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Japanese 1

一、二、三、ダー one, two, three, woo
四 ;し four 'yon; shi'
five 'go'
six 'roku'
七 'shichi' なな 'na na' seven 'na na' 'shichi'
八 'hachi' eight 'hachi'
九 'kyuu' nine 'kyuu'
十 'jyuu' ten 'jyuu'
一つ 'hi to tsu' one of them
二つ 'fu ta tsu' two of them
三つ 'mi tsu' three of them
四つ 'yo tsu' four of them
五 つ 'i tsu tsu' five of them
ここ, いいですか 'ko ko, ii desu ka' is this spot available
よくない 'yo ko na i' not good
そこ 'so ko' there
あそこ 'a so ko' way over there
悪い 'waru i' bad; evil
天気 'tenki' weather
いい天気ですね 'ii tenki desu ne' nice weather, isn't it?
今日 'kyo' today
寒い 'sa mu i' cold (weather)
暑い 'a tsu i' hot (weather)
今日は寒いですね 'kyo wa sa mui desu ne' it's cold today isn't it
寒くない 'sa mu ku nai' it's not cold (weather)
今日もむし暑いですね 'kyo mo mu shi a tsu i desu ne' today is another humid day, isn't it?
そうですね 'so u desu ne' it is, isn't it
初めて 'ha ji me te' the first time
日本は初めてですか? 'ni hon wa hajime te desu ka' is this your first time in Japan?
初めてじゃないです 'haji me de sha nai desu' it's not my first time
実は... 'ji tsu wa...' actually...
二回目です 'ni kai me desu' it's the second time
人 'hi to' person
一人 'hi to ri' one person; alone
お一人ですか? 'o hi to ri desu ka? are you by yourself
一人旅です 'hi to ri tabi desu' I'm traveling alone
旅行です 'rio ko u desu' it's a vacation
友達 'to mo da chi' a friend
家族 'ka zo ku' a family
来る 'ku ru' come
来ます 'ki ma su' come ('-masu' form; it will come
友達と来ました 'to mo da chi to ki ma shi ta' I came with my friend
どちら 'do chi ra' where? (respectful)
どちらからですか'do chi ra ka ra desu ka' where did you come from
大阪から来ました 'o so ka ka ra ki ma shi ta' I traveled here from Osoka
出身 'shu shin' birthplace
ご出身は 'go shu shin wa' where are you originally from?
出身は横浜です 'shu shin wa yoko hama desu' I'm originally from Yokohama
どんな 'don na' what kind?
ところ 'to ko ro' a place
大阪ってどんなところですか 'osa ka te don na to ko ro desu ka' what's Ososka like
おもしろい 'o mo shi roi' funny; interesting
楽しい 'tano shii' fun
楽しいところですよ 'tano shii to ko ro desu yo' it's a fun place
よかった 'yo ka ta' I'm happy to hear that
にぎやかな 'ni gi ya ka na' lively; so much going on
静かな 'shizu ka na' quiet
とても 'to te mo' very
とてもにぎやかなところです 'to te mo ni gi ya ka na to ko ro desu' it's a very lively place
ちなみに 'chi na mi ni' by the way...
仕事 'shi go to' job
ちなみに, お仕事は? 'chi na mi ni, o shi go to wa' by the way, what is your job
学生 'ga ku sei' a student
先生 'sen sei' a teacher
医者 'i sha' doctor
役者です 'ya ku sha desu' I'm an actor; I'm an actress
やっぱり 'ya pa ri' I knew it
え, 分かりますか 'e wa ka ri ma su ka' what, can you tell
おしゃれな 'o sha re na' stylish; fashionable
きれいに 'ki rei na' beutiful; clean
ハンサムな 'han sa mu na' handsome
おしゃれだから分かりました 'o sha re da ka ra wa ka ri ma shi ta' I could tell because you are stylish
そうなんですか 'so nan desu ka' is that so?
おもしろそうですね 'o mo shi ro so desu ne' that sound interesting
楽しそうですね 'tano shi so u desu ne' that sounds fun
じゃあ 'ja-a' in that case (casual)
よい旅を'yoi tabi wo' enjoy your trip
またね 'ma ta ne' see you (casual)
誰? 'da re' who?
あなた 'a na ta' you
私たち 'watashi ta chi' we
あなたたち 'a na ta ta chi' you guys/y'all
彼 'ka re' he
彼女 'ka no jo' she; a girlfriend
彼ら 'ka re ra' they
好きです 'su ki desu' I like it
日本は好きですか 'Nihon wa su ki desu ka' do you like Japan
どんなところが好きですか 'don na to ko ro ga su ki desu ka' what do you like about it?
