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Ed. Design Theories

Study for Final Exam in Design Theory

Mager Style objective Conditions, Performance, Criterion
Given equations to solve, Condition
the student will write both the steps in the solutions Performance
getting eight out ten answers correct Criterion
Goal Statement what the learners will be able to do once they complete the instructional unit
The goal statement should describe the following 1. the learners 2. what they will be able to do 3. the context in which the skills are applied 4. The tools that will be available on the context
Task Analysis identifies the content, knowledge, and skills needed to reach the goals of instruction (goal analysis & Instructional analysis)
Performance objectives criteria (Mager) Identifies what the student will need to do to satisfy the goals
Given: What will the learner be given to perform the task?
Performance: What do you want the learner to be able to do, know, perform? Must be measurable and can only be one task.
Criterion: What standard do you want to use to evaluate learning mastery?
Why conduct a Learner Analysis? (Dick, Carey, & Carey) 1. Demographics 2. Prior Knowledge 3. Entry level skills 4. Education and ability level 5. Academic motivation 6. learning style 7. group characteristics
Entry level skills what skills do the students need to perform tasks.
Behavioral theory (Skinner) stimulus response 1. Ensure pre-requisite skills acquired 2. supply instructional conditions (teacher determines) 3. Determine type of learning (criticism)students cannot problem solve
Cognitive behavioral theory 1. Learner is active 2. Learning occurs because learner actively tries to understand the environment 3. Knowledge consists of organized set of mental structures in the mind (library) 4. new learning based on using prior knowledge
Constructivism based on cognitive science -focus on student motivation -activation of prior knowledge and experiences -help students understand relevance
Gardner theory of multiple intelligence -each person possesses all 8 intelligences -people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency -intelligences work in different ways -ways to be intelligent in each category
Linguistic -uses language effectively -sensitive to the use of language -writes clearly
Musical -understands musical structure and compositions -communicats by writing or playing music
logical mathematical -reasons logically in math terms -recognizes patterns in phenomena -formulates and tests hypothesis -solves problems in math and science
spatial -perceives the world in visual terms -notices and remembers visual details -can recreate things after seeing them
bodily kinesthetic -uses the body skillfully -manipulates things well with hands -uses tools skillfully
intra-personal (Self awareness/self motivated) -an introspective thinker -aware of ones owns motives -heightened meta-cognitive abilities
interpersonal (salesperson, psychologist) -notices moods and changes in others -can identify motives in others -relates well with others
Naturalists (botanists) -can discriminate among living things
Kellers ARCS model Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction Problem solving approach to designing -how to keeps students motivated -what are favorite tactics -lessons you like to do because they are more interesting?
Attention How relevant is this instructional goal? -Perceptual arousal -inquiry arousal -variability
Relevance What aspects of this goal interest you the most? -goal orientation -motive matching -familiarity
Confidence How confident are you that you can learn to perform the goal? -learning requirements -success opportunities -personal control
Satisfaction How satisfying would it be to you to perform the goal? -intrinsic reinforcement -extrinsic rewards -equity
Backwards Design (Wiggins) 1.What is the knowledge you want students to develop? 2. How will they demonstrates this? 3.How to ensure they mastered the knowledge?
Nine Events of Instruction (Gagne"s) 1. Gain attention 2. inform of objectives 3. stimulate recall 4. present new materials 5. provide guidance 6. elicit performance 7. provide feedback 8. assess performance 9. enhance retention and recall
Learning Assessment -Objective item types -Purposes of assessment
Instructional Design (A systematic process) ADDEI Analysis-needs analysis, learner analysis, task analysis Design-performance objectives, instructional strategies Develop- lesson plans, multimedia, explorable unit of instruction Evaluate- Implement-
Created by: Simryla
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