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Head and neck

Division of the skull that consists of the flat bones and the base neurocranium
Division of the skull which consists of bones of the face that developed from the pharyngeal arch Cranium visceral cranium
eight bones of the neurocranium Frontal occipital ethmoid sphenoid paired parietal temporal
14 bones of the visceral cranium Vomer lacrimal nasal paletton inferior turbinate maxillary zygomatic
The obstetric inch in the suture of a baby Junction of the squamous and lateral parts of the occipital bone vein of galen which is rupture during childbirth
This is the largest fontanelle where we can obtain blood samples from the underlying superior sagittal sinus anterior fontanelle
The anterior fontanelle and mustard fontanelle close at what age Two years of age
The posterior and ste noid fontanelle close at what age 6 months
What structure is contained in the cerebriform plate Cranial nerve 1
Structure transmitted in the cecum emissary vein
Structure transmitted and anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina Tennis ethmoidal nerve and arteries
optic canal contains the following Cranial nerve 2 ophthalmic artery central artery vein of retina
The superior orbital fissure contains the following cranial nerve three cn4 cn v1 cn6 vein
The foramen rotundum and the foramen ovale has these structures respectively Cn v2 cn v3 lesser petrosal nerve accessory meningie artery
the foramen lacerum contains what nothing
Foramen spinosum contains the following middle meningeal artery epidural hemorrhage will result from a fracture in this area
the carotid canal contains Internal carotid artery and sympathetic parotid plexus
The hiatus of the facial canal contains greater petrosal nerve
The internal acoustic meatus contain
Cranial nerve 7 and 8 labyrinth artery
jugular foramen contains Cn 9 10 11
Fracture of the mastoid process will result to what Otorrhea
A mass in the jugular foramen will result in what symptoms dysarthria uvula paralysis inability to shrug shoulders
Portion of the temporal bone absent at birth which leaves the facial nerve and protected as it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen the mastoid process formed by two years of age
medulla of the brain stem cranial nerve 9 vertebral art beans arteries
condyloid foramen contains emissary vein
mastoid foramen contains Branch of the occipital artery to the dora and emissary vein
Is a site of growth up to about 20 years of age Sphenooccipital joint
Afficher located in the temporal bone which may provide a route for the spread of infection from the middle ear to the meninges up until 20 years of age Pterosquamous fissure
A young boy presenting with premature craniosyntosis midface hypoplasia shallow orbits ocular proptosis mandibular prognathism normal extremities progressive hydrocephalus and no mental retardation Crouzon syndrome, fgfr2
Muscles attached to the galea aponeurotica Muscle occipito frontalis muscle temporoparietal muscle superior auricular muscle
What layer of the scalp contains the emissary veins through which infects and can spread easily to the scalp to the intracranial sinuses emissary veins
Dural infoldings that extends between cerebral hemispheres and contain inferior sagittal sinus and the superior sagittal sinus Falx cerebri
dural infoldings which extends between the cerebellar hemisphere Falx cerebelli
This dural infoldings supports the occipital lobe of the cerebral hemisphere and covers the cerebellum it encloses the transverse sinus and superior petrosal sinus tentorium cerebelli
This dual in folding forms the roof of the sella turcica covering the hypothesis Diaphragma sellae
What is the arterial and venous drainage of the dora dura 3 and vein middle meningeal vein and artery
Innervation of most of the meninges dura and the ones in the posterior cranial fossa respectively Cranial nerve 5 spinal nerves c-123 and cranial nerve 10
Skull fractures in the area of the terry on may sever what artery and cause what type of hemorrhage Middle meningeal artery epidural hemorrhage
Occlusion of these are three will cause monocular blindness ophthalmic artery
Occlusion of this artery will cause contralateral paralysis and contralateral anesthesia of the leg cerebral artery
Occlusion of this artery will cause contralateral hemiplegia contralateral hemianopsia homonymous hemianopia and aphasia Middle cerebral artery
These arteries supply the basal ganglia and the internal capsule occlusion results in a classic paralytic stroke contralateral hemiplegia anesthesia lenticulostriate arteries
Most common site of an aneurysm when ruptured will result in subarachnoid hemorrhage and bitemporal lower quadrantanopia anterior communicating artery
Second most common site of an aneurysm which when ruptured will cause subarachnoid hemorrhage and possibly cranial nerve 3 paralysis Posterior communicating artery
What forms the posterior circulation of the circle of willis Artery that passes through the foramina of c1 to c6 vertebra
The union of the right and left vertebral artery and its main branch basilar artery, posterior cerebral artery
Occlusion of this artery results in contralateral sensory loss of all modalities with concomitant severe pain and contralateral hemianopia with macular sparing posterior cerebral artery
The facial vein makes connections do the cavernous sinus by what The superior and inferior of talmud vein and the pterygoid plexus of veins
What sinus does the arachnoid granulations drain into superior sagittal sinus
This sinus drains blood from the deep areas of the brain Straight sinus formed by the union of the inferior sagittal sinus and the great vein of galen
Dizziness test are located on either located on either side the sphenoid bone and receive venous blood from the facial vein superior and inferior ophthalmic vein pterygoid plexus of veins the central vein of the retina Cavernous sinus
Sinuses that are anatomically related to the internal carotid artery and cranial nerve 3 to 5 cavernous sinus
Hemorrhage caused by a skull fracture military on or the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and associated with the middle cranial fossa epidural hemorrhage middle meningeal artery
Ct scan shows biconvex hyperdensity there are lucid intervals followed by death causes transtentorial herniation that compresses cranial nerve 3 causing dilated pupils contralateral hemiparesis epidural hemorrhage
Caused by violent shaking of the head commonly occurs in alcoholics and elderly Subdural hemorrhage
