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ESUnit 4 - Resources

Earth Science - Unit 9 Natural Resources - Renewable / Nonrenewable

Renewable A Resource that can be replaced by nature at a rate close to the rate at which resources are used
Solar ilica plates used to capture energy from the Sun’s radiation – may convert directly to electricity or used to heat water – High initial cost, but low long-term maintenance
Hydroelectric Water used to generate energy on rivers as it goes over dams or through turbines – Inexpensive but can disrupt fish reproduction
Wind Tall turbines generate energy from air movement – High initial cost, low long-term maintenance costs – Best regions are oceans, mountains, and plains
Biomass Vegetation producing the natural resource in large amounts that can be regrown (renewed) easily
Drinking Water Finite resource on Earth – found in all three states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas – only 2% is fresh and < 0.5% is accessible
Geothermal Heat energy from Earth – not widely available in an inexpensive way (volcanic activity lowers costs) - can be used to moderate costs of heating/cooling buildings
Nonrenewable A Resource that can be replaced very slowly (usually millions of years) or not at all
Coal Solid Fossil Fuel from Appalachian Plateau – formed by ancient plants – pollution & CO2 – cheap fuel
Natural Gas Gas/liquid fossil Fuel from Appalachian Plateau – formed during coal formation – pollution & CO2 – cheap fuel
Silica Ground up Quartz (sand) – Found in Coastal Plain – Used to make computer chips, solar panels, & Glass
Zirconium/Titanium Heavy metals used in engineering and manufacture – mined in Blue Ridge
Gravel/Crushed Stone Used for building roads – mined in Piedmont and Blue Ridge mostly
Limestone Stone made mostly from Carbonate shells of ancient marine animals – used in construction and making concrete – Valley & Ridge
Fossil Fuels A non-renewable type of energy that was formed from organisms living millions of years ago
Created by: tejneckyc
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