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Med Surg Kaplan

Kaplan Review

Peritoneal dialysis: check weight
normal saline infusion: check daily weights
hypovolemic shock: lactated ringers
seizures 90 seconds/ 2 min. loss of consciousness/ another seizure: administer diazepam
bone marrow aspiration/ positioning: prone w/ head flat
c-diff precautions: using gloves/gowns
bell palsy/therapeutic communication: "symptoms will go away completely in months"
Multiple Sclerosis: forgetfulness, can't concentrate
TEE postop: can't eat for 4 hours after test
appendicitis: contact provider
CPR: 2+ more inches
frequent UTI prevention: drink at least 2,000 mL of fluids a day
arterial blood draw: apply pressure 3-5 min.
parental nutrition: check blood glucose often
car accident/ what should the nurse be concerned about: clear drainage from ear
tracheostomy: thick, yellow secretions
alzheimer's: stuffed animal, check every few minutes
femoral head: adduction & toes pointed inward
femoral head arthroplasty of hip: left leg shorter w/ toes externally rotated
Limes Disease/ further education: rash on hands (didn't describe limes disease)
most accurate rating of pain: patient's rating of their own pain
thyroidectomy: make them speak
impaired mobility/ bed bound / risk for: blanchable spot on coccyx
cast care/ immediate concern: foot is tingling
compression stocks: toes protrude out
what should nurse do before having family go to see dead body: put dentures back in, etc.
Parkinson's: increased salivation
paralytic ileus: distended abdomen & pressure / low fowler's (15 degrees)
bucks traction action: lowers muscle spasms
left sided stroke: impaired speech; 15-30 degrees
frontal lobe: decreased concentration
meniere's disease: vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss
v-tach: amiodarone
detached retina postop instructions: no reading/writing for a week after procedure
prednisone (SATA): taper it; increases risk for infection; upset stomach
cataracts: redness & itching is expected
ilieal conduit: ureter is implanted into portion of illium & brought through abdominal wall
after colonoscopy: ask about location of pain
potassium/ nurse action: check heart rate/ rhythm
hepatitis a prevention: washing hands
BPH: difficulty starting a stream
bacterial meningitis (101 degree fever): contact healthcare provider
wound healing/ appropriate food option: turkey meat, potatoes, oranges, ice cream
oral iron: take w/ citrus juice
high risk for diabetes- most concerning: foot sores heal slowly
waking up in middle of night sweating, nightmares, etc.: check blood sugars 0200-0400
cystic fibrosis (SATA): aerobic exercises; contact provider for exercise tolerance decrease; might affect fertility
EDG preop instruction: NPO 8 hours before
GERD: elevate head & shoulders w/ pillows at night
subtotal gastrectomy/ diet: low carb diet
COPD: 3 cigarettes a day
pneumothorax s/sx: shallow & rapid respirations
hemodialysis/ what to do first: weights
dialysis/ right fistula (SATA): don't lift heavy things w/ right arm; BP on left arm only
dehydrated: urine output 25 mL/hr
glomerulonephritis: protein in urine
lupus: stress makes it worse
Addison's disease (adrenal crisis): weakness, low BP, hypotension, hypoglycemia, dehydration
sickle cell anemia/ concerning statement: "I am going to limit the amount of fluids I am taking"
post abdominal surgery/ client coughing/ position? 15 elevated degrees (low fowler's)
stroke/ HOB? flat w/ elevated 15-30 degrees
blood test used for heparin? aptt
Created by: yulissalira
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