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Sensory System

Bio Chapter 10 Goodcare LPN Sensory System

Types of Receptors; Chemoreceptors for taste and smell Photoreceptors for light Thermoreceptors for changes in temperature Mechanoreceptors for movement Nociceptors* for pain
Chemoreceptors for taste and smell
Photoreceptors for light
Thermoreceptors for changes in temperature
Mechanoreceptors for movement
Nociceptors* for pain
What do Sensory Receptors Detect Stimuli
The 5 “Special Senses” Vision Hearing Equilibrium Taste Smell
The “General” Senses Pressure, temperature, pain and touch Sense of position
When some sensory receptors are exposed to a continuous and unimportant stimulus, what changes? The sensory receptors will often adjust so the sensation becomes less acute. This both saves energy and keeps us from being distracted by unimportant stimuli.
Several Protective Features of the Eye Bones of the skull (eye socket) Upper and lower eyelids Eyelashes and eyebrow Tears (from the lacrimal glands) Conjunctiva (What is “conjunctivitis?”)
2 Sensory Cranial Nerves to the Eye The Optic Nerve (CN II) The Opthalmic Branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
The Visual Process Extrinsic eye muscles produce convergence. Light reflects through the cornea and aqueous humor. Muscles of the eye adjust the pupil. Ciliary muscle adjusts the lens accomodation. Light continues to refract through the vitreous bodyand passes through t
In the visual process Light stimulates what? the retinal receptor cells (rods and cones.)
The optic nerve transmits impulses to where? The bran
The visual areas in the occipital lobe cortex receive and interpret the impulses and what happens next? YOU SEE!
The Ear is Divided into what 3 Portions The outer ear The middle ear The inner ear
This nerve carries visual impulses from the eye’s photoreceptors to the brain. The Optic Nerve (CN II)
This never carries impulses of pain, touch, and temperature from the eye and surrounding parts to the brain. The Opthalmic Branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)
The ear from the outside, through a canal to the tympanic membrane The outer ear
An air space in the ear containing 3 tiny bones, the malleus, incus and stapes The middle ear
The location of the actual sensory receptors connected to the auditory nerve in the ear The inner ear
What part of the ear contributes to Equilibrium The inner ear
Oldest, strongest sense. Smell,
The General Senses Sense of Touch Sense of Pressure Sense of Temperature Sense of Position
A Cochlear Implant May Help with what? Some Hearing Loss
Hyperopia or presbyopia Lens too flat or eyeball too long
Myopia Eyeball too long
Hyperopia or Presbyopia corrected Converging lens
Myopia corrected Diverging lens
Located in the retina, cylindrical about 120 million distributed toward the periphery (anterior) of the retina Rods
Stimulated in dim light and with low visibility Rods
Shades of gray in color perception and Rhodopsin Rods
Flank shaped with about 6 million in each retina Cones
Located at the center of the retina Cones
Stimulated with bright light and high visibility Cones
Responds to color and sensitive to red green or blue pigments Cones
Made up of the Pinna, external auditory canal and tympanic membrane Outer Ear
Made up of the malleus, incus and stapes Middle ear
Semicircular canals Cochlea and vestibule Inner ear
Axon and Dentrite Olfactory Receptor Cell
Associated with taste buds. papillae
Taste buds contain the taste receptor cells Also known as gustatory cells.
Cilliary muscles are relaxed, ciliary bodies are flat, suspensory ligaments are taut and lens are flat. Distant objects
Tunics of the eye Fibrous, Vascular and Nervous
The naval cavity is connected to the lacrimal sac via what duct? Nasolacrimal duct
How hearing works Sound funnels into the ear canal and causes the eardrum to move. The eardrum vibrates with sound. Sound vibrations move through the ossicles to the cochlea. Sound vibrations cause the fluid in the cochlea to move. Fluid movement causes the hair cells
The process of smelling Vaporized odor molecules (chemicals) floating in the air reach the nostrils and dissolve in the mucus (which is on the roof of each nostril). Underneath the mucus, in the olfactory epithelium, specialized receptor cells called olfactory receptor neurons
The sense of taste is mediated by taste receptor cells which are bundled in clusters called taste buds. Data only
In most animals, including humans, taste buds are most prevalent on small pegs of epithelium on the tongue called papillae. Data only
Taste buds are composed of groups of between 50 and 150 columnar taste receptor cells bundled together like a cluster of bananas. The taste receptor cells within a bud are arranged such that their tips form a small taste pore, and through this pore extend Data only
nterwoven among the taste cells in a taste bud is a network of dendrites of sensory nerves called "taste nerves". When taste cells are stimulated by binding of chemicals to their receptors, they depolarize and this depolarization is transmitted to the tas Data only
Created by: TutorDavis17
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