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FA complete review part 3 Pathology General and Pregnancy

What is the most common cause of Aneuploidy? Meiotic nondisjunction
List of sex chromosome disorders: 1. Klinefelter syndrome 2. Turner syndrome 3. Double Y males 4. Ovotesticular disorder of sex development
What is the associated karyotype of Klinefelter syndrome? 47, XXY
What are the clinical features of Klinefelter syndrome? 1. Testicular atrophy 2. Eunuchoid body shape 3. Tall 4. Long extremities 5. Gynecomastia 6. Female hair distrubution
The presence of inactivated X chromosome (Barr body) in a male. Dx? Klinefelter syndrome
What is a common cause of Hypogonadism? Klinefelter syndrome
Which are the two structural abnormalities in Klinefelter syndrome, that produce hormonal changes? 1. Dysgenesis of seminiferous tubules 2. Abnormal Leydig cell function
In Klinefelter syndrome, the dysgenesis of the seminiferous tubules has which consequences? Decrease inhibin B secretion which leads to an elevated FSH.
What causes the elevated FSH in Klinefelter syndrome? Low levels of inhibin B due to dysgenesis of seminiferous tubules
What are the results of abnormal Leydig function seen in Klinefelter syndrome? Decrease testosterone leading to elevated LH which causes increase in Estrogen
Testosterone in Klinefelter syndrome is, low, normal, or elevated? Low
FSH and LH in Klinefelter syndrome are ____________. Elevated
Which sex hormone is elevated in a man with Klinefelter syndrome? Estrogen
The elevation of FSH or LH causes elevated estrogen in Klinefelter syndrome? LH
Which cell's abnormal function, in Klinefelter syndrome, is responsible for the low levels of testosterone? Leydig cell
Low testosterone, mildly elevated FSH, LH, and estrogen. Dx? Klinefelter syndrome
Associated karyotype of Turner syndrome Female, 45, XO
45XO. Dx? Turner syndrome
List of clinical features seen in Turner syndrome: 1. Short stature 2. Ovarian dysgenesis (streak ovary) 3. Shield chest 4. Bicuspid aortic valve 5. Coarctation of the aorta 4. Lymphatic defects 7, Horseshoe kidney
Another form to refer to the ovarian dysgenesis present in Turner syndrome? Streak ovary
Coaratoin of aorta causing Femoral < brachial pulse. This features is commonly seen in ______________ syndrome. Turner syndrome
What are the lymphatic defects seen with Turner syndrome? Webbed neck or cystic hygroma; Lymphedema in feet, hands
Kidney defect or complication of Turner syndrome? Horseshoe kidney
Horseshoe kidney is often seen with which sex chromosome disorder? Turner syndrome
MCC of Primary amenorrhea Turner syndrome
How many Barr bodies are associated with Turner syndrome? Zero
Menopause before menarche. Dx? Turner syndrome
Decreased levels of _______________ lead to increased LH and FSH in Turner syndrome. Estrogen
Estrogen is ______________ in Turner syndrome. Decreased
Estrogen is ________________ in Klinefelter syndrome. Elevated
What is a rare cause of Turner syndrome? Mitotic error --> Mosaicism (45XO, 46, XX)
45, XO/46, XX. Dx? Turner syndrome due to mosaicism caused by mitotic error.
Is pregnancy possible in Turner syndrome? Yes, in some cases with IVF, exogenous estradiol-17B and progesterone therapy.
