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chapter 13 blood

red blood cells Most abundant cells in our body that are produced in the bone marrow
hemoglobin Protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen
receivers People with Type AB blood are called universal ____, because they can receive blood from anyone.
White blood cells Component of blood that is part of our immune system and destroy pathogens in our body
Plasma Yellowish liquid part of the blood
Platelets Clotting factors in our the plasma that clot together to prevent blood loss from a wound
Genes Our blood type is determined by these, which are inherited from our parents
Type A Blood type that contains A agglutinogens
Type B Blood type that contains B agglutinogens
Type AB Blood type that contains A and B agglutinogens
Type O Blood type that does not contain A or B agglutinogens
Rh factor Indicates the presence of a specific protein; discovered while studying Rhesus monkeys
Universal Receivers AB
Universal Donors O
Anemia A deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin
Basophil The fewest of the WBCs; secretes heparin
Coagulation blood clotting
Eosinophils White blood cells that protect against parasites; also involved in allergic reactions
Erythrocytes Red blood cells
Erythropoietin Hormone secreted by the kidneys that stimulates the production of erythrocytes
Fibrin Insoluble protein fibers involved in forming a blood clot
Fibrinolysis Process of dissolution of a blood clot
Hematocrit The percentage of red blood cells in a sample of blood
Hemoglobin iron-containing pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen
Hemolysis The destruction of red blood cells
Hemopoiesis The production of blood
Hemostasis An arrest of bleeding
Leukocytes White blood cells
Leukocytosis Elevated white blood cell count
Leukopenia Abnormally low white blood cell count
Lymphocytes Second most numerous of the WBCs; responsible for long-term immunity
Monocytes Largest and most long-lived of the WBCs; highly phagocytic
Neutrophils Most abundant of the white blood cells; highly mobile
Plasma The clear extracellular matrix of blood
Platelets Blood cell fragments that play a key role in stopping bleeding
Reticulocyte An immature form of an erythrocyte
Serum Plasma without the clotting proteins
Viscosity The thickness or stickiness of blood
erythrocytes blood contains more of this formed element than any other
water main component of plasma
iron what is necessary in the diet for hemoglobin synthesis?
Viscosity property of blood determined by the combination of plasma and blood cells
Flexible Red blood cells have __________shape
Nucleus red blood cells have a __________ this means they cannot replicate
Reticulocytes An increased number of these cells reflect an increase in the production of RBCs
Albumin The main protein in plasma
Hemoglobin Red pigment that gives RBC its color
Hematocrit Concentration of RBCs in a sample of blood
Hemolysis Excessive destruction of RBC
red bone marrow most blood cells are creaeted
globin is made up of
Oxyhemoglobin Hemoglobin saturated with oxygen
coagulation blood clot
erythropoietin is a hormone secreted by the kidneys that stimulates the production of erythrocytes
fibrin Insoluble protein fibers that are involved in forming a blood clot.
transport Blood's main function is to serve as a _____ medium as it makes endless, frequent laps around the body.
RBC are the heaviest of the formed elements and sink to the bottom of a blood sample.
viscous The more _____ a fluid, the thicker it is.
red bone marrow, lymphatic tissue. The body has 2 types of hemopoietic tissue.. What are they?
sternum, cranial bones, vertebrae, pelvis Where is red bone marrow found?
spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus gland Where is lymphatic tissue found?
erythrocytes Charges with delivering oxygen to cells and removing carbon dioxide, _____ are critical to survival. Blood contains these more than any other formed element.
oxygen, carbon dioxide A normal RBC is shaped like a disc with a sunken center. This shapes gives the cell a large surface area through which _____ and _____ can readily diffuse.
heme Oxygen in the blood is carried on what molecule?
protein Which component of plasma plays a role in blood clotting and regulation of fluid volume?
exposure of collagen fibers What causes platelets to become sticky platelets?
used to make new proteins. When old RBC's are destroyed, the globin portion is
The donor antibodies will destroy the recipients RBC's. A person with B + blood receives a transfusion of A + blood, what will happen?
Hemophilia Rare disorder resulting from a deficiency of one of the clotting factors
Thrombocytes Another name for platelets
sticky Rough spot inside blood vessel makes platelets become this
Calcium Adequate blood level of this mineral is required for clotting
plug A mass of platelets that forms temporary seal on a vessel wall is called a platelet
Collagen Fibers that are exposed when a vessel is injured
Embolism When a piece of a clot breaks off and circulates through the bloodstream
Thrombus Unwanted blood clot inside a vessel
antigen Each red blood cell carries a protein called
Antibodies plasma carries
Polycythemia Disease cause d by excess of RBC's
Anemia Deficiency of RBC's
Hemolytic anemia Disorder that causes the excessive destruction of RBC's
Pernicious anemia Lack of vitamin B12
Leukocytosis This will occur if someone with type A blood receives a transfusion with type B blood
Basophils When an infecting organism pierces the skin, which of the following WBCs would quickly migrate out of the blood vessels and into the tissues to ingest the foreign invader?
Jaundice Hemolysis may produce which physical sign?
Plasmin dissolves the fibrin meshwork around blood clots. How would someone experiencing a heart attack caused by a blood clot benefit from a drug that stimulates the conversion of plasminogen into plasmin?
Formation of a thrombus Which of the following is an unwanted part of hemostasis?
Monocytes Which of the following WBCs have the longest life span?
RhoGAM All Rh-negative women who become pregnant with an Rh-positive baby should be treated with an Rh immune globulin called
anti-Rh antibodies The immune globulin prevents the formation of ______________by the mother, thus preventing an attack on the fetus’s RBCs.
ABO antibodies are not present at birth.
between 8 and 10 years old when do you reach your maximum concentration of ABO antibodies?
agglutinins antibodies are also called this
Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) A
antigen each red blood cell carries a protein called an_________________, of which there are two types (A and B)
antibodies, antigen plasma carries___________________against the_________________of the other blood types
hemolysis during a reaction, red blood cell may burst this is called
each red blood cell contains millions of hemoglobin molecules
120 days red blood cells have a life span of
Created by: wendyhall1976
Popular Science sets




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