Ct scan shows thin crescent-shaped hyperdensity that hugs the contours of the brain subdural hemorrhage bridging veins or the superior cerebral vein
Caused by a condition or laceration injury to the brain or a berry aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage
Hyperdensity in the sister's fissures and sulci of the brain thickening of the falx cerebri arterial blood in the subarachnoid space worst headache of my life stiff neck vomiting blood in lumbar puncture Anterior or posterior communicating artery
Clinical feature in the city scan is hyperdensity within the substance of the brain Intraparenchymal hemorrhage caused by hemorrhage or trauma in the intraparenchymal cerebral arteries
Caused by a depressed cranial fracture or during childbirth involves emissary veins or branches of the superficial temporal and occipital artery extracranial hemorrhage
Blood located between the galea aponeurotica and the skull black and no blood in the csf extracranial hemorrhage
75 year old acute left sided weakness medical history of hypertension and afib blood pressure 170/80 normal rr hr rythm, eyes deviated to right absent visual field on the left flaccid muscle tone left upper, lower extremities mca stroke
The answer cervicalis innervates the infrahyoid muscles except tyro hyoid
What muscle divides the neck into the anterior and posterior triangle Sternocleidomastoid
Contents of the anterior triangle Common carotid artery internal jugular vein cnn 10 ansa cervicalis sympathetic trunk cranial nerve 12
Contents of the posterior triangle the external jugular vein the cervical plexus the brachial plexus drunk the phrenic nerve cranial nerve 11
This muscle lies in the superficial fascia above the anterior triangle accidental damage can result in distortion of the shape of the mouth Platysma muscle innervated by the facial nerve
Palpated at the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid at the level c5 Carotid pulse
What level can the vibration of the common carotid artery be located Level c4 parotid body oxygen chemoreceptor and carotid sinus pressure receptor can be found here
Present patient presenting with transient monocular blindness caused by t i a what procedure is usually done Carotid endarterectomy in the anterior triangle of the neck
Procedure done in the anterior triangle of the neck for raynaud's phenomenon frostbite and microsurgery of the hand Stellate ganglion nerve block at the level of the c6 vertebra
Injury to what nerve in the posterior triangle will cause abduction of the arm pass the horizon is compromise Cranial nerve 11 paralysis of the trapezius
Injury to what structure in the posterior triangle will cost erb duchenne or klumpke syndromes Trucks of the brachial plexus
Nerve block use in the superficial surgery on the neck thyroid gland and for pain management inserted at the vertebral level c3 along the landmark connecting the mastoid process to the transverse process c6 cervical plexus nerve block
Needle inserted at the vertebral level c6 into the interscalene groove using the cricket cartilage c6 and turn a plated muscles as landmarks Brachial plexus nerve block
The ventricle of the larynx is bounded superior levi and inferiorly by vestibular folds superiorly and vocal folds inferiorly
All intrinsic muscles of the larynx are innervated by the inferior laryngeal nerve of cranial nerve 10 which is a continuation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve except Cricothyroid muscle innervated by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve of cn d10
Intrinsic muscle of the larynx that abduct the vocal fold and opens airways Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
Muscles that adducts the vocal folds lateral cricoarytenoid arytenoideus muscle
relaxes the vocal folds Thyroaretenoid muscle
Alters the vocal folds for speaking and singing Vocalis muscle
Stretches and tenses the vocal fold CRico thyroid muscle
closest the laryngeal aditus sphincter function transverse and oblique arytenoid muscle
Damage to what nerve can result from dissection around the ligament of berry or ligation of the inferior thyroid artery Unilateral damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve hoarseness of voice inability to speak for long period
Nerve damage that can result from dissection around the ligament of berry or ligation of the inferior thyroid artery which results in dyspnea Bilateral damage recurrent laryngeal nerve
Damage that can result by ligating the superior thyroid artery superior laryngeal nerve weak voice with loss of projection
Incision made for cricket aroid ectomy will pass through the following structures skin superficial fascia platysma deep cervical fascia pretracheal fascia cricothyroid ligament
In a cricothyroidectomy what should be avoided Iplatysma --anterior jugular vein pretracheal fascia --sternohyoid muscle cricothyroid ligament-- cricothyroid muscle
Tracheostomy is inserted between what tracheal cartilage ring Second and third
Tracheostomy will pass through the following structures skin superficial fascia platysma deep cervical fascia pretracheal fascia cartilage rings
One to two weeks after placement of a tracheostomy what artery can be eroded that can cause hemorrhage Brachiocephalic artery or innominate artery
arterial supply of the thyroid gland External carotid via superior thyroid artery subclavian artery via inferior thyroid artery aorta via thyroid ima artery
Superior suspensory ligament of the thyroid gland located adjacent to the coiled cartilage on the posterior surface ligament of berry
Blood supply for parathyroid gland Inferior thyroid artery
The parotid gland secretes serious saliva via Parotid duct of stensen
This nerve has no function in the parotid gland but branches of and emerging after it facial nerve
Blood supply of the parotid gland external carotid artery
Venous drainage of the parotid gland external jugular vein
innervation of the parotid gland preganglionic fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve and postganglionic from trigeminal nerve
Surgery on the parotid gland may cause damage to what nerve The auricular temporal nerve of the trigeminal nerve frey syndrome
Facial laceration near the anterior border of the masseter muscle will kat what Parotid duct of stenson and the buccal branch of cranial nerve 7
What is the function of the paranasal sinuses To make the head lighter and for the resonance of sound
What sinus is the first two developed and the largest maxillary sinus
Created by: katdelaphee
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