Karyotype of Double Y males 47, XYY
What are some features of Double Y males? 1. Very tall 2. Severe acne, 3. Learning disability (at times) 4. Autism spectrum disorders
46, XX > 46, XY. Dx? Ovotesticular disorder of sex development
Both ovarian and testicular tissue present (ovotestis); ambiguous genitalia Ovotesticular disorder of sex development
What used to be the old name for Ovotesticular disorder of sex development? True hermaphroditism
Which disorders of sex hormones have elevated levels of Testosterone? 1. Defective androgen receptor 2. Testosterone-secreting tumor, exogenous steroids
Low testosterone + High LH. Dx? Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
Levels of testosterone and LH in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Low testosterone and low LH
Defective androgen receptor has elevated levels of ___________ and __________. Testosterone and LH
Overall definition of disorders of sex development Disagreement between the phenotypic sex and the gonadal sex
Phenotypic sex is based on: External genitalia, influence by hormonal levels
Sex hormone imbalance most likely will cause what type of sex abnormality-type? Phenotypic
Gonadal sex: Testes vs Ovaries; corresponds with Y chromosome
46, XX DSD? Ovaries present, but external genitalia are virilized or ambiguous
What is the MCC of 46, XX DSD? Excessive and inappropriate exposure to androgens steroids during early gestation
46, XY DSD? Testes are present, but external genitalia are female or ambiguous
What is the most common form of 46, XY DSD? Androgen-insensitivity syndrome
What is another term used for Androgen-insensitivity syndrome? Testicular feminization
Male with testes, but female/ambiguous genitalia. Dx? Androgen-insensitivity syndrome
What are common causes of FEMALE (XX) Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism? Turner syndrome, Genetic mosaicism, pure gonadal dysgenesis
What type of conditions are classified as Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? CNS lesions, and Kallmann syndrome
Females with Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism are seen with ______________ but no breasts. Uterus
Which condition in females is seen with no uterus but with breasts? Utervaginal agenesis
No uterus but (+) breast in man. Dx? Androgen insensitivity
Inability to synthesize estrogens from androgens. Dx? Placental aromatase deficiency
What is the most common presentation of Placental aromatase deficiency? Masculinization of female (46, XX DSD) infants, increase serum testosterone and androstenedione.
What is a symptom or features of a pregnant mother with child dx with placental aromatase deficiency? Maternal virilization since fetal androgens can cross the placenta
Defect in androgen receptor resulting in normal-appearing female. Dx? Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Are levels of testosterone, estrogen, and LH, elevated or decreased in Androgen insensitivity syndrome? Elevated
A woman with diagnosed androgen insensitivity syndrome may have: Normal functioning testes found in the labia majora
Inheritance mode of 5a-reductase insensitivity. Autosomal recessive
Which condition is limited to genetic males (46, XY DSD)? 5a-reductase deficiency
Which condition is seen to be controlled by puberty? 5a-reductase deficiency
How are levels of testosterone, estrogen, and LH in 5a-reductase deficiency? Normal
Failure to complete puberty; a form of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Dx? Kallmann syndrome
What is the cause of Kallmann syndrome? Defective migration of GnRH-releasing neurons and subsequent failure of GnRH-releasing olfactory bulbs to develop
What is a featured or key symptom of Kallmann syndrome? Anosmia
Expected levels of androgens, and other sex hormones in Kallmann syndrome Decreased levels of GnRH, FSH, LH, and testosterone
Why is the infertility in men with Kallmann syndrome? Low sperm count
Infertility of women with Kallmann syndrome is due to: Amenorrhea
Patient that cannot conceive and has anosmia. Dx? Kallmann syndrome
Which of the Five senses is affected in Kallmann syndrome? Smell
Which is a commonly suspected sex chromosome condition in cases the patient complains of not been able to smell food? Kallmann syndrome
Which is the main hormone affected by decreased synthesis in Kallmann syndrome? GnRH in the hypothalamus
Which cells are affected in Kallmann syndrome? GnRH-releasing neurons
The defective GnRH-hypothalamic neurons in Kallmann syndrome lead to affection of? GnRH-releasing olfactory bulbs to develop leading to decreased GnRH hypothalamic synthesis---> anosmia.
Anosmia is strongly associated with? Kallmann syndrome
Cystic swelling of chorionic villi and proliferation of chorionic epithelium (only trophoblast). Dx? Hydatidiform mole
What is a hydatidiform mole? Cystic swelling of chorionic villi and proliferation of chorionic epithelium.
