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Psychology 14

Chapter 14

Therapy Techniques that are used to help people with physiological or interpersonal problems.
Psychotherapy The use of psychological principles and techniques to treat mental health disorders.
Biomedical therapy The use of medications or other medical interventions to treat mental health disorders.
Psychoanalysis A method of therapy formulated by Freud that focuses on uncovering unconscious conflicts that drive maladaptive behavior.
Free association A technique in psychoanalysis in which the therapist examines the hidden symbols in a client's dreams.
Dream analysis A technique in psychoanalysis in which the therapist examines the hidden symbols in a client's dreams.
Interpretation The psychoanalyst's view on the themes and issues that may be influencing the client's behavior.
Resistance A process in psychoanalysis whereby the client behaves in such a way as to deny or avoid sensitive issues.
Transference A process in psychoanalysis in which the client unconsciously reacts to the therapist as if the therapist were a parent, friend, sibling, or lover.
Psychodynamic therapy Modern psychoanalysis delivered in a shorter time that focuses less on the client's past and more on current problems and the nature of interpersonal relationships.
Client-centered therapy A humanistic approach formulated by Carl Rogers that emphasizes the use of empathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard to help the client reach his or her potential.
Empathy The ability of therapist to understand a client's feelings and thoughts without being judgmental.
Genuineness The ability of a therapist to openly share his or her thoughts and feelings with client.
Unconditional positive regard The ability to accept and value a person for who he or she is, regardless of his or her faults or problems.
Behavior therapy Therapy that applies the principles of classical and operant conditioning to help people change maladaptive behaviors.
Systematic desensitization A behavior therapy technique in which a client' is desensitized to a fear in a gradual, step-by-step process.
Anxiety hierarchy Outlines, according to the degree of fear, the threatening imagines elicited by a feared object or situation; the outline starts with the least frightening imagines and progresses to the most distressing.
Aversion therapy A type of therapy that uses classical conditioning to condition people to avoid certain stimuli.
Covert sensitization therapy A milder form of aversion therapy in which graphic imagery is used to create unpleasant association with specific stimuli.
Token economy A behavioral therapy technique in which people are rewarded with tokens for desired behavior; the tokens can them be exchanged for what is reinforcing to the individuals.
Rational-emotive therapy A cognitive therapy approach created by Albert Ellis that focuses on changing the irrational beliefs that people hold that are believed to impede healthy psychological functioning.
Cognitive therapy A therapy created by Aaron Beck that focuses on uncovering negative automatic thought patterns that impede healthy psychological functioning.
Cognitive distortions Distorted thinking patterns, such as overgeneralization or all-or-nothing thinking, that according to Aaron Beck lead to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.
Group therapy Therapy that is administered to more than one person at a time.
Family therapy Therapy that focuses on creating balance and restoring harmony to improve the functioning of the family as a whole system.
Couple therapy Therapy that focuses on improving communication and intimacy between two people in a committed relationship.
Self-help group Group comprised of people who share the same problem and meet to help on another.
Eclectic therapy approach Therapy that incorporates an integrated and diverse use of therapeutic methods.
Therapeutic alliance The interactive and collaborative relationship between the client and the therapist.
Psychopharmacology The use of medications to treat mental health problems.
Antianxiety medications Minor tranquilizers such as Valium that are prescribed to reduce tension and anxiety.
Antipsychotic medications Major tranquilizers such as Haldol that are prescribed to relieve psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
Tardive dyskinesia A possible long-term side effect of antipsychotic medications involving involuntary motor movements of the mouth, tongue, and face.
Antidepressants Medications prescribed to alleviate the symptoms of depression, eating disorders, and some anxiety disorders.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) A type of antidepressant drug that inhibits the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, thereby improving mood.
Antimanic medications Drugs that are prescribed to alleviate manic symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Lithium A naturally occurring mineral salt prescribed to control manic symptoms in people with bipolar disorder; it influences several neurotransmitters in the brain, including glutamate, serotonin, and dopamine.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) A series of treatments in which electrical current is passed through the brain, causing a seizure, used to alleviate severe depression.
Psychosurgery A biomedical treatment approach involving neurosurgery to alleviate symptoms in someone with a mental health disorder.
Created by: cpruett8
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