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N5 JLPT Vocabulary

天気 601 tenki てんき Noun weather; the elements 今日の天気はいいですね。今日の天気は?今日、天気は良くない。昨日、天気は素晴らしかった。 subarashikatta//今日は昨日の雨と違って良い天気だ。Unlike yesterday's rain, it's nice weather today.kyou wa kinou no ame to chigatte yoi tenki da.
時計 602 tokei とけい Noun watch; clock; timepiece この時計は高い。この時計は20ドルした。私の時計は正確ではありません。 seikaku その棚の上の方に時計があります。 tana 私は腕時計が欲しくありません。udedokei
603 toki とき Noun time; moment; occasion; chance - これは私が成人になった時の写真です。 あなたは疲れた時は何を食べますか。 tsukareta あなたは泣きたい時に泣けばいい。anata wa nakitai toki ni nakeba ii.You should cry when you want to. 彼が目を覚めた時は昼間だった。 mewo sameta wake up / 彼は困った時のほかは来ない。kare wa komatta toki no hoka wa konai.He only comes when he is in trouble.
時々 604 tokidoki ときどき Noun, Adverb sometimes; at times 時々アニメを見ます。そこでは冬には時々雪が降る。時々料理を作ります。時々私たちはドライブに出かける。私の兄は時々私の宿題を手伝ってくれる。 ani wa tokidoki watashi no shukudai wo tetsudatte kureru.
友達 605 tomodachi Noun friend; companion
十日 606 tooka Noun tenth day of the month / 10 days
取る 607 toru Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to take; to pick up; to harvest; to earn; to win; to choose
608 toshi Noun year; age
図書館 609 Noun library toshokan
一日 610 Noun first day of the month tsuitachi
611 ue Noun, の-adjective, Suffix above; up; over; top; surface
生まれる 612 umareru Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb to be born
売る 613 Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to sell uru
後ろ 614 ushiro Noun back; behind; rear
上着 615 uwagi Noun coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment
分かる 616 わかる Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow
悪い 617 warui Adjective, い-adjective bad; poor; undesirable
忘れる 618 wasureru Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to forget
619 yama Noun mountain; hill
八百屋 620 yaoya Noun greengrocer; fruit and vegetable shop; versatile
安い 621 yasui Adjective, い-adjective cheap; inexpensive
休み 622 yasumi Noun rest; vacation; holiday
休む 623 yasumu Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to be absent; to take a day off; to rest
八つ 624 Noun, Numeric eight: 8 yattsu
四日 625 yokka Noun fourth day of the month / 4 days
読む 626 yomu Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to read; to guess; to predict; to read (someone's thoughts)
627 yoru Noun evening; night
四つ 628 yottsu Noun, Numeric four; 4
八日 629 youka Noun eighth day of the month / 8 days
昨夜 630 yuube Noun last night
夕方 631 yuugata Noun evening; dusk
夕飯 632 yuuhan Noun evening meal
有名 633 yuumei Noun, Adjective, な-adjective famous
お父さん 501 otousan Noun father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy
来月 502 raigetsu Noun next month
来年 503 rainen Noun next year
来週 504 raishuu Noun next week
練習 505 renshuu Noun, Verb, Suru verb practice; practicing
506 roku Noun, Numeric six; 6
廊下 507 rouka Noun corridor; hallway; passageway
旅行 508 ryokou Noun, Verb, Suru verb travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour
留学生 509 ryuugakusei Noun overseas student; exchange student
510 saki Noun, Prefix, Suffix previous; prior; first; earlier
511 san Noun, Numeric three; 3
散歩 512 sanpo Noun, Verb, Suru verb walk; stroll
再来年 513 sarainen Noun year after next
生徒 514 Noun pupil; student seito
515 sen Noun, Numeric 1,000; thousand
先月 516 sengetsu Noun last month
先生 517 sensei Noun, Suffix teacher; instructor; master
518 先週 senshuu Noun last week
519 四 shi Noun, Numeric four; 4
520 shichi Noun, Numeric seven; 7
仕事 521 Noun, Verb, Suru verb work; job; business shigoto
新聞 522 shinbun Noun newspaper
523 shiro Noun white; innocence; innocent person
白い 524 shiroi Adjective, い-adjective white
525 shita Noun below; down; under; bottom
質問 526 shitsumon Noun, Verb, Suru verb question; inquiry
食堂 527 Noun cafeteria; dining room shokudou
