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5th grade science vocab review

classification key important tool used to help identify objects and organisms
hypothesis educated guess/prediction about what will happen based on what you already know
hypothesis expressed in a if...then statement
independent variable variable that is changed by the experimenter
dependent variable variable that is measured by the experimenter
constant things that stay the same in an experiment
inference conclusion made from background knowledge and available data
observation statement made from using your senses
sound form of energy produced and transmitted by vibrating matter
frequency number of wavelengths per second
wavelength distance between two compressions
pitch determined by the frequency of a vibrating object
high frequency high pitch
low frequency low pitch
amplitude amount of energy in a sound wave; related to volume
crest top of a wave
trough bottom of a wave
light waves of energy
visible spectrum colors we see with our eyes; rainbow; ROY G BV
reflection when light bounces back
refraction when light is bent
absorption when light is taken in
matter anything that has mass and takes up space (volume)
mass amount of matter (stuff) in an object
gas no definite shape or volume; compressible; flows easily
liquid definite volume; assumes the shape of its container; not easily compressible; flows easily
solid definite shape AND volume; not easily compressible; does not flow easily
mixture combination of 2 or more substances that can easily be separated
solution special type of mixture in which one substance dissolves in another
element examples are hydrogen, oxygen, helium, carbon, potassium, sodium
compound when 2 or more elements combine to form a new substance; examples are water and table salt
atom smallest part of an element
molecule smallest part of a compound
cells carry out life processes
plant cell structures cell wall, chloroplasts, cell membrane, cytoplasm, vacuole, nucleus
animal cell structures cell membrane, cytoplasm, vacuole, nucleus
plant cell rigid/stiff, boxy shape
animal cell flexible, round shape
cell wall keeps plant cell rigid and stiff
chloroplasts makes food for plant cell
cell membrane allows things to go in and out of cell
nucleus controls all activities of the cell
cytoplasm jelly-like substance that holds everything in place
vacuoule stores food and water; plant cells have one large one; animal cells have several small ones
vascular plant special tissues to transport food and water; root system; grow tall
vascular plant examples trees, flower, grass, bushes, fern
nonvascular plant does not have special tissues to transport nutrients; grow in damp, shady areas, spores, short
nonvascular examples moss, lichen, liverwort , hornwort
vertebrates animals with backbones; fish, amphibians, reptiles, bird, mammals
invertebrates animals without backbones; insects, worms, crabs, spiders
3 ocean movements waves, tides, currents
ocean current caused by wind patterns, temperature, and salinity
waves caused by wind
tides caused by the gravitational pull of the moon
salinity amount of salt in the water
bioluminescent animals that produce their own light
sedimentary rocks layers of sediment cemented together
igneous rocks melted and cooled
metamorphic rocks changed by heat and pressure
crust outermost layer of the Earth; thin; layer we walk on; made of rock
mantle thickest layer of the Earth; made of rock
outer core made of liquid iron and nickel (metals)
inner core made of solid iron and nickel (metals)
convergent boundaries when tectonic plates come together; volcanoes
divergent boundaries when tectonic plates move apart; mid ocean ridges
transform boundaries when tectonic plates slide past each other; earthquake
faults boundaries of tectonic plates
weathering breaking down of sediments
erosion moving of sediments by water and/or wind
deposition dropping of sediment in a new location
Created by: mrswarren_17
Popular Science sets



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