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Lab Values Nur 106

Lab values for test, function and alterations

White blood cell count (WBC) 4500-10,000 mm3
Function of WBC -Total leukocyte count -Sub divided into 5 types in differential -Determines the presence of infection
Decreased alterations in WBC Viral infections, anemia, drugs
Increased alterations in WBC Acute infection, tissue necrosis, leukemia, drugs
Hgb M-13.5-18 g/dl F-12-15
Function of Hgb Iron component of RBC that carries O2
Decreased alterations in Hgb Anemia, hemorrhage, leukemia, over-hydration
Increased alterations in Hgb Dehydration, COPD, heart failure
Hct M-40-54% F-36-46%
Function of Hct Measures the concentration of RBCs found in 100ml of blood 3:1 relationship with Hgb 3hct:1hgb
Decreased alterations in hct Anemia, hemorrhage, leukemia, overhydration
Increased alterations in hct Dehydration, COPD, heart failure
Platelet count 150,000 - 400,000 Critical Values: <50,000 risk for not being able to clot, <20,000 risk for spontaneous bleeding
FUnction of Platelet Basic elements in blood to promote coagulation Clump and stick to rough surfaces Asprin makes platelets less sticky.
Decreased alteration in Platelet count Leukemia, cancer, anemia, autoimmune disease, DIC
Increased alteration in platelet count trauma, surgery, metastatic cancer
Glucose Fasting blood sugar--70-110mg/dl Elderly 70-120mg/dl
Function of glucose -Main energy source -Regulated by glucagons and insulin -Used to diagnose diabetes and monitor oral hypoglycemic drugs.
Decreased alterations in glucose adrenal hypofunction, liver disease
Increased alterations in glucose Diabetes mellitus, adrenal hyperfunction, stress, drugs
Electrolytes Sodium (Na+) Chloride (Cl) Potassium (K+)
Na+ 135-145mEq/L
Cl 95-105mEq/L
K+ 3.5-5.3mEq/L
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 5-25 mg/dl
Function of BUN -End product of protein metabolism -Excreted by the kidneys
Decreased alterations in BUN severe liver damage, low-protein diet, overhydreation
Increased alterations in BUN dehydration, high-protein diet, prerenal and renal failure, drugs
Creatinine 0.5-1.5mg/dl
Function of creatinine -From the breakdown of muscle -Amount of creatinine proportional to muscle mass. -NOT influenced by hydration and diet -More sensitive indicator for kidney function. -Evaluates glolmerular function
What type of body fluid or tissue is a Culture and Sensitivity able to test? Any body fluid or tissue
A culture identifies what? The presence and type of microorganism.
How long does a culture take? 24 to 72 hrs
Sensitivity identifies what? The antibiotic that will inhibit the growth of the bacteria.
Resistant (R) The antibiotic does not inhibit growth of microorganism.
Intermediate (I) Bacterial growth retardation is inconclusive
Sensitive (S) The antibiotic is effective in inhibiting growth of microorganism.
When does a consent need to be signed? When Pt is recieving a diagnostic test with a contrast medium or invasive procedure.
Post-test nursing care after an angiogram -VS -Monitor pulses, color and temp. distal to catheter insertion site. -Assess catheter insertion site, apply pressure if needed. -Enforce bedrest -Monitor for delayed allergic reactions to contrast.
What is an MRI best used for viewing? -Soft tissue -Central nervous system -Joints
Created by: 516111489
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