Which part of the chorionic epithelium is proliferated in a Hydatidiform mole? Trophoblast
What is the classical clinical presentation (symptoms) of Hydatidiform mole? 1. Vaginal bleeding 2. Uterine enlargement more than expected 3. Pelvic pressure/pain
What condition is often associated with hCG-mediated sequelae? Hydatidiform mole
What is the hCG-mediated sequelae seen in Hydatidiform moles? - Early preeclampsia (before 20 weeks), - Theca-lutein cysts - Hyperemesis gravidarum - Hyperthyroidism
Theca-lutein cysts is a complication seen with __________________ mole. Hydatidiform mole
Early preeclampsia is defined as: Before 20 weeks
What is hyperemesis gravidarum? A pregnancy complication that is characterized by severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration
What common endocrinological disorder is seen with a woman with a Hydatidiform mole? Hyperthyroidism
What is the most common treatment for Hydatidiform moles? 1. Dilation and curettage 2. Methotrexate
What anticancer drug is used in treating Hydatidiform moles? Methotrexate
What are the two types of Hydatidiform moles? Complete mole and Partial mole
What are the associated karyotype of Complete hydatidiform moles? 46, XX; 46, XY
What are the components of Complete hydatidiform moles? Most commonly enucleated egg + single sperm
Is there fetal parts in a complete hydatidiform mole? No fetal parts
Which type of hydatidiform mole presents with increasing uterine size? Complete mole
Which type of hydatidiform mole has severely increased levels of hCG? Complete mole
What are the imaging features of a Complete Hydatidiform mole? 1. "Honeycombed" uterus or "cluster of grapes" gross physical inspection, 2. "Snowstorm" on ultrasound
Which type of hydatidiform mole has higher risk of malignancy? Complete mole
What are the associated karyotypes of a Partial hydatidiform mole? 3; - 69, XXX, - 69, XXY, - 69, XYY
What are the components of a Partial Hydatidiform mole? 2 sperm + 1 egg
2 sperm and 1 egg often cause which type of hydatidiform mole? Partial mole
Which type of Hydatidiform mole is seen with fetal parts? Partial mole
Is a partial hydatidiform mole seen with fetal parts? Yes; (+) for fetal parts
Which hydatidiform is seen with a minimal or slight increase in hCG level? Partial mole
Which type of Hydatidiform mole is less associated with malignancy and choriocarcinoma development? Partial mole
Rare trophoblastic malignancy, that may occur during or after pregnancy in mother or baby. Dx? Choriocarcinoma
Which kinds of trophoblasts are included or proliferated in Choriocarcinoma? Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
What are some associated characteristics of Choriocarcinoma? - No chorionic villi present - Increased frequency of bilateral/multiple theca-lutein cysts
What are symptoms seen with Choriocarcinoma? 1. abnormal increase in B-hCG 2. SOB 3. Hemoptysis
What malignancy is associated with "cannonball" metastases to the lungs? Choriocarcinoma
Hematogenous spread of Choriocarcinoma to lungs, is often referred as: "cannonball" metastases
What is Abruptio placentae? Premature separation of placenta from uterine wall before delivery of infant.
What are some risk factor of Abruptio placentae? Trauma, smoking, hypertension, preeclampsia, and cocaine abuse.
Clinical presentation of Abruptio placentae? Abrupt, painful bleeding in third trimester.
Which pregnancy complication is seen as sudden and painful bleeding in the third trimester? Abruptio placentae
What are possible complications of Abruptio placentae? DIC, maternal shock, and fetal distress
Life threatening pregnancy complication for mother and fetus. Abruptio placentae
What is Morbidly adherent placenta? Defective decidual layer leading to abnormal attachment and separation after delivery.
What are risk factors leading to Morbidly adherent placenta? 1. Prior C-section or uterine surgery involving myometrium, 2. Inflammation 3. Placenta previa 4. Advanced maternal age 5. Multiparity
What are the 3 main types of Morbidly adherent placenta? 1. Placenta accreta 2. Placenta increta 3. Placenta percreta
What is the distinguishing factor among all 3 types of morbidly adherent placenta conditions? The depth of penetration
Placenta accreta: Placenta attaches to myometrium without penetrating it
What is the most common type of morbidly adherent placenta? Placenta accreta
Placenta is seen attached to myometrium, but does not penetrate it. Dx? Placenta accreta
What is placenta increta? Placenta penetrates into myometrium
Which morbidly adherent placenta condition is seen with placenta penetrating the myometrium, but does not perforate it? Placenta increta
What is the degree of depth seen in Placenta percreta? Placenta penetrates and perforates the myometrium and into the uterine serosa
Which type of morbidly adherent placenta condition is seen with attachment and/or penetration into the Uterine serosa? Placenta percreta
Which morbidly adherent placenta type is the one with the deepest penetration ? Placenta percreta
If placenta attaches to myometrium but does not penetrate it. Dx? Placenta accreta
Which morbidly adherent placenta is seen with invasion of the entire uterine wall? Placenta percreta
What is a serious complication of Placenta percreta? Placental attachment to rectum or bladder leading to hematuria
Which placenta-associated condition is possible seen with hematuria? Placenta percreta
What type of pregnancy complication is seen with failed separation of placenta after delivery? Morbidly adherent placenta
Possible cause of Sheehan syndrome Morbidly adherent placenta
Attachment of placenta to lower uterine segment over internal cervical os. Dx? Placenta previa
What is the definition of Placenta previa? Attachment of the placenta to the lower uterine segment over internal cervical os.