食べ物 'ta be mono' food
和食 'wa sho ku' traditional Japanese food
景色 'keshi ki' scenery
音楽 'ongaku' music
歴史 're ki shi' history
私は日本の音楽が好きです 'watashi wa Nihon no ongaku ga su ki desu' I like Japanese Music
変わってますね 'ka wa te ma su ne' you're weird
まあ、人それぞれですよね 'ma-a hito so re zo re desu yo ne' to each their own I guess
どう? 'dou' how is it
映画はどうですか? 'eiga wa dou desu ka' how about movies?
どんな映画が好きですか? 'don na ei ga ga su ki desu ka' what kind of movies do you like
大好きです 'dai su ki desu' I love it
ホラー映画が大好きです 'ho ra-a eiga ga dai su ki desu' I love horror films
好きなマンガは何ですか'su ki na manga wa nani desu ka' what manga do you like?
知る 'shi ru' to come to know; to find out
知っている 'shi tei ru' to know
ナルトって知っていますか 'Na ru to te shi tei masu ka' do you know Naruto?
大ファン 'dai fan' a big fan
行く 'iku' to go
猫カフェに行くのが好きです 'neku ka fua ni iku no ga su ki desu' I like going to cat cafes
これから 'ko re ka ra' from now; after this'
行きます 'ik ki ma su' to go ('-masu' form); I will go
これから猫カフェに行きます 'ko re ka ra neko ca fue ni i ki masu' I'm going to a cat cafe after this
見る 'mi ru' to see; to watch
歌舞伎を見るのが好きです 'ka bu ki o mi ru no ga su ki desu' I like watching Kabuki
見ます 'mi masu' to see ('-masu' form); to watch
見ました 'mi ma shi ta' saw; watched
この… 'ko no' this ...
もう 'mo u' already; not anymore
この歌舞伎はもう見ましたか 'ko no ka bu ki wa mo u mi ma shi ta ka' have you seen this Kabuki before?
昨日 'ki no u' yesterday
それは昨日見ました 'so re wa ki no u mi ma si ta' I saw that yesterday
どうでしたか 'dou de shi ta ka' how was it?
how to make it isn't add a しゃない 'sh na i' before the です 'desu'
最高でした 'sa i ko u de shi ta' it was awesome
温泉 'o n se n' hot spring
温泉にはもう行きましたか 'o n se n ni wa mo u i ki ma shi ta ka' have you been to the hot spring yet?
まだです 'ma da de su' not yet
まだなんですか 'ma da na n desu ka' not yet!?
絶対に 'ze ta i ni' definitely
おすすめ 'o su su me' recommended
絶対におすすめですよ 'ze ta i ni o su su me desu yo' I definitely recommend it
する 'su ru' to do
できる 'de ki ru' to be able to
リラックスする 'ri ra ku su su ru' to relax
リラックスできますよ 'ri ra ku su de ki ma su yo' you can relax
はだか 'ha da ka' naked
なる 'na ru' become
なります 'na ri masu' to become ('-masu' form)
はだかになりますか 'ha da ka ni na ri masu ka' do you get naked
人前で 'hito mae de' in front of people
あんまり 'a n ma ri' not so much
好きじゃないです 'su ki ja na i desu' I don't like it
人前ではだかになるのは、あんまり好きじゃないです 'hito mae de ha da ka ni na ru no wa a n ma ri su ki ja na i desu' I don't really like being naked in front of other people
恥ずかしいです 'ha zu ka shi i desu' I'm embarrassed; I'm shy
嫌いです 'kira i desu' I hate it
昔 'mu ka shi' previous times
私も昔は嫌いでした 'watashi mo mu ka shi wa kira i de shi ta' I used to hate it too
でも、好きになりました 'de mo, su ki ni na ri ma shi ta' but, I came to like it
一緒 'i sho' the same; together
行きません 'i ki ma se n' I don't go; I won't go
これから一緒に行きませんか 'ko re ka ra i sho ni i ki na se n ka' would you like to go with me after this
きっと 'ki to' probably; very likely
一緒なら、きっと楽しいですよ 'i sho na ra ki to tano shi i desu yo' If we are together, it'll probably be fun you know
what if です'desu' comes after an い 'i' adjective keeps the い 'i'
what if です'desu' comes after a な 'na' adjective remove the な 'na'
how to say an い 'i' adjective is not put a くない 'ku na i'
how to say a な 'na' adjective is not put a じゃない 'ja na i'
明日'a shi ta' tomorrow