528 宿題 Noun homework; assignment; pending issue shukudai
529 soto Noun outside; exterior;
水曜日 530 Noun Wednesday suiyoubi
少し 531 Noun, Adverb a little (bit); small quantity; few; short distance sukoshi
少ない 532 sukunai い-adjective few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
住む 533 sumu Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to live in; to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide
食べる 534 taberu Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb to eat
大切 535 Noun, Adjective, な-adjective important; necessary; indispensable; beloved taisetsu
大使館 536 Noun embassy taishikan
537 高い takai Adjective, い-adjective high; tall; expensive; above average
538 誕生日 Noun birthday tanjoubi
539 te Noun hand; arm
540 手紙 Noun Letter (message)​ tegami
401 もう一度 Expression once more; again mouichido
402 六日 Noun sixth day of the month / 6 days muika
403 六つ muttsu Noun, Numeric six; 6
404 長い nagai Adjective, い-adjective long (distance)​; long (time); lengthy.
405 中 Noun inside; in; within; center naka
406 名前 namae Noun name; full name; given name
407 七つ Noun, Numeric seven; 7 nanatsu
408 何 nani Pronoun, Prefix what
409 七日 Noun seventh day of the month / 7 days nanoka
410 習う narau Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to be taught; to learn (from a teacher)
411 夏 natsu Noun summer
412 夏休み Noun summer vacation; summer holiday natsuyasumi
413 寝る neru Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb to sleep; to go to bed; to lie down
414 二 ni Noun, Numeric two; 2
415 日曜日 Noun Sunday nichiyoubi
416 日記 nikki Noun diary; journal
417 西 nishi Noun west
418 伯母さん obasan Noun aunt; old lady
419 お弁当 obentou Noun lunch box; Japanese box lunch
420 伯父さん ojisan Noun uncle; old man; mister
421 お母さん okaasan Noun mother; mom; mum; ma
422 お金 okane Noun money
423 お菓子 Noun confections; sweets; candy okashi
424 置く Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to put; to place​ oku
425 お姉さん Noun elder sister; young lady; miss; ma'am oneesan
426 お兄さん oniisan Noun older brother; elder brother; young man; buddy
427 女の子 onnanoko Noun, Expression girl; daughter; young women
428 多い ooi Adjective, い-adjective many; numerous; a lot; large quantity; frequent
429 大きい ookii Adjective, い-adjective big; large; great; important
430 大きな Pre-noun adjectival, Adjective big; large; great​ ookina
431 大勢 oozei Noun, の-adjective crowd of people; great number of people
432 お酒 osake Noun alcohol
433 遅い osoi Adjective, い-adjective slow; time-consuming; late
434 押す osu Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to push; to press​
435 お手洗い otearai Noun toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom
436 男 Noun man; male otoko
437 男の子 otokonoko Noun, Expression boy; male child; baby boy
438 大人 otona Noun, Adjective, な-adjective, の-adjective adult
439 一昨日 ototoi Noun day before yesterday
440 一昨年 ototoshi Noun year before last
301 切手 kitte Noun stamp (postage)
302 子供 kodomo Noun child
303 九日 Noun ninth day of the month / 9 days kokonoka
304 九つ kokonotsu Noun, Numeric nine; 9
305 今晩 konban Noun tonight; this evening
306 今月 kongetsu Noun this month
307 今週 konshuu Noun this week
308 今年 kotoshi Noun this year
309 口 Noun mouth, opening kuchi
310 果物 kudamono Noun fruit
311 国 Noun country; state; region kuni
312 来る kuru Verb, Intransitive verb to come
313 車 Noun car; automobile; vehicle kuruma
314 靴下 Noun socks kutsushita
315 去年 kyonen Noun last year
316 今日 Noun, Temporal noun today; this day kyou
317 兄弟 kyoudai Noun siblings; brothers and sisters​; mate
318 九 kyuu Noun, Numeric nine; 9
319 町 machi Noun town; block; neighborhood
320 窓 mado Noun window
321 前 mae Noun, Suffix previous; before; in front; ago
322 毎朝 maiasa Noun every morning
323 毎晩 maiban Noun every night