Which type of placenta condition is associated with blockage of the internal cervical os? Placenta previa
Associated with painless third trimester bleeding. Placenta previa
Painful 3rd trimester bleeding. Dx? Abruptio placentae
Painless 3rd trimester bleeding. Dx? Placenta previa
Fetal vessels run over, or in close proximity to, cervical os. Dx? Vasa previa
What are the possible consequences of Vasa previa? Vessel rupture and exsanguination, and fetal death
What is the common clinical presentation triad seen with Vasa previa? 1. Membrane rupture 2. Painless vaginal bleeding 3. Fetal tachycardia
Which two pregnancy conditions are often seen with painless vaginal bleeding? Vasa previa and Placenta previa
What is considered fetal bradycardia? < 110 bpm
What is the most common association to the development of Vasa previa? Velamentous umbilical cord insertion
What is Velamentous umbilical cord insertion? Cord insets in chorioamniotic membrane rather than placenta
Umbilical cord is inserted in chorioamniotic membrane and not in the placenta. Velamentous umbilical cord insertion
What is the result of velamentous umbilical cord insertion in Vasa previa? Fetal vessels travel to placenta unprotected by Wharton jelly
Unprotected fetal vessels traveling to placenta is often seen in: Vasa previa due to velamentous umbilical cod insertion
What are the 4 MCC of Postpartum hemorrhage? 1. Tone (uterine atony; MC) 2. Trauma 3. Thrombin (coagulopathy) 4. Tissue (retained products of conception)
What is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage? Uterine atony
Implantation of fertilized ovum in a site other than the uterus, most often in ampulla of Fallopian tube. Dx? Ectopic pregnancy
Where is the MC location for implantation in Ectopic pregnancy? Ampulla of Fallopian tube
What are concerning factors that may lead to suspect Ectopic pregnancy? - Hx of amenorrhea - Lower-than-expected rise in hCG based on dates - Sudden lower abdominal pain
What pregnancy complication is often mistaken for appendicitis? Ectopic pregnancy
List of Ectopic pregnancy risk factors: 1. Prior ectopic pregnancy 2. Hx of infertility 3. Salpingitis (PID) 4. Ruptured appendix 5. Prior tubal surgery 6. Smoking 7. Advanced maternal age
What are the two main amniotic fluid abnormality? Polyhydramnios and Oligohydramnios
Too much amniotic fluid. Polyhydramnios
What are the associated causes of Fetal polyhydramnios? 1. Fetal malformations 2. Maternal diabetes 3. Fetal anemia 4. Multiple gestations
What are the common fetal malformations that cause Fetal polyhydramnios? -Esophageal/duodenal atresia, and, - Anencephaly
How do fetal malformation lead to fetal Polyhydramnios? Result in inability to swallow amniotic fluid
A diabetic mother places fetus in increased risk of which amniotic fluid condition? Fetal polyhydramnios
Too little amniotic fluid Oligohydramnios
What are the associated causes of Fetal Oligohydramnios? Placental insufficiency, bilateral renal agenesis, posterior urethral valves (in males) and resultant inability to excrete urine.
Fetus cannot excrete urine. Dx? Fetal oligohidramnios
What is a consequence of profound or severe fetal oligohydramnios? Potter sequence
Potter sequence is a serious consequence of Polyhydramnios or Oligohydramnios? Oligohydramnios
What is the definition of Gestational hypertension? BP > 140/90 mm Hg after the 20th week of pregnancy
List of medications to treat gestational hypertension Hydralazine a-methyldopa Labetalol Nifedipine
Preeclampsia is: New-onset hypertension with either proteinuria or end-organ dysfunction after 20th week of gestation.
