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Spinal Chords/Nerves

anatomical segmentation of the spinal cord C7, T12, L5, S5, starts at foramen magnum, has spinal cord segments with posterior and anterior spinal nerves, and ends at conus medullaris/L2
relationship between the spinal cord segments and the vertebral bodies. pairs of spinal nerves help determine spinal segments, nerves enter through vertebral bodies and protects
functional significance of the cervical and lumbar cord enlargements higher number of neurons present
anatomically speaking, why are the enlargements present associated with the limbs
"reflex" stereotyped response to a given sensory input
spinal reflex reflex with circuitry contained within the spinal cord
spinal nerve - sensory posterior horn, posterior funiculus, posterior root, PRG is primary afferent
spinal nerve - motor anterior horn
spinal cord reflex arc receptor, afferent neuron (sensory input) with PRG, interneuron, efferent neuron (autonomic and motor), and target organ (largely skeletal muscle - could also be glads or smooth muscle)
fiber types for motor axons anterior
fiber types for sensory axons posterior
What is the functional significance of increasing diameter and myelination? makes processing faster
sensory primary afferent - sensory info into cord, ascending tracts - info to the brain
efferents lower motor neurons and autonomics - axons go to the periphery, depending tracks - instructions go to efferents
integrative reflexes and program pattern generators
spinal cord segment 1 pair of spinal nerves
spinal nerves posterior dorsal root, anterior ventral root
end of cord conus medullaris
2 enlargements cervical (brachial) plexus and lumbar (lumbosacral) plexus
cervical upper back and arms
thoracic middle torso
lumbar butt and legs
rexed laminae posterior horn is laminae I-VI (2nd layer is substantial gelatinosa)
Created by: eew888
Popular Science sets




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