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What is Demeter's name in Latin? Ceres
What is Dionysus' name in Latin? Bacchus
What was the beginning of settled life on Earth? Cornfields
When was Demeter's chief festival? At the harvest time, in September, cane every 5 years, lasted 9 days
Where was Demeter's great temple? At Eleusis (Elle-ee-you-sis) (a small town near Athens)
When was the story of Persephone's kidnapping first told? In one of the earliest Homeric Hymns
What is Persephone in Latin? Proserpine
How long did Demeter wander when Persephone went missing? 9 days
Who found Demeter at the well in Eleusis disguised as an old woman? 4 sisters
What did Demeter tell the 4 sisters that she was doing in Eleusis? That she fled from pirates who wanted to sell her as a slave
What was the name of the 4 sister's mother? Metaneira (Met-a-nair-a)
What kind of drink did Metaneira offer Demeter? Honey-sweet wine
What drink did Demeter want from Metaneira instead of wine? Barley-water flavoured with mint
What was the name of Metaneira's son? Demophoön
Who was Demophoon's father? (wise) Celeus
Who did Zeus tell to go down to the Underworld to get Persephone? Hermes
What did Hades make Persephone eat so that she would return? A Pomegranate seed
Who else did Zeus send to Demeter? Rhea
How long would Persephone be in the Underworld? A third of the year
Who did Demeter choose to be her ambassador to men? Tripolemus, a prince of Eleusis
Did Homer admit Dionysus into Olympus? No
Where are the only early sources for Dionysus' story? In Hesiod (Hes-ee-ud) in the 8th or 9th century
Where is the only account of Dionysus' story on the pirate ship? In a Homeric Hym as late as the 4th century
Which play shares the fate of Pentheus? The last play of Euripides (you-rip-a-dees) in the fifth century
What was Dionysus' own city? Thebes
Who is Dionysus' mother? Semele, a Theban princess
Who is the only god whose parents were not both divine? Dionysus
What did Zeus promise Semele? He swore to her on the river styx that he would do anything she asked of him
What did Semele ask of Zeus? To see him in his true form as the King of Heaven and Lord of the Thunderbolt
Who put the wish to see Zeus into Semele's heart? Hera
Who took Dionysus after he was born and where? Hermes took him to be cared for by the Nymphs of Nysa
Which animal did Dionysus turn into to scare the pirates? A lion
What did the pirates turn into? Dolphins
Who was the only one on the pirate ship not turned into a dolphin? The helmsman
Which king insulted Dionysus when he passed through Thrace? Lycurgus (Lie-cur-gus)
Who turned Lycurgus blind? Zeus
Which princess did Dionysus find on his travels? Ariadne (Air-ee-add-ni), the princess of Crete
Where did Dionysus find Ariadne? On the island of Naxos
Who had abandoned Ariadne on the island? Theseus, prince of Athens
What were the crazy murder women who were frenzied with wine called? Maenads (me-nads) of Bacchantes (Back-ants)
Which Theban king was Dionysus' cousin? Pentheus (Pen-the-us) (he was the son of Semele's sister
Who was the speaker/solemn who warned Pentheus that Dionysus was a god? The old blind prophet Teiresias, (Ter-ee-see-us) the holy man of Thebes
Who were some of the Theban women who had joined Dionysus' followers? Pentheus' mother and aunts
What did Dionysus make the women think Pentheus was? A mountain lion
When was Dionysus' festival and how long was it? In spring, 5 days
How did Dionysus die? He is torn to pieces
Who kills Dionysus? In some stories the Titans, in others by Hera's orders
Who became the center of the belief in immortality? Dionysus
When did which Greek writer receive news that one of his daughters had died? Plutarch received of his little daughter's death in 80 AD
Who is the only person who tells the story of Cupid & Psyche? Apuleius, a Latin writer of the 2nd century AD
How many sisters did Psyche have? 2, she was the youngest
What did Aphrodite tell Cupid to do to Psyche? Make her fall madly in love with the vilest creature in the whole world
What carried Psyche to her mansion? Zephyr, the god of the west wind
What did Psyche's sisters tell her to do when her husband fell asleep? Get out of bed, light a lamp, and get a knife
Where would Psyche have plunged the knife she was holding if it had fallen? Into her own breast
What woke Cupid up? Hot oil that fell from the lamp onto his shoulder
What was Psyche's first task? She had to sort a bunch of tiny seeds
What were the small seeds Psyche had to sort? Wheat, poppy, millet, etc.