毎日 'ma i ni chi' every day
先週 'se n shu u' last week
今週 'ko n shu u' this week
来週 'ra i shu u' next week
平日 'he i ji tsu' a weekday
月曜 'ge tsu yo u bi' Monday
火曜日 'ka yo u bi' Tuesday
水曜日 'su i yo u bi' Wednesday
木曜日 'mo ku yo u bi' Thursday
金曜日 'ki n yo u bi' Friday
週末 'shu u ma tsu' a weekend
土曜日 'do yo u bi' Saturday
日曜日 'ni chi yo u bi' Sunday
What particle to use for I like? が 'ga'
What particle to use for I don't like? は 'wa'
What particle to use for I like also? も 'mo'
What particle to use for do you like...? は 'wa'
What particle to use for Do you like...? (open question) が 'ga'
お腹が空きました 'o na ka ga su ki ma shi ta' (I just realized) I'm hungry
のどがかわきました 'no do ga ka wa ki ma shi ta' (I just realized) I'm thirsty
食べる 'ta be ru' to eat
食べます 'ta be masu' to eat ('-masu' form)
何か 'nani ka' something
何 'nani' what
何か食べましょう 'nani ka ta be ma sho u' let's have something to eat
ある 'a ru' to exist; there is...
あります 'a ri masu' to exist; there is... ('-masu' form)
近く 'chi ka ku' nearby
近くにレストランはありますか 'chi ka ku ni re su to ran wa a ri masu' Is there a restaurant nearby?
居酒屋 'i za ka ya' Japanese food pub
食べたいです 'ta be ta i desu' I want to eat
何が食べたいですか 'Nani ga ta be ta i desu ka' What do you want to eat
どこでも 'do ko de mo' wherever
なんでもいいですよ 'na n de mo i i desu yo' I'm fine with whatever
いろいろ 'i ro i ro' all kinds of...
いろいろ食べたいです 'i ro i ro ta be ta i desu' I want to eat lots of different things
飲む 'no mu' to drink
飲みます 'no mi masu' to drink ('-masu' form)
飲みたいです 'no mi ta i desu' I want to drink
お酒が飲みたいです 'o sake ga no mi ta i desu' I want to have (alcoholic) drink
いらっしゃいませ 'i ra sha i ma se' welcome to our shop
二人 'fu ta ri' two people
三人 'sa n ni n' three people
四人です 'yo ni n desu' there are four of us
こちらへどうぞ 'ko chi ra he do u zo' This way please (respectful)
あちら 'a chi ra' over that way (respectful)
飲み物 'no mi mo no' beverage
お飲み物は 'o no mi mo no wa' what would you like to drink (respectful)
とりあえず 'to ri a e zu' for the time being
とりあえずビール 'to ri a e zu bi i ru' a beer, to start
注文 'chu u mo n' an order (at a restaurant)
ご注文はお決まりですか 'go chu u mo n wa o ki ma ri desu ka' are you ready to order (respectful)
おすすめは何ですか 'o su su me wa na n desu ka' what do you recommend
全部 'ze n bu' evereything
おいしい 'o i shi i' delicious
全部おいしそうですね 'ze n bu o i shi so u desu ne' they all look delicious
どれにしますか 'do re ni shi ma su ka' which are you gonna go for
えーっと 'e-e to' well... (casual)
何にしようかな 'nani ni shi yo u ka na' what do I want...? (talking to yourself)
おまかせで 'o ma ka se de' I'll leave it up to you
入る 'ha i ru' to enter
わさびは入っていますか 'wa sa bi wa ha i te i masu ka' is there wasabi in this?
大好物 'da i ko u bu tsu' a food I love
わさびが大好物です 'wa sa bi ga da i ko u bu tsu desu' wasabi is one of my favorite foods
おー、さすが日本人! 'o-o, sa su ga ni ho n ji n' wow, you're so Japanese!
お肉 'o ni ku' meat
お魚 'o sa ka na' fish
私はお肉とお魚がダメなんです 'Wa ta shi wa o ni ku to o sa ka na ga da me na n desu' I actually can't eat meat or fish
アレルギー 'a re ru gi-i' allergy
ナッツにアレルギーなんです 'Na tsu ni a re ru gi-i na n desu' I'm actually allergic to nuts
シェアする 'she a su ru' to share (dictionary form)
これは二人でシェアできますか 'ko re wa fu ta ri she a de ki masu ka' can we share this between two people
これをください 'ko re wo ku da sa i' can I have this please
それと… 'so re to' also...