324 毎日 mainichi Noun every day
325 毎週 maishuu Noun every week
326 毎年 every year maitoshi / mainen
327 毎月 Noun every month; monthly maitsuki
328 万 Noun, Numeric 10,000; ten thousand man
329 万年筆 Noun fountain pen mannenhitsu
330 待つ matsu Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb, Transitive verb to wait​
331 右 migi Noun right; right hand side
332 三日 mikka Noun the third day of the month / 3 days
333 南 minami Noun south
334 見る Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe miru
335 店 mise Noun store; shop; establishment; restaurant
336 見せる miseru Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to show; to display
337 三つ Noun, Numeric three; 3 mittsu
338 水 Noun water; fluid; liquid​ mizu
339 木曜日 mokuyoubi Noun Thursday
340 問題 Noun problem; question (e.g. on a test) mondai
201 人 hito Noun person; human
202 一人 hitori Noun, Adverb one person​; alone; single
203 一つ Noun, Numeric one thing; only hitotsu
204 本 hon Noun book; volume; script
205 本棚 Noun bookshelf; bookcase hondana
206 百 Noun, Numeric 100; hundred hyaku
207 一 Noun, Prefix, Suffix, Numeric one; best; first; foremost; start ichi
208 一日 Noun, Adverb one day, all day ichinichi
209 家 ie Noun house, residence, family
210 行く Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to go; to move iku
211 今 Noun, Adverb now; the present time; soon ima
212 意味 Noun, Verb, Suru verb meaning; significance; sense imi
213 入れる ireru Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install
214 入口 Noun entrance; entry; gate iriguchi
215 医者 Noun (medical) doctor; physician isha
216 一緒 issho Noun together; at the same time; same; identical
217 痛い いたい Adjective, い-adjective painful; sore​
218 五日 itsuka Noun the fifth day of the month / 5 days
219 五つ itsutsu Noun, Numeric five; 5
220 自分 jibun Pronoun myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself; i; me
221 自動車 jidousha Noun automobile; motorcar; motor vehicle; car
222 時間 jikan Noun time; hour(s)
223 辞書 jisho Noun dictionary
224 自転車 jitensha Noun bicycle
225 上手 jouzu Noun, Adjective, な-adjective skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at)
226 十 juu Noun, Numeric ten; 10
227 買い物 kaimono Noun shopping; purchased goods
228 会社 kaisha Noun company; corporation
229 書く kaku Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to write; to compose; to pen; to draw
20買う Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to buy; to purchase kau
231 川 kawa Noun, Suffix river; stream​
232 火曜日 kayoubi Noun Tuesday
233 家族 kazoku Noun family; members of a family
234 今朝 kesa Noun, Temporal noun this morning
235 木 ki Noun tree; shrub; bush; wood; timber
236 聞く kiku Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to hear; to listen (to music); to ask; to learn of
237 昨日 Noun yesterday kinou
238 金曜日 kinyoubi Noun Friday
239 喫茶店 kissaten Noun coffee shop; tearoom; cafe
240 北 kita Noun north
101 電車 densha Noun train; electric train
102 電話 denwa Noun, Verb, Suru verb telephone (call / device)l; phone call
103 出る deru Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb to leave; to exit; to appear; to go out
104 土曜日 doyoubi Noun Saturday
105 映画館 eigakan Noun movie theater; cinema
106 英語 eigo Noun English language
107 二人 futari Noun two people; pair; couple
108 二つ futatsu Noun, Numeric two; 2
109 二日 futsuka Noun the second day of the month / 2 days
110 冬 fuyu Noun winter
111 外国 gaikoku Noun foreign country
112 外国人 gaikokujin Noun foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
113 学校 gakkou Noun school
114 学生 gakusei Noun student
115 元気 genki Noun, Adjective, な-adjective lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy
116 月曜日 getsuyoubi Noun Monday
117 銀行 ginkou Noun bank
118 五 go Noun, Numeric five; 5
119 午後 gogo Noun afternoon; p.m.