When did the seeds have to be sorted? By nightfall
Who helped Psyche sort the seeds? Ants
What was Psyche's second task? She had to get some wool from sheep with gold fleeces
What did Psyche want to do when she reached the river to get the wool? Commit suicide
Who helped Psyche with task #2 and stopped her from killing herself? A green reed
What was Psyche's third task? She had to fill a flask from a waterfall that connected to the river Styx
Who helped Psyche with task #3? An eagle
What was Psyche's fourth task? She had to go to the underworld and ask Proserpine for a box of her beauty
Where did Psyche find a guide to the underworld? In a tower she passed
How much did Psyche have to pay Charon? 1 penny
How did Psyche pass Cerberus? She gave him cake
How did Cupid wake Psyche? He pricked her with one of his arrows
Who brought Psyche to the palace of the gods? Mercury
Who gave Psyche ambrosia? Zeus
What does Psyche mean? Soul
Where is the story of Atreus' and Thystes' crimes taken from? Aeshylus' Oresteia
What was Aeschylus' great drama called? The Oresteia
What is the Oresteia made up of? Three parts: -The Agamemnon -The Libation Bearers (Lie-bay-shon) (Bear-rz) -The Eumenides (You-men-a-dees)
Who tells the current tale of Tantalus? Pindar (in the early 5th century)
What house did Agamemnon belong to? The house of Atreus
Who led the Greeks against Troy? Agamemnon
Who is Agamemnon's wife? Clytemnestra (klay-tem-nes-truh)
Who were Oretes' two sisters? Iphigenia and Electra
Who was Menelaus' (men-a-lee-us) brother? Agamemnon
Who was Helen's husband Menelaus (men-a-lee-us)
Who was Clytemnestra's son? Orestes
Who had caused the curse of the house of Atreus? Tantalus
Who was Tantalus' father? Zeus
How was Pelops killed? He was boiled in a cauldron and served to the gods for dinner
Who killed Pelops? Tantalus (his father)
Where was Tantalus the king of? Lydia
Who was Iphigenia's father? Agamemnon
What was Tantalus' punishment? He was stuck in a pool of Hades where he could never drink the water he was standing in or eat the fruit from the tree above him
What was some of the fruit in the trees that Tantalus couldn't reach? Pears, pomegranates, apples, figs
Who brought Pelops back to life? The gods
What limb was missing from Pelops? His shoulder
What was the material used for Pelops' shoulder? Ivory
Who ate Pelops' shoulder? Some say Demeter, some say Thetis
Who did Pelops woo? Princess Hippodamia (hippo-dame-ee-a)
Who gave Hippodamia's father his horses? Ares
Who gifted Pelops his horses? Poseiodon
Who did Hippodamia bribe to let Pelops win the horse race? Myrtilus (Mer-till-us) (her father's charioteer)
Who killed Myrtilus? Pelops
Who was Niobe's father? Tantalus
Who was Niobe's husband? Amphion
Who was Zethus' twin brother? Amphion
Who was Amhion's father? Zeus
How many sons did Niobe have? 7
Who did Niobe insult? Leto
Where was Niobe the queen of? Thebes
Who killed Niobe's children? Artemis and Apollo
How many daughters did Niobe have? 7
What was Niobe changed into? A stone that was always wet with tears
Who was Thyestes (thigh-es-teas)' brother? Atreus
Who was Atreus' father? Pelops
Who fell in love with Atreus' wife? Thyestes
Who killed Thyestes' children? Atreus
Who served Thyestes' children to Thyestes? Atreus
Who killed Aegithus (A-gees-tis)? Orestes
Who said that the death of the son of Atreus will be avenged by Orestes? Hermes
Where is the first mention of the house of Atreus? The Illiad
Who killed Agamemnon? Aegisthus with Clytemnestra
Who were the two sons of Atreus? Agamemnon (Commander of the Greek forces @ Troy) and Menelaus (Helen's husband)
Who drove Menelaus' ship to Egypt by a storm? Athena
Who sacrificed Iphigenia? Agamamnon
Who was Cassandra? A captive woman that had been the Army's gift to Agamemnon
Who was Priam's daughter? Cassandra
Who was Clyemnestra's lover? Aegisthus (A-gees-tis) (youngest child of Thyestes)
Who was Orestes' cousin and friend? Pylades (pill-a-dees)
Where is the story of Iphigenia among the Taurians taken from? two plays of Euripides
Where was Iphigenia sacrificed? At Aulis (O-lees)
Where did Artemis take Iphigenia? To the land of the Taurians
Where is the land of the Taurians today? Crimea
What did Artemis make Iphigenia? A priestess who conducted the sacrifices
Which sea was the land of the Taurians at? The unfriendly sea
Created by: Abby Jayden S.
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