以上でよろしいですか 'i jo u de yo ro shi i desu ka' is that all (respectful)
待つ 'ma tsu' wait
少々お待ちください 'sho u sho u o ma chi ku da sa i' please wait a moment (respectful)
お待たせしました 'o ma ta se shi ma shi ta' thank you for waiting (respectful)
熱い 'a tsu i' hot (thing)
冷たい 'tsu me ta i' cold; cool (thing)
甘い 'a ma i' sweet
辛い 'ka ra i' spicy
口 'ku chi' mouth
一口ちょうだい 'hi to ku chi cho u da i' can I have a bite? (casual)
おかわりください 'o ka wa ri ku da sa i' can I have another please?
別腹 'be tsu ba ra' another stomach
デザートは別腹です 'de za-a to wa be tsu ba ra desu' you always have room for dessert
会計 'ka i ke i' the bill
お会計お願いします 'o ka i ke i o ne ga i shi masu' the bill, please
いっぱい 'i pa i' full; a lot
お腹がいっぱいです 'o na ka ga i pa i desu' I'm full
which particle to use for "there is..." が 'ga'
which particle to use for "is there..?" は 'wa
生ビール 'na ma bi-i ru' draft beer
お水 'o mi zu' water
お茶 'o cha' Japanese tea
紅茶 'ko u cha' non-Japanese tea
お料理 'o ri o u ri' a dish; cooking (respectful)
牛肉 'gi u u ni ku' beef
豚肉 'bu ta ni ku' pork
鶏肉 'to ri ni ku' chicken (meat)
野菜 'ya sa i' vegetable
ごはん 'go ha n' rice; a meal
お味噌汁 'o mi so shi ru' a miso soup
お漬物 'o tsu ke mo no' Japanese Pickles
しょうゆ 'sho u yu' a soy sauce
お皿 'o sa ra' a plate
お箸 'o ha shi' chopsticks
おしぼり 'o shi bo ri' wet hand towel
おじゃまします 'o ja ma shi masu' hi! (entering someones house)
紹介する 'sho ka i su ru' introduce
私の家族を紹介します 'Wa ta shi no ka zo ku o sho u ka i shi masu' let me introduce you to my family
母 'ha ha' my mom
母のモリーンです 'ha ha no ma ri-i n desu' this is my mother, Maureen
お母さん 'o ka sa n' mother (respectful)
お母さんは美人ですね 'o ka sa n wa bi ji n desu ne' your mother is very pretty
ただいま 'ta da i ma' I'm home!
おかえり 'o ka e ri' welcome home
父 'chi chi' my dad
自慢 'ji ma n' a boast; a pride
私の自慢の父です 'wa ta shi no ji ma n no chi chi desu' I am proud of my father
お父さん 'o to sa n' father (respectful)
お父さんにそっくりですね 'o to sa n ni so ku ri desu ne' you look exactly like your father, you know?
でしょ 'de sho' I know, right (casual)
思う 'o mo u' to think; to feel
私もそう思います 'wa ta shi mo so u o mo i masu' I think so too
親子 'o ya ko' a parent and their child
やっぱり親子ですね 'ya pa ri o ya ko desu ne' after all, you're a chip off the old block
きょうだい 'kyo u da i' siblings
きょうだいはいますか 'kyo u da i ha i masu ka' do you have any sibilings?
きょうだいはいません'kyo u da i ha i ma sen' I don't have any sibilings
一人っ子です 'hi to ri ko desu' I'm an only child
姉 'a ne' older sister
私には姉が二人います 'wa ta shi ni wa a ne ga fu ta ri i masu' I have two older sisters
お姉さん 'o ne e sa n' elder sister (respectful); a young lady
ケンカする 'ke n ka su ru' to quarrel; to argue
ケンカばっかりしています 'ke n ka ba kka ri shi te i masu' all we do is argue
アニメばっかり見ています 'a ni me ba kka ri mi te i masu' all I watch is anime
兄 'a ni' my older brother
お兄さん 'o ni i sa n' elder brother (respectful); a young man
取り合う 'to ri a u' to fight over
いつも 'i tsu mo' always
いつもリモコンの取り合いになります i tsu mo ko n no to ri a i ni na ri masu' we always fight over the remote control
分かる 'wa ka ru' I know how you feel
ずるい 'zu ru i' it's not fair! (casual); dishonest
弟 'o to u to' my little brother
弟さんはどんな人ですか 'o to u to san wa do n na hi to desu ka' what kind of person is your little brother?
