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Jap Voc Apartment

「そこは人間のペットを飼ってもいいですか?」 = Soko wa ningen no petto wo katte mo ii desu ka? = Am I allowed to keep a human pet there?
不動産会社 = fudousangaisha = a real estate agent
賃貸 = chintai = rent
アパート = apaato = apartment
マンション = manshon = condominium
保証人なし = hoshounin nashi = no guarantor required* (Many places require you to find a Japanese guarantor.)
礼金なし = reikin nashi = no key money required
敷金礼金なし = shikikin reikin nashi = no key money and deposit are required
外国人向け = gaikokujin muke = (recommendable properties ) for foreigners
留学生向け = ryuugakusei muke = (recommendable properties ) for foreign students
物件 = bukken = property
部屋 = heya = a room Note: Now 部屋 ( = heya) means “a room” but it is also a general term for an apartment room /condominium room.
空き部屋 = akibeya = vacant room / vacant space
アパート = apaato = apartment (building) - manshon is built with 鉄筋 ( = tekkin) steel framed reinforced concrete and walls are thicker, アパート (= apaato) is basically 木造 ( = mokuzou) wooden built. (There are exceptions.)
マンション = manshon = apartment, condominium building ounds nicer and more modern.
一戸建て = ikkodate = a house / detached house
シェアハウス = sheahausu = share house (This is a kind of new trend in Japan. Basically you share a building / floor with other people. Some share houses are pretty international. )
鉄筋 ( = tekkin) steel framed reinforced concrete
木造 ( = mokuzou) wooden built.
Such as メゾン (= mezon ) from the French, maison, キャッスル (= kyassuru) = castle, etc.
Smaller apartment (usually one or two stories) ~ハイツ ( = haitsu) ~コーポ ( = koopo) ~荘 ( = sou)
* 借りる = kariru = to rent a place (or something) from someone/ to borrow
* 貸す = kasu = to rent a place (or something) to someone / lend/ loan
* 賃貸 = chintai = renting / rentals (to rent something/a place to someone charging money)
* 賃貸アパート = chintai apaato = apartment for rent
* 賃貸マンション = chintai manshon = condominium for rent
* 大家 = ooya = landloard / landlady
Conditions: 条件 (= jouken)
可 ( = ka) available,allowed
不可( = fuka) not available, not allowed
* 楽器可 = gakki ka = allowed to play music instrument
二人入居不可= futari nyuukyo fuka = not allowed to live two people.
* ペット可 = petto ka = allowed to have a pet
* ペット不可 = petto fuka = no pets allowed
* 家賃 = yachin = rent Ex. 家賃8万円 = Yachin hachimanen = Rent 80,000 yen/month
* 初期費用= shoki hiyou = initial costs
* 前家賃 = maeyachin= prepaid rent
* 手付金 = tetsukekin = reservation fee
契約 ( = keiyaku) contract to rent the place, they may ask you to pay the reservation fee which is called 手付金 (= tetsukekin)
手付金 (= tetsukekin) reservation fee
礼金 = reikin = key money
礼金は返金致しません。 = Reikin wa henkin itashimasen. = Key money won’t returned.
* 敷金 =shikikin / 保証金= hoshoukin = deposit, security deposit
The amount of 礼金 (= reikin) key money / 敷金 (= shikikin) deposit may not be specified. Instead, they may write/say,
Ex. 家賃1ヶ月分 = yachin ikkagetsubun = (the same amount of money as) one month rent * There are many properties that don’t require 礼金(= reikin) key money / 敷金 (= shikikin) deposit
Ex. 敷金礼金ゼロ = shikikin reikin zero = No deposit and key money required
仲介手数料 = (fudousan) chuukai tesuuryou / 仲介料= chuukairyou = agent’s commission, brokerage fee
* 管理費 = kanrihi = maintenance fee
* 共益費 = kyouekihi = common service expense
* 更新手数料 = koushin tesuuryou = renewal commission
* 保険=hoken = insurance
Ex. 火災保険 = kasai hoken = fire insurance
Ex. 家財保険 = kazai hoken = home contents insurance
* 保険料 = hoken ryou = insurance fee
* 解約金 = kaiyakukin = cancellation of contract
* 新築 = shinchiku= new / just built * 築~ 年 = chiku ~ nen = ~ years old building
Ex. 築10年 = chiku juunen = 10 year old building (10 years have passed since that building was built)
* 階 = kai = floor Ex. 2階 = nikai = the second floor Ex.10階建て = jukkaidate = a ten-storied (building)
Ex. 屋上 = okujou= rooftop
Ex. 地下 = chika= basement
* 住所 = juusho = address
* ~沿線 = ensen = along the railway line ~
* 交通 = koutsuu= transportation
最寄り駅 = moyorieki= nearest station
歩5分 = ho gofun = (written expression) / 徒歩5分= toho gofunn = five minutes on foot (from the station)
南向き = minami muki = facing south
* 北 = kita = north
* 東 = higashi= east
* 西 = nishi = west
日当り = hiatari =sunshine
* 角部屋 = kadobeya = a cornered room
Ex. 日当りが悪い = hiatari ga warui = dark ( no sunshine・sunless)
日当り良好の部屋 = hiatari ryoukou no heya = a room with lots of sunshine
Ex. 日当りがいい = hiatari ga ii = lots of sunshine (In a written form: 日当たりよし = hiatari yoshi)
* 即入居可 = soku nyuukyo ka = (written expression) You can move in anytime * 入居 = nyuukyo = moving in
* 家具付 = Kagu, kaden tsuki = furnished * 家具、家電付物件 = Kagu, kaden tsuki = furnished with appliances
* 面積 = menseki = size
When you see a floor map in Japanese, you will see numbers with this kanji 帖 (= jou). It is a unit to indicate the area size.
* 一帖 = ichijou = 1.65㎡ / about 17.42ft2 * 一畳= ichijou = One tatami mat size/ 1.62 ㎡./ about 17.74ft2 (Nowadays it is more common to use the counter unit, 帖)
* 坪= tsubo = about 3.3 ㎡ / 35.58 ft2 ☆Layout of the room: * 間取り = madori = layout / floor plan * 1K = wan kei = one room apartment with a kitchen
* ワンルーム = Wan ruumu = studio apartment
* 2LDK = tsuu eru diikei = 2-room apartment with a living room, dining room and kitchen.
(K =kei= kitchen L = eru = living room D = dii= dining room)
* 和室 = washitsu = Japanese style room with tatami mats
* 洋室 = youshitsu = Western style room
* フローリング = furooringu = wooden floor
* 収納 = shuunou = closet
* 押し入れ = oshiire = Japanese style closet
* 洗面所 = senmenjo=washroom
* ベランダ = beranda / バルコニー= barukonii = balcony
* 玄関 = genkan= entrance, porch, the front door
* 廊下 = rouka = hallway, passage corridor
* トイレ = toire/ お手洗い = otearai = toilet / restroom
* 和式 = washiki = Japanese style (the one you have to squat) :)
* 洋式 = youshiki = Western style
* 浴室 = yokushitsu/ バス =basu / (お)風呂 = (o) furo)
* シャワー = shawaa = shower
* 台所 = daidokoro = kitchen
* 居間 = ima / リビング = libingu = living room
* ダイニング = dainingu = dining room
* 書斎 = shosai = study
* 寝室 = shinshitsu = bedroom
* エスカレーター = esukareetaa = escalator
* 階段 = kaidan = stairs
* ロフト = rofuto = loft
""" finished!!! """
Source Link Maggie Sensei:
Created by: Marutina
Popular Japanese sets




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