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karen bautista

environmental science study guide

the classification and collection of the data are the form of numbers called? statistics
what is the factor of interest in an experiment called? the variable
what is one type of graph that is particularly useful for organizing and coparing experimental data for several things in one graph? the bar graph
what is the first step in the decision-making model? to gather information
in statistics the group of individuals used to represent the population is called the what? sample
what can explain an observation and predict what might happen in the future? a theory
what is what is recreational? human leisure activities
what is environmental? the protection of natural resources
what is a graphical model? includesmaps and charts
what is hypothesis? a testable explanation of an observation
how did the Himalaya Mountains form? colliding tectonic plates
what does the Richter scale describes? the magnitude of an earthquake
what are the pieces that compose the lithosphere? tectonic plates
what is a volcano made up of? magma
the transfer of energy through space is? radiation
the part of the earth that contains the air we breath is called the? atmosphere
what is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? nitrogen
what is the earths thin outer layer called? the crust
small streams and rivers that flow into larger ones are called what? tributaries
describe 3 local and 3 global effects a volcanic eruption can have on the environment local- decrease in temp, distruction, breatinng harsh ashes Global- decreas in temp waves in ozone, volcanic ashes
what is evolution? is a change in the genetic characteristics in a pupulation from one generation to the next
many angiosperms depend on animals for _____ pollinating their flowers and distributing their seeds
which invertabrates are generally small, allowing them to live on little food and to hide from enemies? insects
archaebacteria and eubacteria are? two kingdoms
the place that contains everything an organism needs is its? habitat
which kingdom includes algea? protists
single-celled organisms with cell walls but no nuclei are? bacteria
an inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of survival and reproduction in a certain environment is? adaptation
the living and once living thing parts of an ecosystemis called? biotic factors
the nonliving parts of an ecosystem is called? abiotic factors
what kind of natural disaster helps some forest communitties by allowing some trees to release their seeds, by clearing away deadwood and by encouraging new growth? fire
consumers are organisms that_________ get solar or other energy indirectly
which kind of organism obtains energy from producers? herbivores
the part of the earth that contains the air we breath is called the? atmosphere
what is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? nitrogen
what is the earths thin outer layer called? the crust
small streams and rivers that flow into larger ones are called what? tributaries
describe 3 local and 3 global effects a volcanic eruption can have on the environment local- decrease in temp, distruction, breatinng harsh ashes Global- decreas in temp waves in ozone, volcanic ashes
what is evolution? is a change in the genetic characteristics in a pupulation from one generation to the next
many angiosperms depend on animals for _____ pollinating their flowers and distributing their seeds
which invertabrates are generally small, allowing them to live on little food and to hide from enemies? insects
archaebacteria and eubacteria are? two kingdoms
the place that contains everything an organism needs is its? habitat
which kingdom includes algea? protists
single-celled organisms with cell walls but no nuclei are? bacteria
an inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of survival and reproduction in a certain environment is? adaptation
the living and once living thing parts of an ecosystemis called? biotic factors
the nonliving parts of an ecosystem is called? abiotic factors
what kind of natural disaster helps some forest communitties by allowing some trees to release their seeds, by clearing away deadwood and by encouraging new growth? fire
consumers are organisms that_________ get solar or other energy indirectly
which kind of organism obtains energy from producers? herbivores
the part of the earth that contains the air we breath is called the? atmosphere
what is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? nitrogen
what is the earths thin outer layer called? the crust
small streams and rivers that flow into larger ones are called what? tributaries
describe 3 local and 3 global effects a volcanic eruption can have on the environment local- decrease in temp, distruction, breatinng harsh ashes Global- decreas in temp waves in ozone, volcanic ashes
what is evolution? is a change in the genetic characteristics in a pupulation from one generation to the next
many angiosperms depend on animals for _____ pollinating their flowers and distributing their seeds
which invertabrates are generally small, allowing them to live on little food and to hide from enemies? insects
archaebacteria and eubacteria are? two kingdoms
the place that contains everything an organism needs is its? habitat
which kingdom includes algea? protists
single-celled organisms with cell walls but no nuclei are? bacteria
an inherited trait that increases an organism's chance of survival and reproduction in a certain environment is? adaptation
the living and once living thing parts of an ecosystemis called? biotic factors
the nonliving parts of an ecosystem is called? abiotic factors
what kind of natural disaster helps some forest communitties by allowing some trees to release their seeds, by clearing away deadwood and by encouraging new growth? fire
consumers are organisms that_________ get solar or other energy indirectly
which kind of organism obtains energy from producers? herbivores
what term is used to refer to the many feeding relationships that are possible in an ecosystem? food web
succession is possible because ____ a new species make the environment less suitable for previous ones
what type of succession occurs after a natural process such as a vocanic erruption? secondary
Created by: kikis
Popular Science sets




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