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L to J terms

L to J terms for 8th grade science. Vocabulary from Amplify Science.

attract to pull objects toward one another
isolate to separate or set apart
magnetic field the space around a magnet in which magnetic forces can act on objects
potential energy the energy that is stored in an object or system
refute to provide evidence that goes against a claim
repel to push objects away from each other
system a set of interacting parts forming a complex whole
transfer to move from one object to another or one place to another
variable something that can be changed and may be measured
illuminate to shine light on an object and make it visible
lunar eclipse when the Moon is completely dark
model an object, diagram, or computer program that helps us understand something by making it simpler or easier to see
moon phase the shape of the illuminated part of the Moon as it appears from Earth
orbit the nearly circular path a smaller object (like the Moon) travels around a larger object (like Earth)
pattern something we observe to be similar over and over again
scale the relative size of things
moon a rocky sphere that travels around a planet
body structure a part of an organism (for example, one or more bones)
evolution the process by which species adapt to environmental changes over a very long time
related sharing a common ancestor population
stability when something stays mostly the same over time
adaptive trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
chromosome a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
DNA a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
environment everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
gene an instruction for making a protein molecule
generation a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
inherit to receive genes from a parent
mutation a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
natural selection the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
offspring an organism produced as a result of reproduction
population a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
prediction an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
species a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
trait a specific characteristic of an individual organism
variation any difference in traits between individual organisms
absorb to take in
emit to give off
molecule a group of atoms joined together in a particular way
reflect to bounce off without absorbing
transmit to pass through
ultraviolet a type of invisible light that is beyond violet on the spectrum
wave a pattern that describes how energy is carried from one place to another
wavelength the distance from one peak of a wave to the next
claim a proposed answer to a question about the natural world
convert to change from one type to another
energy the ability to make things move or change
evidence information about the natural world that is used to support or go against (refute) a claim
generator a machine that can convert kinetic energy into electrical energy
kinetic energy the energy that an object has because it is moving
cause an event or process that leads to a result or change
collision the moment when two objects hit each other
effect a result or change that happens because of an event or process
exert to apply a force
force a push or a pull that can change the motion of an object
friction a force between an object and the surface it is moving over
infer to reach a conclusion using evidence and reasoning
mass the amount of matter that makes up an object
matter anything that has mass and takes up space
velocity speed in a particular direction
Created by: MrsBeasley
Popular Science sets




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