人見知り 'hi to mi shi ri' a shy person
おしゃべりな 'o sha be ri na' chatty
意外とおしゃべりですよ 'i ga i to o sha be ri desu yo' (he) is surprisingly chatty, you know?
妹 'i mo u to' younger sister
特に 'to ku ni' especially
仲がいい 'na ka ga i i' get along very well
私は特に妹と仲がいいです 'wa ta shi wa to ku ni i mo u to to na ka ga i i desu' I especially get along with my younger sister
妻 'tsu ma' my wife
奥さん 'o ku san' wife (respectful)
旦那さん 'da n na san' husband (respectful)
世界 'se ka i' world
旦那の料理は世界一です 'da n na no ryo u ri wa se ka i i chi desu' my husband is the best cook in the world
いってきます 'i te ki masu' bye (when leaving home)
いってらっしゃい 'i te ra sha i' bye (to the person leaving home)
失礼な 'shi tsu re na' rude
失礼ですけど... 'shi tsu re desu ke do...' I know it's rude, but...
いくつ 'i ku tsu' how many?
おいくつですか 'o i ku tsu desu ka' how old are you? (respectful)
秘密 'hi mi tsu' secret
歳 'to shi' age
三十歳です 'san jyuu sai desu' I'm thirty years old
え〜、見えないですね 'e~, mi e na i desu ne' you don't look it
お世辞 'o se ji' fake compliment
上手な 'jo u zu na' good at
見える 'mi e ru' h
下手な 'he ta na' bad at
お世辞が上手ですね 'o se ji ga jo u zu desu ne' you're to kind
おじいちゃん 'o ji i chan' grandpa
おばあちゃん 'o ba a chan' grandma
ラブラブな 'ra bu ra bu na' lovey-dovey
今でもラブラブです 'i ma de mo ra bu ra bu desu' they are still deeply in love with each other
How to say there is/I have with inanimate objects add あります after が
How to say there is/I have with living beings add います after が
大きい 'o o ki il big
小さい 'chi i sa i' small
背が高い 'se ga ta ka i' tall (height)
背が低い 'se ga hi ku i' short (height)
かっこいい 'ka ko i i' cool; handsome
優しい 'ya sa shi i' kind
頭がいい 'a ta ga ma i i' clever
怖い 'ko wa i' scary
くさい 'ku sa i' smelly
元気な 'ge n ki na' energetic; (physically) well
真面目な 'ma ji me na' serious, studious
頑固な 'ga n ko na' stubborn
やんちゃな 'ya n cha na' cheeky
さあ、行きましょう 'sa a, i ki ma sho u' come on, lets go
どこに行きましょうか 'do ko ni i ki ma sho u ka' where should we go?
お城 'o shi ro' castle
お城に行きたいです 'o shi ro ni i ki ta i desu' I want to go to a castle
お土産 'o mi ya ge' souvenir
買う 'ka u' buy
お土産を買いたいです 'o mi ya ge wo ka i ta i desu' I want to buy souvenirs
観光 'ka n ko u' tourism
案内所 'a n na i jo' information center
聞く 'ki ku' to listen; to ask
観光案内所で聞きましょう 'ka n ko u a n na i jo de ki ki ma sho u' Let's ask at the tourist center
行き方 'i ki ka ta' directions (to get somewhere)
教える 'o shi e ru' to tell; to teach
教えてくさい 'o shi e te ku da sa i' please tell me
ポケモンセンターへの行き方を教えてくさい 'Pokemon senta-a e no i ki ka ta wo o shi e te ku da sa i' please tell me the way to the Pokémon Center
お寺 'o te ra' a Buddhist temple
神社 'ji n ja' a shrine
違い 'chi ga i' a difference
お寺と神社の違いは何ですか 'o te ra to ji n jo no chi ga i wa na n desu ka' what's the difference between temples and shrines?
まず、宗教が違います 'ma zu, shu u kyo u ga chi ga i masu' firstly, they're different religious
なるほど 'na ru ho do' oh, I see (casual)
地図をください 'chi zu wo ku da sa i' please give me a map
遠いですか 'to o i desu ka' is it far?
近い 'chi ka i' close by
歩く 'a ru ku' to walk
歩いて行けますか 'a ru i te i ke masu ka' can I walk there?
