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Obstetrics test november

Signs of ectopic pregnancy Sharp unilateral pain, syncope, referred shoulder pain, lower abd pain,vaginal pain.
Tx of ectopic pregnancy Salpingostomy or salpingectomy.
What is an incompetent cervix Cervix is weak and begins to open before baby is ready to be born
Risk of incompetent cervix miscarriage, premature birth
tx of incompetent cervix cerclage. Purse stringing the cervix closed
Possible causes of incompetent cervix cervical trauma, infection, congenital abnormalities, increased uterine volume (twins).
what is premature rupture of membranes water breaking too early
What can preemie ruptures cause Infection, abrupto placentae, fetal sepsis, malpresentation of fetus.
tx of preemie rupture Bedrest with br privileges, monitor temp and pulse every 4 hours, watch fetal movement and chart it.
S/S of pre eclampsia Protein in urine, Rising BP, Edema.. P R E. Eclampsia = grand mal convulsion.
tx of pre eclampsia monitor bp, weight, urine tests for protein daily, Stress tests.
Tx of eclampsia Anticonvulsants, sedation like dilantin, diuretics for edema. Didge. I&O
RH factor. what is it? what does it mean? Rh negative woman carries an rh positive fetus. Womans body will attack the second baby with this, the first is usually not affected
rh factor effects on newborn anemia, jaundice, CHF.
tx of rh factor screen for it. Coombs test. Give rh immune globulin 300 mg.
What is a precipitous birth occurs rapidly without a doctor or midwife present.
what to do in precipitous birth nurse scrubs in if she has time. When infant crowns mom should pant. Gentle pressure on fetal head to prevent rapid birth.
When is precipitous baby born .. before, after, during or between contractions between with support on perineum.
What is stage 1 pregnancy begins to dialate, cervix starts to thin effacement starts.
What is stage 2 Finish dialating, ends with the birth of the infant. may feel out of control. scared, irritable. Pushing and pressure on perineum
what is stage 3 placental separation and delivery, may feel releif, focused on welfare of baby
what is stage 4 increased pulse decreased blood pressure due to redistribution. Uterus contracts between unbilicus and symphysis pubis. Euphoria energy and thirst/hunger
what is frequency How often they are coming.. From the start of one to the start of another.
Intensity? how strong they are
Duration Time from beginning to end of one contraction
what is leopold maneuver feeling the position of baby through abdomen and pelvis. Feel for position, presentation and lie.
fetal baseline heart rate 120-160bpm
tach is? above 160
brady is ? below 120
what is fetal malpresentation presentation of the fetal parts in inappropriate positions for the easiest passage through the cervix
Transverse Sideways risks cord prolapse
Frank breech Folded in half
Footling breech feet first
facial face first
breech sacrum first
vertex chin to chest. occiput first.
military straight head top of head first
brow head tipped back sinciput first
what is station relationship of presenting part to imaginary line drawn between ischial spines of maternal pelvis
dystocia difficult or abnormal labor
latent phase cm's less than 4
active phase cms more than 4
4 shapes of pelvis gynecoid, platypoid, anthropoid, android
shape of gynecoid wide oval
shape of platypoid thin oval
shape of athropoid long oval.. up and down not side to side
shape of android triangular
best pelvic shape for delivery gynecoid
worst pelvic shape for delivery android
what is station +5 crowning, pelvic outlet is +4
what is station -5 pelvic inlet
what is fetal station degree of fetal head engagement as it travels through birth canal
what is molding the adjusting of the shape and size of the fetal head to the birth canal during labor.
fetal attitude relationship of head to spine. Flexed, neutral or extended.
What is presentation? What part is lowest in uterus. Head (vertex), butt (breech) Neither (transverse)
how to determine presentation Leopolds maneuver
station 0 level of ischial spines
what is lochia The fluid that weeps from the vagina for a week or so after delivery of a baby. At first the lochia is primarily blood, followed by a more mucousy fluid containing dried blood, and finally a clear-to-yellow discharge.
what are the presenting parts cephalic, breech or shoulders
Normal lochia value 225ml decreasing day by day
what is TORCH T- Toxoplasmosis O- Other infections R- Rubella C- Cytomegavirus H- Herpes Simplex
Effects of T on mom Flu like symptoms
Effects of T on baby miscarriage, neuro defects, seizures
Effects of O on mom liver issues, fever, malaise , abd pain
Effects of O on baby Death, hepatitis, preterm birth possible
Effects of R on mom rash fever lymphedema
Effects of R on baby miscarriage IUGR Congenital abnormalities hepatospleenomegaly mental retardation and death are possible
Effects of C on mom no symptoms, cervical discharge, mono
Effects of C on baby death, anemia, jaundice, pneumonitis, cerebal palsy, deaf, retardation
Effects of H on mom rash, blisters, malaise, fever, nausea, vomiting
Effects of H on baby miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, IUGR, retardation, microencephally, seizures, coma.
Created by: 780341728
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