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EOG Review

Problem situation that need to be overcome
Hypothesis a proposed plan to a problem with some evidence
Procedure process to solving a problem
Data statistics collected to analyze
Analyze examine a problem
Conclusion a final interpretation to the problem
qualitative relating to the quality of something rather than quantity
Autotroph organism that produce their food
Energy Pyramid show percentage of ecosystem total energy that is stored at each trophic level
Cellular Respiration process of breaking sugar into a form that cell can use as energy
Niche role of a organism in a ecosystem
Ecosystem all the biotic and abiotic things in a certain place
Commensalism one species benefit and it doesn't affect the other
Parasitism one species benefit and the other is harmed
Hydrosphere all the water on the earth's surface
Aquifer large pool of groundwater
Impermeable Soil soil under an aquifer that does not let water go through it
Nitrates measure level of nitrogen in water
Bioindicator organism used to access ecosystem's health
Point Source Pollution pollution that can be traced to a specific contamination site
pH measure how acidic or basic water is
Salinity number of salts dissolved in a body of water
Deep Ocean the deepest layer in the ocean
Chemosynthesis organism uses chemical to create energy instead of sunlight
Wave the energy from the wind causes the ocean to do this
Coriolis Effect the rotation of the earth causes the ocean to have this effect
Tides the moon's gravity causes the ocean to do this
Hydrothermal vent it is like geyser or hot water but in the ocean floor
Solar enegy energy from the sun
Fossil fuel natural fuel that are coal or gas
Geothermal Energy energy that is heat from earth
Renewable resource resources that can be replaced to use again
Hydroelectric energy energy that is water or waves
Wind Energy creates electricity using the wind
Nonrenewable Resource resources that are used up faster than they can be renewed
Law of Superposition younger layer of soil/rock is on top and the oldest is at the bottom
Index Fossil fossil of organism that are found in rock layer and lice a short part of earth history
Sedimentary Rock rock formed from the particle of sand and other things
Igneous Rock rock formed when magma cools and harden
Radiometric Dating give the relative order of past event by determining the estimated age of geological feature
Relative Dating give the exact order of past events by determining the absolute age of geological feature
Absolute Dating order historical remains in order of their age
Evolution when something happen to an organism that makes it change
Taxonomy naming group of biological organism based on the share of characteristics
Phenotype characteristic of a trait
Geologic Time Scale time line of events that have occurred in earth history
Biological Evidence evidence containing biological material
Geological Evidence evidence of earth's plate tectonic, past climate, and evolutionary history of life
Genetic Evidence evidence that contain gene in biology
Epidemic rise in number of people infected with a disease in the same community
Prokaryotic does not have nucleus
Parasite organism that live in/on a host
Bacteria prokaryotic, unicellular organism that are producer and consumer
Pathogen microscopic organism that cause disease by harming your body
Virus non-living parasite made of nucleic acid and have a protein coat
eukaryotic has a nucleus
heterogeneous mixture that you can tell from each other and separate them
chemical change atom form or break apart and the end product has different property
electron negative electricity
physical change change in which new property are not formed
metal effective conductor of electricity
law of conservation of mass nothing is created nothing is destroyed
inhibitor decrease the rate of chemical change
Created by: khser
Popular Science sets




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