やる 'ya ru' to do; to do buisness
今日はやっていますか 'kyo u wa ya te i masu ka' is it open today?
休む 'ya su mu' to rest
お休みです o ya su mi desu' it's not open
何かおもしろいイベントはやっていますか 'nani ka o mo shi ro i i be n to wa ya te i masu ka' are there any interesting events happening?
混む 'ko mu' to get crowded with people
混んでいますか 'ko n de i masu ka' is it crowded?
どれがおすすめですか 'do re ga o su su mi desu ka' which do you recommend?
舞妓さん 'ma i ko sa n' maiko (Apprentice geisha)
舞妓体験 ma i ko ta i ke n' maiko experience
忍者体験って何ですか 'ninja ta i ke n te na n desu ka' what is a 'ninja experience'
意味 'i mi' meaning
体験ってどういう意味ですか 'taiken te do u i u i mi desu ka' what does 'taiken' mean
生活 'se i ka tsu' daily life
忍者の生活を体験できます 'ninja no se i ka tsu wo taiken de ki masu' You can experience the life of a ninja
人気な 'ni n ki na' popular
とても人気なツアーです 'to te mo ni n ki na tsu a-a desu' it's a very popular tour
興味 'kyo u mi' an interest
さむらいに興味があります 'samurai nikyo u mi ga a ri masu' I am interested in samurai
興味津々です 'kyo u mi shi n shi n desu' I'm really intrigued
今 'i ma' now
時間 'ji kan' time
今、何時ですか 'i ma, nan ji desu ka' what time is it now
何時からですか 'nan ji ka ra desu ka' what time does it start?
四時から九時までです 'yo ji ka ra ku ji ma de dsu' it's from four to nine o'clock
有料 'yu u ryo u' paid admissiom
無料ですか 'mu ryo u desu ka' is it free?
大人 'o to na' adult
子ども 'ko do mo' child
大人一人と、子供二人です 'o to na hitori to, ko do mo futari desu' we have one adult and two children
とっても楽しみです 'to tte mo tanoshi mi desu' I'm really looking forward to it
ワクワクしますね 'wa ku wa ku shi masu ne' it's super exciting, isn't it?
ありがとうございます 'a ri ga to u go za i masu' thank you ( fromal)
こちらこそ 'ko chi ra ko so' no, I should be thanking YOU
博物館 'ha ku bu tsu ka n' a museum
商店街 'sho u te n ga i' a shopping mall
公園 'ko u e n' a park
お祭り 'o ma tsu ri' a festival
市場 'i chi ba' a market
動物園 'dou bu tsu e n' a zoo
美術館 'bi ju tsu ka n' an art gallery
遊園地 'yu u e n chi' an amusement park
水族館 'su i zo ku ka n' an aquarium
協会 'kyo u ka i' a church
学校 'ga kko u' a school
交番 'ko u ba n' a police station
もしもし 'mo shi mo shi' hello 'on the phone'
久しぶり hi sa shi bu ri' long time no see! (casual)
お久しぶりです 'o hi sa shi bu ri desu' it's been a while! (respectful)
メールするところでした 'me-e ru su ru to ko ro de shi ta' I was about to text you
電話する 'de n wa su ru' to call (on the phone)
ちょうど 'cho u do' just; precisely
ちょうど電話するところでした 'cho u do de n wa su ru to ko ro de shi ta' I was just about to call you now
久しぶりに会いませんか? 'hi sa shi bu ri ni a i ma se n ka' it's been a long time why don't we meet up
三年ぶりに 'san ne n bu ri ni' for the first time in three years
お茶をする 'o cha wo su ru' to chat over tea or coffee
お茶でもしませんか 'o cha de mo shi ma sen ka' why don't we meet up for coffee or something
いいですね 'i i desu ne' sound good!
連休 're n kyu u' a long holiday
今週末は連休ですね 'ko n shu u ma tsu wa re n kyu u desu ne' this is a long weekend, isn't it?
どこが行きたいところはありますか 'do ko ga i ki ta i to ko ro wa a ri masu' is there anywhere you want to go?
何かしたいことはありますか 'nani ka shi ta i ko to wa a ri masu ka' is there something you want to do?
何かおいしいものが食べたいです 'nani ka o i shi i mo no ga ta be ta i desu' I want to eat something delicious
待ち合わせする 'ma chi a wa se su ru' to meet up (to go somewhere else)
どこで待ち合わせしますか 'do ko de ma chi a wa se shi masu ka' where should we meet up?
Created by: mickstercook
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