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JMO Sci Ch 8

Protists and Fungi

What are the 6 types of algal protists? 1. diatoms 2. dinoflagellates 3. euglena 4. red algae 5. green algae 6. brown algae
What are the 3 groups of protists? 1. algal 2. protozoans 3. fungal
What are the main features of protists? 1. live in wet or moist areas 2. eukaryotic (have a nucleus)
What are the 4 types of protozoans? 1. ciliates 2. flagellates 3. sporozoans 4. sarcodines
What is a macronucleus? controls digestion
What is a micronucleus? controls reproduction
What is an oral groove? funnels food to food vacuole
What is a food vacuole? digests food
What is a contractile vacuole? gets rid of excess H2O
What are fungal protists? decomposers that reproduce with spores
What are sarcodines? they have pseudopods and a food vacuole
What are sporozoans? parasites
What are flagellates? they have 1-25 flagellums and they live in freshwater
What are 3 features of brown algae? 1. grows 50 meters deep in the ocean 2. also called kelp 3. is a smoothing agent
What are 2 features of green algae? 1. most common form of algae 2. grows near the surface of the ocean
What are 2 features of red algae? 1. multicellular 2. also called seaweed
What are 3 traits of diatoms? 1. also called golden algae 2. live in large populations 3. have a clear glassy shell
What are 4 features of euglena? 1. no cell wall 2. are unicellular 3. have 1 flagellum 4. have an eyespot
What are 4 traits of dinoflagellates? 1. also called fire algae or spinning flagellates 2. have 2 flagellum 3. cause red tides 4. are plankton
What are 3 traits of ciliates? 1. have 2 nuclei 2. have an oral groove, food vacuole and a contractle vacuole 3. have cilia
What is an example of a ciliate? paramecium
What is an example of a sarcodine? amoeba
What is a fungi? A consumer with a cell wall.
What are 3 features of a fungus? 1. eukaryotic 2. have a cell wall 3. are saprophytes
What are the 3 main parts of a fungus? 1. mycelium 2. hyphane 3. spores
What is mycelium? tangled network of hyphane
What is hyphane? absorbs and digests food and supports spores
What are 3 traits of spores? 1. form inside hyphane 2. asexual. 3. helps determine class
Created by: moertel
Popular Science sets




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