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Ch 11 Cranium-Facial

What is skull morphology? the shape of the head determines the layout of the internal petrous ridges - necessary for imaging accurately
What are the types of skull morphology and why are they important? AVERAGE - Mesocephalic - width 75-80% of length-petrous ridges at 47' WIDE - Brachycephalic - width >80% length-petrous ridges at ~54' NARROW - Dolichocephalic - width <80% length-petrous ridges at ~40' Tech may need to adjust technique for head size
Name the articulations of the adult skull by type and name. Coronal suture Lambdoidal suture Squamosal suture Sagittal suture Fibrous joints, synarthrodial-type (non-moving)
What are the junctions of the adult sutures called? Name them. Pterions and asterions BREGMA - vertex of skull-sagittal and coronal sutures LAMBDA - Sagittal and Lambdoidal sutures RIGHT/LEFT PTERION -frontal/parietal/temporal bones junction RIGHT/LEFT ASTERION - Lambdoidal and squamosal suture join
What are the regions where ossification is slow to occur in the human skull? At what age does complete ossification occur in humans? Fontanels; mid to late 20s possibly in the 5th decade
Name the fontanel that develops into the BREGMA. ANTERIOR fontanel
Name the fontanels that develop into the right/left PTERIONS. right / left SPHENOID fontanels
Name the fontanel that develops into the LAMBDA. POSTERIOR fontanel
Name the fontanels that develop into the right / left ASTERIONS. right / left MASTOID fontanels
Name the small, irregular bones that sometimes develop in the human skull. SUTURAL or WORMIAN bones
How many facial bones are there? 14
Name the facial bones. Mandible Right / left maxillae Right / left zygoma bones Right / left nasal bones Right / left lacrimal bones Right / left palatine bones Right / left Inferior nasal conchae Vomer
Which of the following is not a facial bone? A) middle nasal conchae B) Vomer C) Lacrimal bone D) Mandible A) middle nasal conchae
What is the largest immovable bone of the face? Maxilla
List the four processes of the maxilla. A) Frontal process B) Zygomatic process C) Alveolar process D) Palatine process
Which aspect of the maxilla is considered the most superior? Frontal process
Which soft tissue landmark is found at the base of the anterior nasal spine? Acanthion
Which facial bones form the posterior aspect of the hard palate? palatine bones
Which two cranial bones articulate with the maxilla? Frontal bone and ethmoid bone
Which facial bones are sometimes called the cheek bones? Zygomatic bone
Which of the following bones does not articulate with the zygomatic bone? A) Temporal B) Mandible C) Frontal D) Sphenoid B) Mandible
Which facial bone is associated with the tear duct? Lacrimal
The purpose of the _____ or _____, is to divide the nasal cavity into compartments and to circulate air coming into the nasal cavities. (include both terms) Conchae or Turbinates
TRUE/FALSE The right and left nasal bones form the largest part of the nose. FALSE Most of the nose is composed of cartilage.
A deviated nasal septum is most likely to occur at the junction between _____ and _____. Septal cartilage and the Vomer
Name the vertical portion of the mandible. Ramus
Name the chin. Mentum
Name the mandibular angle. Gonion
Name the point of union between both halves of the mandible. Symphysis menti
Name the bony process located anterior to the mandibular notch. Coronoid process
Name the horizontal portion of the mandible. Body
Name the posterior process of the upper ramus. Condyloid process
Name the U shaped notch on the mandible. mandibular notch
The single facial bone and pair of facial bones not visible from the exterior are ______ and _____. (they are demonstrated in special views of the facial bones) Vomer and palatine bones
From anterior to posterior, the cone-shaped orbits project upward at an angle of _____ and toward midsagittal plane at an angle of _____. up 30' and in 37'
Which facial bone opening has the maxillary branch of the fifth cranial nerve passing through it? Inferior orbital fissure
Which of the facial bone openings is formed by a cleft between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid? superior orbital fissure
What is another term for the second cranial nerve? Optic nerve
CR angles and degrees of rotation stated in positioning for basic skull projections are based on the _____ (average) skull, which has an approximate angle of _____ between the midsagittal plane and the long axis of the petrous ridge. MESOCEPHALIC; 47'
The long (narrow) _____ skull has an angle of approximately _____ degrees between the MSP and petrous bone. DOLICHOCEPHALIC; 40'
TRUE/FALSE Two older terms for orbitomeatal line (OML) are Reid's base line and the anthropologic base line. FALSE These refer to the IOML
There is a _____ degree difference between the orbitomeatal and infraorbitomeatal lines and a _____ degree difference between the orbitomeatal and glabellomeatal line. 7 - 8 ' (same degree of difference)
Created by: Larobbins
Popular Radiology sets




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