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Latin 8/9 Unit Test

luget mourns
vindicare take vengeance on
extra muros outside the wall
troiae troy
ē from
filium vocant they call their son
urbem intra enter the city
fili care dear son
obire go to meet
tua your
orat beseeches, begs
non vult refuses
claudite close
inviti unwillingly
exspectat he waits
tum then
tergum back
virit he turns
fugit he flees
propius nearer
ter three times
se virit he turns around
conicit he hurls
vitat avoids
deinde then
Achillis parmam Achilles' shield
percutit strikes
incolumis unharmed
parma shield
summa vi with all his might
volat flies
per through
auram air
transfigit pierces
cadit he falls
mortuus dead
terram the ground
accurrit Achilles up runs achilles
dirum facinus a terrible deed
alligat he ties
currum chariot
trahit drags
clamat shouts
desiste cease from
ira anger
nobis to us
redde return
eam her
relinquit he leaves
iacentem lying
decem annos for 10 years
obsident besiege
desperat despairs
iubet he orders
convenire to meet
iam now
saepe often
vincimus we defeat
capere TAKE
debemus we ought
domumne home
monetis you advise
ceteri the other(s), the rest
consilium plan
tacent (they are) silent
novem new
attente attentivly
accipiunt they accept, they recieve
laeti happily
ligneum wooden
ingentem huge
fortes brave
immittunt are sent
ascendunt they climb
se celant hide themselves
in ventre in the belly
conscendunt (they) board
vicinam neighboring
prima luce at first light
abeuntes going away
gaudent they rejoice
Graeci non adest no Greeks are present
confectae finished
pugnae tandem confectae sunt the battles are finally over
portis urbis the gates of the city
oram shore
stantem standing
spectant they see
equo nolite credere don't trust the horse
dona gifts
fortasse perhaps
celati hidden
in eo celati sunt are hidden in it
constituunt they decide
in arce in the citadel
epulas a feast
vinum wine
adest present, here
redeunt return
ei those men
celati hidden
taciti silently
vigiles watchmen
ebrii drunk
aperiunt open
oppugnat attack
regiam palace
evadunt escape
delent destroy
Created by: Abby Jayden S.
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