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Chapter 18

What is Dermatitis? A general term that refers to inflammation, or swelling, of the skin.
Fungal Infection? Caused by fungal imbalances; athlete's foot, vaginal yeast infections, and tinea are examples.
Scabies Contagious skin condition caused by a tiny mite that burrows into skin, where it lays eggs, causing intense itching and a skin rash.
Shingles Skin rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) , which is the same virus that causes chickenpox.
Wound A type of injury to the skin; classified as either open or closed.
Arthritis is a general term referring to _____________________ of the joints. Stiffness
Arthritis may be the cause of ____________ Autoimmune illness
Osteo Arthritis is common in ___________________ The elderly
The pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis may increase with _______________ Cold weather
Arthritis is generally treated with ____________________ Anti-inflammatory medications
Osteoporosis causes bones to become brittle and break easily. True or False?
Residents with osteoporosis must be moved carefully. True or False?
Osteoporosis is more common in woman? True or False?
When caring for a resident who has a cast, the NA should________________ the extremity that is in a cast to stop swelling. Elevate
The cast should be kept __________ and _____________ at all times> Clean and Dry.
Signs and symptoms of a fracture include_____________________? Swelling at the site and pain with bruising
________________ fracture is a broken bone that does not break the skin. Closed fracture
_______________________ fracture is when the bone penetrates skin. Open fracture
The bone must be unable to_____________________ to allow fusion of fractured parts. move
Fractures are caused by _____________? Osteoporosis
______________ bones make hip fractures more common? Weakened
Partial weight bearing means? resident is able to support some body weight on one or both legs.
Non- Weight bearing means? resident is unable to touch the floor or support any weight on one or both legs.
Amputation is_____________________
Created by: Turner.Donna
Popular Nursing sets




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