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D098 Unit 3 Module 4

Function of Content Marketing

Content Marketing A marketing specialization that involves the creation and sharing of meaningful information (through stories, blogs, videos, and social media posts) designed to raise interest in a company's products or services in a pull motion
Content Original, purposeful, and correctly optimized information that people and search engines are driven to read, view, and share.
Blog Posts Most common form of content marketing, published on a website, and then shared on social media, once they are optimized using SEO
E-books Comprehensive and in-depth resource of information on a certain subject for potential consumers; can provide a new source of credibility and thought leadership for the company responsible for the creation of this content.
Templates and worksheets Used by organizations in online settings to help potential customers with certain issues, by saving them time and effort.
Infographics Organize data in a visual manner, thus providing a more compelling and engaging opportunity to transmit information.
Videos Possess the highest level of engagement and contagion on social media and other websites; can be used as a content marketing tactic to explain certain issues, demonstrate a product or service, or present a topic of interest to targeted audiences.
Podcasts Represent prerecorded interviews and edited radio shows used to debate different topics of interest to a company's target audience; also used for lead generation, by asking listeners to subscribe for updates.
Guides Help potential consumers with step-by-step instructions on achieving different goals and tasks.
Kits Represent a collection of content with a common subject; can repurpose content that was already published and aggregate it under one offer.
Tip sheets and checklists Provide guidance and concise tips or best practices for potential consumers looking to complete a particular task.
Webinars Used by companies to gain more credibility among targeted consumers and usually compiled as a series to provide information on a certain subject; involve gathering expert and leaders in certain fields to share their ideas on the main topic.
Whitepapers Similar to academic papers in their objective, authoritative, detailed, and informative presentation of research findings and reports; provide unbiased details on trends or evolution in a particular industry or area of business.
Case Studies Provide potential consumers with an incentive to convert by sharing customer success stories that explain how their products or services helped a particular customer.
Survey and research reports Results reflect on the perception of respondents on the state of an industry or to persuade potential customers about the features of a particular product or service.
User-generated content Can take any form of text, images, video, or audio that was created by consumers of a brand or company; created by loyal customers and can then be repurposed and redistributed with the audience of the organization.
Benefits of content marketing Brand awareness, brand preference, brand reach
Opinion Leaders Well-known individuals (or organizations) who have the ability to influence public opinion on the subject matter for which the opinion leader is known
Influencers Persons with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media
"Not paid for" content Created by an organization that wants to increase knowledge and engagement without selling content
"Paid for" content Created by an organization that wants to sell digital content
"Social" content Created by brand community members who want to express their views
Thought leader A person, an organization, or a publication regarded as an authoritative source of new ideas or intellectual trends
Thought leadership Trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success
4-1-1 Rule General guideline businesses can use to manage how they share their own content and other peoples' content and how they engage on social media; suggests that you should post four pieces of new content, one repost, and one self-serving post
Content Planning Process Steps Developing the content strategy, Planning the content creation, Creating the content, Promoting the content, Measuring the success
Content calendars Shareable resources that teams can use to plan all content activity and visualize how content is distributed throughout the year
Workflow maps Consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of activity, enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information
Customer persona maps A detailed customer analysis that provides profile information to create more personalized strategies that positively impact the customer experience
Brand style guides Rulebooks that explain how an organization presents itself through its logo, font and color selections, photography, and much more
Curated Process of selecting, organizing, and presenting information using professional or expert knowledge and information
Content strategy document Formal written document of a firm's content marketing goals, targeted audiences, and marketing activities
Gating The use of a form that requires information to be filled in before content is viewable
Reach Total number of people who see a certain post due to both organic updates and paid promotion
Impressions Instances where an advertisement is displayed to consumers
Engagements Any action taken on a piece of content. Views, downloads, shares, and comments are all engagement opportunities.
Engagement rate Calculated by dividing the total number of engagements by the total number of impressions for an engagement rate, which describes how "engaging" a piece of content is.
Pageview A pageview is counted when a user visits a page
Video views A video view is counted whenever a user clicks "play" on a digital video—or when a social network or video platform auto-plays a video
Entrances The number of times users entered a site or an app through a particular page; in other words, entrances represent the number of sessions for which the specified page was the first page in a session
Exit rate To calculate exit rate, analytics platforms divide the number of exits from a page by that page's total pageviews. Essentially, exit rate is a measure of how likely users are to leave a site from the given page.
Bounce rate A bounce is a session that includes only a single page—sessions in which users reached a single page and clicked no further. The bounce rate, then, is the number of these single-page sessions divided by all sessions.
Heat map A graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors
Created by: D098
Popular Marketing sets




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