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Water Vocabulary 6

Vocabulary words

Atmosphere the outer layer of gases of a large body in space such as a planet or star: the mixture of gases that surrounds the solid earth
Condensation the process in which water vapor (a gas) in the air turns into liquid water
Dew tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night
Evaporation The process in which liquid water becomes water vapor (a gas)
Permeable allowing the passage of water
Precipitation The process in which water (in the form of rain, snow, sleet, hail)
Salinity A measure of the amount of dissolved salt contained in water
Oceans a very large expanse of sea in particular each of the main area into the sea is divided (geography)
Saturation a condition of the atmosphere in which the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal
Runoff Rain , snow or other water that flows into surface streams and canals
Transpiration the loss of water vapor through plant leaves
Groundwater water that collects and is stored underground
Water cycle The continual movement of water from Earth's atmosphere to Earth's surface and back again
Water table the highest part in the ground that is saturated or completely filled with water
Accumulation The process in which water pools in large bodies like oceans, seas and lakes
Drainage basin an area of land in which water drains into a stream system and the borders of drainage basins are called divides
Aquifer an underground layer of permeable rock that contains water
Acid Rain rain that has become more acidic than normal due to pollution
Infiltration the ability of a liquid to pass through the soil
Artesian well a well in which pressurized water flows upward to the surface
Sonar A system hat uses sound waves to measure distances and locate objects
Abyssal plain a wide flat area of the ocean floor that is covered with a thick layer of sediment
Seamounts Underwater mountains
Volcanic island Underwater volcanoes tall enough to reach above the surface
Continental shelf The flat or gradually sloping land that extends underwater from the edge of a continent to a continental slope
Continental slope land that drops down steeply at the edge of a continental shelf
Topography all natural and human- made surface features of a particular area
Ocean Trenches narrow steep sided clefts in the ocean floor
Crest Highest point of a wave
Ocean current a mass of moving ocean water
Upwelling the vertical movement of deep water up to the surface
Density A property of matter representing mass per volume
Downwelilng the movement of water from the surface to greater depths
Ell Nino A global weather event that may last for 12 to 18 months and is changes in air and water movements
Longshore current the overall direction and movement of water as waves strike the shore at an angle
Mid-ocean ridge A chain of mountains that run through an ocean basin
Neap tide a tide of small range occurring during the first and third quarter phases of the moon
Rip current Narrow streams of water that break through sandbars and drain rapidly back to sea
Spring tide a tide of large range occurring during the new and full moons, resulting in an extra high bulge and an extra low tide
Tide The rise and fall in sea level
Trough Lowest point of a wave
Wave height Vertical distance between the crest and the trough
Wave length Horizontal distance between two crests or two troughs
Waves Rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter or space; in oceans, waves move through seawater
Created by: prais66
Popular Science sets




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