story
形容 describe
信用 credit
极高 extremely high
出自 come from
黄金 gold
其中 among
答应 promise
办到 do it
人名 person's name
别人 someone else
热情 enthusiastic
耿直 straightforward
豪爽 bold
帮助 help
主人公 lead
无论 no matter
困难 difficult
办法 method
大将 general
击败 defeat
几次 several times
皇帝 emperor
下令 order
通缉 wanted
当时 at that time
因为 because
仰慕 admire
暗中 in secret
许多 a lot of
佣工 helper
化装 disguised
说情 intercede
劝说 persuasion
撤销 undo
同乡 come from same city
结交 make friends
达官显贵 rich powerful person
炫耀 show off
瞧不起 look down
一向 always
听说 heard
马上 immediately
板起脸 pull a long face
打算 intend
数落 chatter
难堪 embarrass
态度 attitude
严厉 harsh
陪着 accompany
鞠躬作揖 bow down
吹捧 flatter
流传 spread
不如 rather than
夸奖 praise
高兴 happy
心中 in heart
于是 then
并且 and
临走 before leave
厚礼 generous gift
到处 everywhere
宣扬 preach
从此 from now on
名声 reputation
越来越大 getting bigger
Created by: amywhiteshill
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