Hypertension + proteinuria in less than 20 weeks of gestation suggests: Molar pregnancy
What is the cause of Preeclampsia? Abnormal placental spiral arteries lead to endothelial dysfunction, vasoconstriction, and ischemia
What preexisting conditions increase risk of developing preeclampsia? Hypertension, diabetes, CKD, autoimmune disorders such as Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
Complications of Preeclampsia? - Placenta abruption - Coagulopathy - Renal failure - Pulmonary edema (PE) - Uteroplacental insufficiency - May lead to eclampsia and or HELLP syndrome
Preeclampsia + maternal seizures. Dx? Eclampsia
Eclampsia may lead to maternal death due to: Stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, or ARDS
What is the treatment for Eclampsia? 1. IV Magnesium sulfate 2. Antihypertensives 3. Immediate delivery
What is the most characteristic (USMLE relevant) treatment option for Preeclampsia and Eclampsia? IV magnesium sulfate
What are the components of HELLP syndrome? Hemolysis Elevated Liver enzymes Low Platelets
What is a manifestation of severe Preeclampsia? HELLP syndrome
What type of RBCs are seen in blood smear of HELLP syndrome? Schistocytes
What are severe consequences of HELLP syndrome? DIC and hepatic subcapsular hematomas leading to rupture and ultimately severe hypotension.
What is the treatment of HELLP syndrome? Immediate delivery
What is the only definitive treatment for Preeclampsia? Immediate delivery
What is the most common type of gynecologic tumor in the USA? Endometrial
Which is the most common type of gynecologic tumor worldwide? Cervical
Why is cervical cancer the most common gynecologic tumor worldwide? Lack of screening or HPV vaccination
Which gynecologic tumor type has the worst prognosis? Ovarian
Which type of gynecologic tumor has the best prognosis? Cervical
Vulvar pathologies are divided into which two categories? Non-neoplastic and Neoplastic vulvar pathologies
What are the Non-neoplastic vulvar pathologies? 1. Bartholin cyst and abscess 2. Lichen sclerosus 3. Lichen simplex chronicus
What is the cause of Bartholin cysts or abscesses? Blockage of Bartholin gland duct causing accumulation gland fluid
What type of infections are often associated with Bartholin cysts/abscess? N. gonorrhoea infection
What is Lichen sclerosus? Non-neoplastic vulvar pathology due to thinning of epidermis with fibrosis/sclerosis of dermis.
Porcelain-white plaques with a red or violet border in the vulva. Dx? Lichen sclerosus
Which population of women are most at risk of developing Lichen sclerosus? Postmenopausal women
Thinning of epidermis with fibrosis/sclerosis of dermis of the vulva. Dx? Lichen sclerosus
Hyperplasia of vulvar squamous epithelium. Dx? Lichen simplex chronicus
What is the presentation of Lichen simplex chronicus? Leathery, thick vulvar skin with enhanced skin markings due to chronic rubbing or scratching.
What are the two main neoplastic vulvar pathologies? 1. Vulvar carcinoma 2. Extramammary Paget disease
Carcinoma from squamous epithelial lining of vulva. Rare. Dx? Vulvar carcinoma
Vulvar carcinoma presents along with ____________. Leukoplakia
What is HPV-related vulvar carcinoma? Associated with types HPV 16 and 18; Seen in persons with multiple partners and early coitarche.
What is a common cause of Non-HPV vulvar carcinoma? Long-standing Lichen sclerosus
Intraepitelial vulvar adenocarcinoma. Dx? Extramammary Paget disease
What are some symptoms of Extramammary Paget disease of the vulva? Pruritus, erythema, crusting, and ulcers.
What are the most common vaginal tumors? 1. Vaginal squamous cell carcinoma 2. Clear cell adenocarcinoma 3. Sarcoma botryoides
What is the MCC of Vaginal squamous cell carcinoma ? Secondary to cervical SCC
Vaginal Clear Cell adenocarcinoma effects: Women who had exposure to DES in utero
What exposure in utero leads to vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma? DES
What is Sarcoma botryoides? Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma varrian that affects girls < 4 years old
How si the presentation of Sarcoma botryoides? Clear, grape-like, polypoid mass emerging from vagina
What vaginal tumor has spindle-shaped cells, (+) desmin and present in very young girls? Sarcoma botryoides
Created by: rakomi
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