120 ご飯 gohan Noun cooked rice, meal
121 午前 gozen Noun morning; a.m.
122 八 Noun, Numeric eight: 8 hachi
123 葉書 hagaki Noun postcard
124 母 haha Noun mother
125 入る hairu Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to enter; to go into
126 半 han Noun half; semi-; half-past
127 話 Noun talk; speech; chat; conversation​ hanashi
128 話す hanasu Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to speak; to talk; to converse
129 半分 Noun half hanbun
130 春 haru Noun spring; springtime
131 二十歳 hatachi Noun 20 years old; twenty years old
132 二十日 hatsuka Noun twentieth day of the month / 20 days
133 早い hayai Adjective, い-adjective fast; early
134 速い hayai Adjective, い-adjective fast; quick; hasty; brisk
135 下手 heta Noun, Adjective, な-adjective unskillful; poor; awkward​
136 左 hidari Noun left; left hand side
137 東 Noun east higashi
138 飛行機 hikouki Noun airplane; aircraft
139 昼 hiru Noun noon; midday; daytime; lunch
140 昼ご飯 hirugohan Noun lunch
1 上げる ageru Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to raise; to elevate
2 赤 aka Noun red; crimson; scarlet​
3 赤い akai Adjective, い-adjective red; crimson; scarlet​
4 明るい akarui Adjective, い-adjective bright; light
5 開ける akeru Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to unlock
6 秋 aki Noun autumn; fall
7 開く aku Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to open (e.g. doors, business, etc)
8 甘い amai Adjective, い-adjective sweet; sweet-tasting; sugary; naive; indulgent
9 雨 Noun rain ame
10 姉 ane Noun older sister; elder sister​
11 兄 ani Noun elder brother; older brother​
12 青 ao Noun blue; azure green
13 青い Adjective, い-adjective blue; azure aoi
14 歩く aruku Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to walk
15 朝 Noun morning asa
16 朝ご飯 asagohan Noun breakfast
17 明後日 asatte Noun day after tomorrow
18 足 ashi Noun foot; leg; paw; arm
19 明日 Noun, Temporal noun tomorrow
20 遊ぶ asobu Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to play; to enjoy oneself
21 新しい Adjective, い-adjective new; novel; fresh; recent; latest atarashii
22 後 Noun behind; after; remainder; left; also ato
23 会う au Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb to meet; to encounter; to see
24 晩ご飯 bangohan Noun dinner; evening meal
25 便利 benri な-adjective convenient; handy; useful
26 帽子 boushi Noun hat; cap
27 病院 byouin Noun hospital
28 病気 byouki Noun, の-adjective, Verb, Suru verb illness; disease; sickness
29 父 chichi Noun father
30 小さい chiisai Adjective, い-adjective small; little; tiny
31 小さな ちいさな Pre-noun adjectival, Adjective, pre noun adjectival small; little; tiny​
32 地下鉄 chikatetsu Noun subway; underground train
33 地図 chizu Noun map
大学 Daigaku noun university college 34
大丈夫 35 daijoubu Adjective, な-adjective OK; okay; alright; problem free
36 大好き daisuki Adjective, な-adjective love; like; like very much
37 出す dasu Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb to take out; to get out; to put out; to reveal
38 出口 deguchi Noun exit; gateway; way out
出かける 39 verb ichidan into to go out to leave depart dekakeru
電気 40 denki Noun electricity
Created by: Marutina
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