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Heat Transfer Terms

Heat transfer terms for exam

temperature How fast molecules inside matter are moving or vibrating, more energy they move faster, less energy they move slower.
heat Heat is a measure of energy in and object because of its moving molecules.
absolute zero The point where all molecular motion stops. (-273 degrees Celsius) (0 kelvin)
solar energy Solar energy is radiated from the sun, it sustains all life on earth.
chemical energy Energy stored in matter, it gives off heat and gas when burned. Your body converts chemical energy to sustain life activities.
nuclear energy Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom.
molecule Two or more atoms bonded together form a molecule.
thermometer A tool that measures molecular movement in matter.
boil This is when so much energy is added to a liquid that it begins to bubble. (212 degrees F) (100 degrees C)
freeze This is when so much energy is removed that it changes its state of matter from a liquid to a solid, (ice). (32 degrees F) (0 degrees C)
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit is the temperature scale used in the United States. Water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees.
Celcius Celsius is a temperature scale based on the characteristics of water. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Kelvin Kelvin is a temperature scale based on absolute zero. Kelvin has no negative numbers and covers a very broad range.
conductor Any matter that allows heat or electricity to transmit easily. Examples are steel, copper or gold.
insulator Any matter that does not allow heat or electricity to transfer easily. Examples are wood, plastic or rubber.
thermal equilibrium The point when all energy is balanced out or equal. Heat is always trying to reach thermal equilibrium that's why it moves from hot to cold.
conduction Conduction is heat transfer that involves heat moving from direct contact or touch.
convection Convection is heat transfer that takes place in liquids or gasses. Hot air rises and cold air is pushed down by the hot air. Connection is responsible for wind, earthquakes, and hot air balloons rising.
radiation Radiation is when heat transfers through open space. Radiation usually transfers in waves such as microwaves, electromagnetic waves and ultra violet waves.
Vacuum This is created when no matter is present, its empty of all matter.
Created by: rbrown307
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